Monster in the lake

I explained the situation. Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofa jumped up from the cane chair, angry and angry, and sighed repeatedly.

Zhang Xiaofa didn't seem to take it seriously, saying, "I feel energetic, but I'm hungry, but our family can afford to eat big fish every day!"

I said, "your condition is not just greedy for fish. After a period of time, your body will change. First, your body will grow scales, then become a eunuch, and then your body will fester..."

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofa widened his eyes, took a breath, and sucked in a fishy sausage hanging at the corner of his mouth.

Zhang Xiaofa's father immediately grabbed my hand and said anxiously, "Dr. Lin, you have to save my Xiaofa! His mother left early. If he has something wrong, how can I be worthy of his mother!"

"Don't worry, don't worry. I naturally came for this. I do have a prescription for this disease."

With these words, I walked outside the bedroom. Zhang Xiaofa's father understood and hurriedly followed him out. He asked, "Dr. Lin, this disease can be cured as long as you take medicine?"

I shook my head, "I'm afraid it's not so simple. Uncle Zhang, this disease is too rare. My prescription can only control it, not to the root of the disease."

Zhang Xiaofa's father Ming showed a disappointed look, but said, "it's OK to control!"

I said, "but there is another thing, I have to explain that Xiaofa has flood dragon disease, and his body has changed. The shade air and cold hurts the kidney shine. Whether it is cured or not in the future, there will be a sequela - infertility."

"What!?" Zhang Xiaofa's father was even more surprised and said incredulously, "how can this work? I'm just this son! If it's broken, my incense will be broken!"

I shook my head. Even emphasizing these things to me at the moment can't change the objective facts.

I try to say gently, "I can understand your mood. No one can accept this, but it has happened, so I can only accept it."

Zhang Xiaofa's father rubbed his hair hard, rolled his eyes, and asked in a low voice, "Dr. Lin, how much does it cost to keep my son..."

I saw that he misunderstood and said, "no, Uncle Zhang, I just want you to have a psychological preparation, not to collect more medical fees. At present, of course, it is the most important to protect your life."

"No, no, no, you can't carry on the family line. What's the strength of living? You must think of a way. Please, I'll kneel down for you." Zhang Xiaofa's father was about to kneel down.

I was helpless. I helped him and said, "don't do this. I will naturally think of ways, but Uncle Zhang, you have to be prepared for the worst!"

But Zhang Xiaofa's father was unwilling to accept this fact. I broke my mouth before I calmed down. I was also very tired. I walked to the clinic after leaving the door.

Before walking a few steps, I suddenly heard several screams, which was the direction of the fish pond again.

I hurried to the fish pond. When I arrived at the place, I was stunned - I saw a dark humanoid monster coming out of the water, covered with a layer of "armor" like coral and rust, staggering, slipping in three steps and staggering in five steps, and finally slowly climbing up the edge of the fish pond.

The crowd gathered here in the fish pond had dispersed at this time. What should we do? Only a few idle people and some playing children saw this thing coming out of the pond and screamed in horror, breaking the peace of the village.

My heart thumped, and I couldn't help being nervous. Is this thing another flood dragon!?

Two flood dragon fight, so that one will be killed, and this is only to win?

I was thinking, I don't know who picked up a stone and greeted the monster. The stone hit the monster's head with a clang.

The monster slightly tilted his head, and then roared. The sound was so low that it was almost inaudible, but the bones and blood of his body were shaking with the sound wave!

I immediately felt my heart beating wildly, my insides seemed to be about to boil, and my ears were buzzing. Don't mention how uncomfortable it was.

Wherever the roar went, the pond water shook like hot oil, and the people around also covered their ears, showing extremely painful expressions. Blood slowly gushed from their noses, and those children cried loudly. However, before the tears fell, the tears were shattered by this strange sound wave.

I also covered my ears, but I couldn't resist the sound wave attack at all. Soon, I also felt the hot nasal cavity, and a warm stream came out of my nostrils.

Is this sound the Dragon roar?

After experiencing it personally, I just realized that dragon roar is not a "huge roar" at all, but an ultra-high intensity infrasound wave!

The sound frequency that human ears can hear is fixed. Higher than this frequency is called ultrasonic wave, and lower than this frequency is called infrasound wave. Infrasound wave is a sound that human beings can't hear, but it can make body fluids resonate, and close to it can produce very painful, painful and anxious feelings.

At this time, several villagers around had softened their legs, knelt on the ground and vomited. The vomitus was mixed with blood, and someone's glasses were shattered. It seemed that they were almost to the limit.

"Brute!" I clenched my teeth and scolded, but my ears were buzzing, but I couldn't hear my voice, and the sound I made when talking seemed to vibrate. I felt that my teeth were about to be broken.

I drew out a sick tiger talisman and held it between my fingers. Although the magic is not suitable for showing, I can't help it. At present, the situation is too critical.

I shook my wrist and threw the spell like a dart, and at the same time shouted, "burn it up!!"

The sick tiger Sutra is one of the thirteen Sutras of Zhu you, and it is also the only witchcraft means that I can produce lethality. As I shouted the spell, the spell that flew out exploded with a bang, and the roaring flame swallowed up the monster, and the infrasound scream also stopped.

Taking advantage of this, I shouted to the others, "run quickly, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time!"

Those villagers grabbed the children and hurriedly ran for their lives. Someone turned around and shouted, "Doctor Lin, be careful!"

I looked at it intently, and the flame by the fish pond had not dissipated, but the monster came out unharmed. As it ran, the layer of "armor" covered on its body rustled and peeled, exposing white skin from its joints.

What's going on?

I was surprised. Is it a person under that layer of "armor"!?

This strange thing rushed at me fiercely, and I stretched out my hand and whispered "brother dog, help me". In an instant, the wind suddenly rose, flying sand and stones, but the monster was not afraid at all.

This guy is not a good comer, and I'm not a silly boy. He ran away, and the monster chased me behind.

After running for a few steps, I saw a shovel thrown nearby, which may have been dropped just now. I grabbed it and swung it on the monster. With a "Dang" sound, the shovel seemed to touch some metal material, making a crisp sound.

This guy's "shell" is very strong. Even if he is cut by the edge of the sharp shovel, only some fragments fall. Those fragments are clearly rust from the material and color. The "monster" is actually covered with a thick layer of rust!

After I swung the shovel hard for more than a dozen times, the "monster" suddenly raised his hand and grabbed the edge of the shovel. With only a gentle roll, the shovel changed its shape, and a huge force pulled me into its arms!

But at the same time, I noticed a detail, in the "monster" chest, inserted something

At this time, the black dog skin on my back suddenly floated slightly. I quickly stretched out my hand to pull the dog skin back to my shoulder and said, "brother dog, wait! Don't hurt him!"