Waterside accident

I looked into the fish pond with dense water and grass, I felt the gloom below, which seemed to be much thicker than usual.

A large group of fish gathered in the pond, which was spectacular. The owner of the pond stared at it and scolded the naughty children from time to time. Otherwise, someone would have scooped the fish with a bucket.

At this time, a little boy in open crotch pants came out of the crowd and took a branch to poke the fish's head in the water.

A fat head fish was stabbed by a branch, but it only sank slightly, but refused to leave, and remained stubbornly in the water near the shore.

I shouted at the naughty boy, "little boy, stand back and don't poke the fish in the head!"

The child didn't listen, and deliberately spit out his tongue at me. Suddenly, a water snake climbed up along the branch in his hand, climbing fast, and the child's face was toward me, and he didn't even find it.

As soon as I was excited, there were many people in the middle. There was no time to do any action. In a hurry, I whispered, "brother dog, save people!"

A shady wind blew from me, swishing the branch in the child's hand into the pond, and the snake on it naturally fell into the water. I squeezed over, picked up the child and moved to the back.

It is estimated that the palm of the child was scratched by a branch. He cried loudly and kicked his feet continuously, causing a woman nearby to glare at me and say, "Dr. Lin, did my child recruit you?"

I said unhappily, "take care of your child. Didn't you see a water snake just now? Almost..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard an "ah" voice, and someone on the bank screamed.

I looked back, also can not help but some scalp tingling, I saw dozens of water snakes densely from the other side of the pond to swim over, fast!

This fish pond certainly does not breed water snake, must be wild. But the strange thing is, they swim from the shoal side, incredibly well does not violate the river, ignore each other, dozens of water snakes straight up the shore.

Seeing this, I shouted, "Get back!"

In fact, I do not need to remind, some people Shouting and Shouting to retreat, people from the fish pond far away, but this thing is too rare, even if there is a snake, a lot of people also refused to leave, are neck excitedly watching.

The aqua - green snakes climbed onto the bank and raised their bodies as neatly as an army, hissing and spitting as they confronted the crowd.


Somewhere came the sound of frogs. I saw a large number of toads jumping from the water and the bank to the bank on this side. They were actually mixed in the middle of the snakes, and their stomachs rose and fell rhythmically. What's more amazing is that the water snakes didn't mind the toads at all, as if they didn't realize that a group of "buffet" was nearby.

The two actually coexisted peacefully on the shore, keeping a distance from each other very politely. The scene was both spectacular and strange, as if amphibians were declaring war on mankind.

I suddenly realized something - the heads of these fish, snakes and frogs are all in the same direction. It's the crowd... No, somewhere behind the crowd...

I didn't expect that at this time, a villager with cheap hands picked up a stick and went to beat the toad. Although the toad squatted in place, he jumped away when he saw the stick sweeping. The stick happened to sweep a snake on the side. The water snake followed the stick and moved quickly, biting the tiger's mouth of the villagers with one bite.

The villager screamed in pain, threw the stick and shook his hands hard, shaking off the water snake.

He sat on the ground, gripping his wrist and wailing.

"Oh, Doctor Lin, show him!" Someone shouted.

I thought to myself, what a mess this guy is wrapped up in. It's really troublesome. After all, he made it himself.

However, it was against medical ethics to refuse to help at the sight of death, so I had to go over with a sigh and grab the villagers' hands to have a look. Although the hole left by the snake's teeth was not large, the blood flowed loudly. The villagers were scared pale and shouted, "Dr. Lin, my hands are numb! My hands are numb! I can't feel anything!"

I twisted his skin on the edge of the tiger's mouth with force. The villagers cried out in pain, and tears filled their eyes involuntarily, "Dr. Lin, what are you doing?"

I nodded and said, "it seems that you are not numb. Don't worry, this water worm is only slightly poisonous and not fatal. I'll squeeze out the blood for you."

I grabbed his wrist and forced it down, squeezing out a lot of blood. When I was bleeding him, the snakes and frogs behind me stared at me with glassy eyes. The picture was very strange, but they didn't seem to plan to take a step further. Maybe they were worried about too many humans here?

After squeezing the blood, the villagers' faces were still white with fear and said, "no, Dr. Lin, the blood is still flowing and can't be stopped."

I calmed him: "it's okay, I have medicine."

I put my hand into my pocket, got some translucent "ointment" and gently applied it to his affected area. After smearing it evenly, the blood stopped.

The villagers and onlookers immediately showed relief and praised my medical skills as God.

They don't know. In fact, this "ointment" comes from the green sac spider on me.

I carry this little creature with me all the time. It is a spider, but it is a rare little monster. It takes herb as food, I usually mainly feed it to eat medicine residue, and then it can secrete a kind of spider silk comparable to super golden creation medicine, named "green sac spider".

I found it by accident while collecting medicine on the mountain. I asked grandma to keep it and happily left it.

It bit me a lot at first, but only slowly tamed after a battle of wits. I slightly changed the inner pocket of the clothes, so that it can live inside, when it is necessary to gently rub its belly, it will spit out a little spider silk, applied to the wound to stop bleeding and reduce inflammation, very convenient.

After the bleeding stopped, the villager asked uneasily, "Doctor Lin, I feel dizzy. Should I take some medicine?"

I smiled and said, "You are bleeding. Go back and drink some milk, eat some eggs and get some sleep."

The villager frowns and says, "Didn't you just say that the snake is slightly poisonous? Micro poison is also poisonous!"

I sighed, but there was no need to take medicine. "Then you go and drink some liver soup. Don't put anything but salt until the wound scabs and falls off naturally."

"All right, I'm going!" The villagers nodded and hurried away. I had been used to this attitude of trust or dependence. Sometimes it was more important to give patients confidence than to prescribe medicine.

I said loudly to others, "the situation is very wrong. Don't move around and don't provoke these things... Who, put down the stick on your hand!"

As I finished, some of the villagers dropped their sticks.

Someone asked curiously, "Dr. Lin, what... What's the matter? Is it the abnormal omen of heaven mentioned in the review?"

Another person began to associate, speculated and said, "the sky is falling with strange signs? Does it mean that the village is going to change, and the village head is going to step down?"

"Bah, Guang kun, what are you blind about?"

"Ah, village head? When did you come? I didn't see you!"

While talking, a middle-aged man wearing a cap carries his hands behind his back and walks out slowly, showing some dignity in his unhappy expression. He cleared his throat and asked, "What the hell is going on, Doctor Lin? Is it going to be an earthquake or what?"

This is the village head, Chang Gui. Last year, he came to the clinic to see a doctor and took the medicine I prescribed to cure the stone disease. Every time he saw me, he was very polite.

I also politely responded, "Uncle Chang Gui, here you are! These things are motionless and not noisy. I don't look like an earthquake, but something is attracting them."

"Ah? Attraction? What do you mean?" The village head looked surprised.

"Don't worry, I've just come here, so I have to investigate... By the way, someone didn't say before that a water monkey was killed by someone. What about the water monkey?"