Strange disease

After the fire was extinguished, the air was filled with a sour and scorched smell. I asked people around to bury the scorched body, and asked an acquaintance to take my vegetables to the clinic, and then immediately went to Li Youtian's home.

Li Youtian and Zhang Xiaofa are my primary school classmates, but I have a closer relationship with Li Youtian, and I often played together when I was a child. Zhang Xiaofa's character is a little perverse. I heard that after graduating from junior high school, he fooled around outside for several years and made some bad friends. I don't know how to play with Li Youtian later.

I've been living in the clinic for these years. Apart from normal visits, there is basically no interpersonal contact.

When Li Youtian's family was about to arrive, he saw Li Youtian's father running out in a hurry. He was stunned when he saw me. Then he quickly grabbed my hand and said, "Oh, Dr. Lin, why are you here? I was just looking for you. My family's Tian seemed to be ill!"

He said gloomily, "that son calf played cards at Zhang Xiaofa's home last night and didn't sleep all night! He said he had stomachache when he came back in the morning. He didn't know whether he had eaten bad outside, had diarrhea and vomited. Later... Alas, I don't know. Go to my house and see for yourself!"

"He hasn't slept all night..." I muttered.

"Isn't it!" Uncle Li complained, "it's all the fault of that little hair. I have a field at home. You know, Dr. Lin, how honest Youtian was before. Now he can drink wine, smoke cigarettes and play cards. If he doesn't go to find a job, the family is worried. If he has any serious disease again, how can we live!"

It was a pity for parents all over the world. I comforted him and said, "Uncle Li, don't worry, I'll go and show him first."

When I opened the door of the Li family's courtyard, I heard a crash from the water tank in the courtyard. The tank was full of water, and there were traces of water all around. Something was soaking in it.

Uncle Li patted his thigh angrily, "you deflated calf! Doctor Lin came to see you, and came out numbly!"

Li Youtian wiped the water on his face and greeted me with a smile, "Miaomiao, are you coming?"

"What 'Miaomiao', call doctor Lin!" Uncle Li blew his beard and glared.

I laughed and said, "it's okay. We've grown up since childhood. Just call my nickname."

"That's no good. You're different now. Youtian, shout 'Miaomiao' again and I'll break your leg!" The latter sentence is what Uncle Li said to Li Youtian. Respecting witch doctors in the village is a custom passed down from generation to generation.

At this time, Li Youtian's mother came out with tea, greeted me and said, "Doctor Lin is coming. Sit down quickly and have a cup of tea first."

At this time, the couple obviously didn't realize the seriousness of Li Youtian's condition, and may feel that Li Youtian, who was soaking in the water, was playing with them.

flood dragon disease has a course of 7*7 to 49 days, and the change is not obvious in the first week. Later, I'm afraid it will become neither human nor ghost. Most people can't bear the proliferation of flood dragon cells, and the final result is death.

My grandmother once saw a person with flood dragon disease, but it was a pity that the person was terminally ill and could not be saved in the end. Since then, my grandmother has inquired everywhere about the treatment of flood dragon disease, but she got a prescription of seven stone powder.

I said a few words politely to Aunt Li, and then deliberately said to Li Youtian, "Why are you soaking in the water? It's not hot today, and you're not afraid of catching a cold?" Actually, I'm asking about his physical condition.

Li Youtian's wet head floated up and down in the water tank. He laughed and said, "it's not cold, but it's comfortable! After I vomited up and down in the morning, I felt like a fire on my body. I didn't feel good at all. Later, I felt comfortable in the water."

With that, he sank again, his nose bubbling, and then floated up and said, "I feel like sleeping in it."

Aunt Li said painfully, "this bear boy, how can he stay in cold water all the time? His fever hasn't subsided so much. It's nonsense. Hurry out!"

Li Youtian began to be awkward, "I'm not, I'm comfortable in it."

I came forward and said, "come on, I'll give you a pulse!"

Li Youtian obediently stretched out his arm and put it on the slippery edge of the cylinder. I put three fingers on the inch of his pulse and felt it silently for a while

After a while, Uncle Li on the side asked the result eagerly.

I frowned slightly. Li Youtian's pulse completely became a shade pulse, but it beat very strong, and I didn't feel any signs of weakness at all.

I feel bad, I'm afraid his constitution has changed!

Although ordinary people also have shade and shine air in their bodies, the living are dominated by shine air. Whether men or women, shine air is dominant. Whether they eat, take medicine, sleep or exercise, they mainly supplement shine air.

Li Youtian's whole pulse became shade pulse. Like those monsters with negative constitution, he mainly absorbed shade air, so he felt comfortable in the water and couldn't stand it when he came out. This is by no means an unusual fever.

Seeing that I was silent, Uncle Li became more and more anxious and asked, "Dr. Lin, just tell me what the disease is. We can stand it."

Aunt Li looked at me with a sad face, "Youtian is young, and won't be seriously ill?"

I withdrew my hand and said, "it's not a matter of size. It's rare. The disease comes from the mouth. Youtian, the thing you and Xiaofa eat, is actually called flood dragon!"

"Ah? What is flood dragon?" The family exclaimed.

I probably explained that Uncle Li and Aunt Li's faces instantly became ugly.

uncle Li was so angry that he slapped Li Youtian on the neck and swore: "Bear boy, who called you disorderly eating! That kind of unknown origin of things dare to eat, not poison you are fortune-telling!"

Li Youtian then half sank his head into the water and spit bubbles, vaguely saying, "it's not bad for me. It's Xiaofa who said a bet. Give me 50 ¥ for a bite, and I'll taste it, and then taste a little..."

Zhang Xiaofa really likes to bet. He used to bet hard and drank paint. His family carried him to my grandmother's clinic to have a look.

Uncle Li was even more angry and said, "how many times have I told you not to play with a jerk like Zhang Xiaofa? Is it all right now?"

Uncle Li is completely using a topic. Aunt Li loves her child dearly and said, "Dad, don't say a few words. Let's see how to treat this disease first... Dr. Lin, do you want to prescribe a prescription now?"

I said, "don't worry, I'll go to a small fortune again."

At this time, Li Youtian shouted, "I'm hungry. I just vomited. My stomach is empty. I want to eat fish."

Aunt Li was stunned and said, "fish? Don't you always like fish?"

"No, I especially want to eat fish now. I want raw fish, especially fish eyes, fish intestines, fish bubbles and so on. My mouth watering when I think about it! Mom, buy me some fresh fish!" Talking, Li Youtian even drooled, as if he was addicted to something, and his expression was strange.

The couple looked at their strange son and was a little scared. Their eyes slowly turned to me, as if they were asking for advice.

I thought about it and said, "it doesn't matter to eat fish. Don't put any seasonings such as onions and ginger. Steam it half cooked for him!"

"No!" Li Youtian violently patted the water to protest, "I want to eat raw, raw! Don't steam! Or I'll go down the river and catch fish myself?"

Uncle Li was so angry that he gave him a hard slap, "dare you talk back to me? Listen to Dr. Lin well, I'll send Dr. Lin and buy you a fish!"