fox spirit and old Man Wang

Time flies like a flash. I have been worshipping the God of Zongbu and practicing medicine for six years.

In the twinkling of an eye, I was nineteen years old, and I had almost learned traditional medicine. I often sat in clinic for my grandmother who didn't have much energy.

At first, the villagers didn't trust me very much. They thought I had only studied martial arts for a few years, and I didn't work hard. Can I take over my grandmother's medical skills?

I smiled and said: "the doctor is not to see age, but to see the inheritance, is the so-called 'medicine is not three, refuse to accept the medicine', I am grandmother closed disciple, you put a hundred heart!"

The villagers went back to take the medicine, the curative effect is good, then convinced oral, word of mouth also gradually stand up.

The doctor-patient relationship is, in a word, the curative effect. The medicine prescribed is ineffective. No matter how much it is, it is useless.

Although my grandmother and I are only rural doctors, the cure rate is very high, which is no exaggeration, better than the third class a hospital in the city.

But my grandmother hasn't taught me anything about witchcraft yet.

When I asked, grandma always said, "When you've learned the art of medicine, witchcraft is just a layer of paper.

So I study more seriously, read all the books that can be read at home, including the classics accumulated by grandma during her life. In addition, Grandma also has two books, one named "Doctor does not speak", recording all kinds of strange diseases in the world; The other,"Juwei Guangzhi", is a miscellaneous book, but it records many rare medicinal herbs and their provenance.

Once, the old man Wang in the village suddenly behaved strangely, flirtatiously, coy and swept away, causing the whole village to watch. Naturally, grandma and I were also invited.

On understanding the situation, it turned out that the chicken at Wang's home had been killed by a fox or yellow weasel. He was so angry that he took a bucket of excrement and ran to a temple of fox fairy of many years on the mountain and spread excrement on the wall to avenge his anger.

However, in a few days, Old Man Wang became like this.

Grandma deliberately test me, ask me to see is how to return a responsibility yao, I conjecturing way: "is the demon evil possessed body?"

"Well, what are you going to do?"


I was stunned, thinking that I had never learned how to exorcise...

See me a little hesitant, grandma encouraged me to say: "Miao Miao, don't think too much, just use the skills you have learned."

I had not learned any incantation about exorcising evil spirits, so I could only feel Old Man Wang's pulse step by step. His pulse symptoms were shine floating out, accompanied by abdominal distention, blood in his urine, combined with the symptoms of his madness...

It suddenly occurred to me that it is said in the book that the external evil enters the interior to melt the heat, and the blood settles in the bladder. Then the stasis heat in the body will follow the meridians to affect the heart, and then the symptoms of madness will occur.

The treatment plan is clearing heat and resolving the table of cassia branch soup!

In addition, I also increased the dosage of ginger in the recipe, conducive to sweating.

After opening the prescription, Wang's family kept shaking their heads, thinking THAT I was fooling around, saying that the cassia twig soup was clearly for curing a cold, but grandma rejected all suggestions and asked them to fry this medicine.

When the medicine was ready, several young and strong men held Him down, pried his mouth open and poured the medicine into his mouth. After drinking it, I wrapped him in a thick quilt, sweating all over, and the heat inside his body poured out. His condition was obviously improved and he was no longer mad. His family was very surprised, and even I, who wrote the prescription, was secretly surprised.

I marveled at the wisdom of our ancestors. I had never thought that being possessed by evil spirits could be cured by just a bowl of medicine soup!

The art of medicine and witchcraft were indeed interlinked.

Since cure Wang old man not long after, grandma began to teach me "wish by the thirteen classics", compared to the difficult medical ancient prose, these thirteen short spells I easily recite in leisure time finished, but wish by the thirteen classics is not the magic itself, but the switch of the magic.

The key to making the mantra powerful is faith. This is true of all mantras in the world. The original intention of the monk's "Amitabha" is to thank the Buddha.

Zhu You believes in zongbu god who controls all ghosts. Before, Grandma strictly required me to sacrifice to Zongbu God, which is to establish faith.

In this way, when I recited the thirteen sutras, I mastered the power of casting spells from a strategic height.

But these spells are not as gorgeous as the Heavenly Master flying to the earth. They can be said to be sheep dung eggs in the spells, which can only protect themselves at best.

More than once, My grandmother told me that magic should never be abused!

