Dealing with flood dragon corpses

Hearing me ask about the whereabouts of the water monkey, someone immediately replied, "Dr. Lin, here! Here!"

I walked away from the crowd, and uncle Chang GUI followed me with his hands on his back.

I saw that the ground was covered with some branches, and the people next to me took away the branches with all hands and feet. Below was a pit. The soil in the pit was scorched black, in which lay an animal corpse in the shape of an otter!

I leaned over to observe carefully - it looked like it weighed more than 30 kilograms, covered with black hair, and the hair was bald one after another. A layer of faint cyan scales appeared in the bald place, just like some fine scaled fish.

I leaned over to observe carefully - it looked like it weighed more than 30 kilograms, covered with black hair, and the hair was bald one after another. A layer of faint cyan scales appeared in the bald place, just like some fine scaled fish.

It bulged a pair of pale eyes, showed sharp teeth in its mouth, and had sharp claws on its limbs, but many were broken. The remaining horny claws were about the length of its index finger. I have never seen an otter grow like this.

How did people around shout? They all said it was a water monkey.

But in my opinion, this thing is obviously not a water monkey - a water monkey is a water ghost. As a ghost, it won't leave a body at all.

Observing the scales on the creature, I suddenly remembered a creature mentioned in the book. I was shocked and hurriedly asked the people around me, "how did Li Youtian and Zhang Xiaofa kill it?"

I asked, "what kind of stick?"

The man pinched his hands together and said, "well, it's probably so thick!"

I shook my head. "It's impossible. The muscles of this thing are so developed and the claws and teeth are so sharp. It looks like a carnivore. It will never die so easily."

Village head Chang GUI looked around, cleared his throat and asked, "who was on the scene at that time? Come out and talk about the situation!"

Everyone looked at each other. A little boy said he saw it. The little boy recalled, "brother Tian and brother Xiaofa saw this thing floating on the water, surrounded by a lot of fish, so they took a net to net it up, then hit it with a stick, hit it for a while, and finally stopped."

I nodded, touched the animal's body, confirmed that it was dead, turned it over, and saw a deep scar on the neck of the body, which was obviously cut out by a sharp weapon.

I said, "it seems that it was dead at that time. Li Youtian and Zhang Xiaofa moved when they took a stick to whip it, which was just a neural reflex after death."

The little boy broke in again and said, "then brother Tian and brother Xiaofa cut a piece of meat and roasted it to eat. They said it was not delicious, and it was firewood and smelly!"

"What!?" I was shocked and thought these two people were too tiger! No wonder there are burnt marks in the pit!

"Did they eat the meat of this thing?"

Seeing that my face changed, the little boy nodded timidly, "yes!"


"Said it was a stomachache and went home."

I immediately felt a burst of pain in my brain. The village head asked me, "Doctor Lin, do you see what's famous? What kind of play is this?"

I straightened up and said, "this thing is a flood dragon!"

" flood dragon?" "What flood dragon?" People around whispered in surprise.

I explained that it was the "flood dragon" of "dragon". Everyone was even more puzzled when they heard it. How did this flood dragon look like this? Shouldn't flood dragon look like a dragon?

In fact, people's impression of a flood dragon is not the same as that of a real dragon - a flood dragon is an unknown "disease" that has existed in nature for a long time. After infection, creatures will undergo physical variation, gradually become more ferocious and bloodthirsty, become closer to reptiles, and finally close to the Dragon's body. Once they successfully survive the thunder, they can become dragons.

In a word, the flood dragon is the middle form of the transition from the spirits of all living beings to the dragon. Of course, beings to the dragon is not easy. It can be said that thousands of troops cross the single wooden bridge.

There are many kinds of flood dragon , but people used to call the flood dragon transformed by snakes the flood dragon, and all the other odd-shaped creatures were regarded as monsters. But we witch doctors treat diseases and identify species and genera is a basic skill. Diseases caused by demons and diseases caused by flood dragon are certainly not a cure.

And Li Youtian and Zhang Xiaofa are so big hearted that they eat the meat of this monster. I have a headache at the thought of this. These two people are really desperate!

However, what urgently needs to be solved is this group of "eager to see" aquatic creatures, who are attracted by the corpse of the flood dragon and want to come and take a share. Because as long as you eat the corpses of flood dragon, they will gradually turn into flood dragon.

flood dragon cells attract creatures to eat themselves, which is the way they spread and spread. Therefore, flood dragon has been inextricable in nature for thousands of years. flood dragon species hunt each other to compete for the opportunity to ascend to the sky and become a real dragon.

He explained to the crowd in general what a flood dragon was. At this time, the army of water snakes and toads behind him moved forward a few steps, which made the crowd scream and retreat.

I glanced at the snakes and toads, and it was meaningless to kill them all. As long as the corpse was here, a steady stream of creatures would be attracted. At present, this corpse will attract aquatic organisms, which seems to be water-based.

I shouted, "please go and get some bamboo charcoal, sulfur and crude salt!"

The village head, Chang Gui, hurriedly commanded several boys to get these materials, and I asked others to dig a deeper hole on the ground.

Later, when I got the materials, I first laid a layer of coarse salt on the bottom of the pit, then threw the corpse in, filled it with bamboo charcoal and sulfur, and then set it on fire.

The flames soon burst into flames, and the corpse of the flood Dragon sent out bursts of abnormal stench, accompanied by a squeaky sound.

Suddenly, the corpse in the fire actually moved, and its open claws slowly closed, covering its chest and abdomen!

This action scared everyone back, and I was the only one standing by the fire.

I said, "don't be afraid, it's just a normal muscle twitch."

My words are purely to comfort everyone. In fact, there should be something hidden in the place covered by flood Dragon corpse's hands, which is called Dragon elixir according to the records in the book!

Just as monsters produce demon elixir and practitioners produce golden elixir, flood Dragon can absorb the essence of heaven and earth and condense a dragon elixir in its body, which is the source of its vitality.

But in this environment at present, I don't dare to take risks to dissect the Dragon elixir. If it is robbed by aquatic organisms, it won't be long before another strange creature will appear in the fish pond, and one such flood Dragon 10 strong men can't beat it. Besides, this dragon elixir doesn't have much use for me.

I thought to myself, this flood Dragon should not be ours. Maybe it was the heavy rain last night that washed it down from the mountain. But how on earth was it fatally injured? Is there another flood Dragon fighting with it?

Think of here, I can not help looking not far away that a piece of green cattle ridge hill.

As the fire intensified, the tissues of the corpse were destroyed and its muscles gradually charred. In this way, it maintained the action of holding its abdomen with both hands and was burned into a scorched sculpture. Otter's appearance is still a little human, looking a little strange.

As the corpses of the flood Dragon were gradually incinerated, everyone was pleasantly surprised to find that the aquatic creatures had "withdrawn".

Those water snakes seemed to have regained consciousness, immediately defected to their allies, turned around and swallowed a few toads, tumbling into the grass. The remaining toads who narrowly escaped the disaster dispersed in a mass, and the fish in the water should do what they should do. The pond was calm again.

In their eyes, everyone was amazed and praised me for my clever methods.

But these words can not make me happy, I frown, preoccupied - because Li Youtian and Zhang Xiaofa broke the disaster, since eat the flood Dragon, they are afraid they have been infected with the flood Dragon disease!