Before, there was a man who learned the round light technique and actually fired anti-aircraft guns at mosquitoes - a large number of talents used this technique to find cats and dogs for people, just as a business. As a result, less than half a year later, his circular light technique was no longer effective.

All grandstanding, abuse of magic, his magic in the end must be ineffective, no exception! Because a wise head makes a close mouth!

Although I did not go to middle school and high school, but also full of classics, learned the ability of a witch doctor, grandma saw a successor, is very pleased.

Grandma's body has become more and more inefficient over the years, and her energy is really limited, so she completely handed over the clinic to me. She took care of the medicine garden every day, and spent the rest of her time listening to Listen to books in the sun on a wicker chair in the backyard.

I seldom go home. I only go back to help when I'm busy farming. In addition, when I go home for a reunion during the Spring Festival, my father has long stopped nagging. He just sighs occasionally and mutters reluctantly, "if Miaomiao goes to college..."

My mother persuaded him and said, "well, it's not guaranteed to go to college now, and it's not easy to find a job when you come out. Isn't it also good that our Miaomiao has a skill now? Someone in the village looks after his illness every three to five times, sending chicken and duck to our family and mountain goods. Anyone who sees him is also polite."

My father said, "it's good, but you can't make a lot of money doing this!"

After thinking for a few days, my father came up with a bad idea and asked me to add more things that have no effect and no side effects when prescribing medicine. Doesn't the price of medicine go up? As for these "ineffective things", there are many in his greenhouse.

I thought to myself, isn't it the same as some heartless hospitals?

Besides, the prescription can't be moved, and the medicinal materials used are also indispensable. For example, there is a prescription that uses floating wheat, that is, shriveled wheat. It looks useless, but without it, the whole prescription is useless.

I fooled my father's "enthusiastic suggestions" and said that if any rich man was cured in the future, he would make a lot of money?

Grandma's body is getting worse this year, sleeping more and eating less.

Look at grandma listless appearance, make me very heartache, so I am ready to go to Heng Bai Mountain to pick wild ginseng to grandma.

However, my grandmother firmly refused to allow me to go out. She took a dim view of life and death. She said she was 90 years old. She brought up three children and brought out a qualified successor like me. There is no regret.

When a rainstorm hit in September, my father asked me to hurry home to help him rescue the greenhouses, several of which were dried and collapsed by the rainstorm.

I got back from the clinic and worked all night. But my father this time or heavy losses, he depressed squatting in front of the door smoking, in fact, he has quit smoking for many years, he is really sad, just picked up smoking.

I comfort way: "Dad, worry hurts lung, you smoke, is not injury on injury? you must cough tomorrow."

"Go, go, bear boy, you've learned medicine and taught me!" My father waved at me impatiently and continued to puff.

It was late, and besides it was raining, so I went to bed.

The next morning, the rain had stopped. My mother brought me some vegetables and asked me to carry them back to the clinic. When I left, my father was still sleeping, and bursts of coughing came from his sleep.

When I passed a fish pond in the village, I saw a group of people gathered around the bank, I don't know what they were looking at.

Due to the impact of the rainstorm, the water in the fish pond rose sharply. In fact, the "Shore" where everyone stood was a vegetable field in front of a villager's house, including many children

There is a water ghost below this fish pond, when grandma saved the drowning child, in fact, ordered the water ghost below the child to come.

The water ghost was afraid of my grandmother, so she did, and grandma had no reason to hurt it, and promised to offer sacrifices to it every year in the future.

Negotiation, cooperation and coexistence with demons and ghosts are the biggest professional characteristics of our witch doctors. After all, we believe in the deity of Zongbu, who serves all ghosts. As long as the other party does not do evil things, we will not kill them all.

I have a ghost a demon two good helper, ghost fairy is on the back of the dog brother, demon, later table...

Although the water demon was obedient, I still felt a little worried when I saw those ignorant children so close to the water. So I went over to warn them, "Hey, don't stand so close to the water. "

With that, I bared my teeth and made a face, and several children laughed and hid behind the adults.

Then a young man said to me, "Doctor Lin, Li You Tian and Zhang Xiaofa dragged the water monkey up and killed it this morning!"(water monkey=water ghost)


I was surprised. Li YouTian and Zhang Xiaofa are my little friends. Do they have this ability?

"Then what are you looking at..." I followed everyone's eyes and felt a chill on my back!

In the dark pool, countless fish swam to the bank, their eyes were listless, and their lips moved back and forth, as if something extremely abnormal had happened.