The mysterious young

Although brother dog can't speak, he is very smart, and the long-term relationship has led to a tacit understanding between us. I know what he is going to do.

As long as brother dog leaves my body, a thunderstorm cloud will appear on my head soon. At this time, it will cover me again, and then this big iron pimple in front of me will become the only target of lightning, perfect leverage!

But I just suddenly found that this "monster" has a thorn like thing stuck in its heart, which is obviously the reason for its madness.

Of course, what surprises me more is that this guy is so strong that he won't die if his heart is injured!

I decided to take a risk and see if I could save the man. So I rushed over, grabbed the thorn in his chest, felt a little familiar, and looked at the shape

Wait, is this the broken claw of the otter?

The weirdo thought I was going to be bad for him, so he stretched out his hand and pinched my neck. I pulled the "thorn" out with one force, and it was half a palm long, which was too deep.

The weirdo immediately screamed with pain, and couldn't help but step back, opened his hands and shouted, but this time it wasn't dragon roar, it was just a normal scream.

His chest spurted a blood arrow, and I blocked it with my hand, and the hot blood splashed on my sleeve.

This guy waved his hands around, his body shook as if he didn't listen, and the hard shell formed by rust on his body was constantly broken. Then he fell back like a "x" word, and he didn't move anymore.

At this time, I found that the sleeve was a little heavy. Looking down, it was very incredible. The blood splashed on the sleeve just now turned into a large piece of rust, and my arm fell heavily.

The people around had already run far away, and a few brave people were looking at us in amazement.

When I was ready to check the situation of the weirdo, someone shouted to me: "Dr. Lin! Don't go there, this man is too dangerous, tie him up first!"

"It's okay, he fainted!" I said.

I squatted down and looked at the man carefully. I found that there was a piece of rust on the bleeding part of his chest, and it was warm.

His whole body was covered with a layer of hard rust, with the color of blood. He tapped it with his fingers, and there was the sound of gold and stone. He felt that the bullets could not be pierced.

It's the first time for me to see this person's strange appearance. I'm very surprised. Is this evil martial arts?

Although there is iron in the blood, it will not turn into rust after solidification! Even if you eat spinach as rice since your mother's birth, you can't reach this exaggeration, can you?

At this time, the rust armor on his body had been split, and the part covering his face had been split.

I saw a small piece of white skin on his wrist, so I stretched out my hand and poked. I found that his skin was as cold as ice. I tried my pulse again. The man's pulse was weak and heavy. It seemed that he had lost too much blood.

I can't help feeling shocked. If the rust on the whole body is condensed from his blood, the amount of bleeding is really exaggerated. How strong is this person's constitution under normal conditions!? Definitely not ordinary people!

I reached out and grabbed the rust piece covering his face, and pulled it away with a strong pull, revealing a handsome face below, but with clear outline and obvious male characteristics, it did not belong to that kind of indistinguishable appearance.

But as a man, this boy's skin is too white, a little morbid white, as if coated with lead ...

I suddenly had a flash of inspiration. I knew what was going on, and muttered, "I see. He got flood dragon disease..."

"Dr. Lin, who is this person? It can't be a Wu madman who escaped from a mental hospital?" Seeing that it was all right, several villagers gathered around carefully.

I said, "don't ask until he wakes up. Please help get a scooter or tricycle and send him to my grandmother's clinic first! He's cold. If he doesn't save it, he'll die here!"

People refused: "don't save it, let's wait for the village head to come and ask clearly. What if it's a bad person!"

One of the villagers said, "yes, yes, I was shocked by his throat just now, and now my nose is hot. I see, this guy is definitely not a normal person."

I said with a wry smile, "life is at stake. Wake up first and ask again. Hurry up!"

One of the villagers said, "yes, yes, I was shocked by his throat just now, and now my nose is hot. I see, this guy is definitely not a normal person."

I said with a wry smile, "life is at stake. Wake up first and ask again. Hurry up!"

Although everyone was not happy, for my sake, I went to ride a tricycle. This boy was heavy enough, and three men got him in.

I held it in the back of the car. Halfway through, the boy suddenly woke up and shouted nervously, "knife! Knife!"

He opened his eyes and looked at me. I noticed that his pupil was a slit at first, and then expanded rapidly, becoming like a human.

I wondered secretly, thinking that this man's flood dragon disease was already very serious, but he could still remain rational? Who on earth is he? His physique is really extraordinary!

I quickly said, "don't be afraid. I'm a doctor. Now I'll send you to my clinic."

The boy asked mindlessly, "Hey, where is my knife...?"

"I didn't see it. Did you bring a knife?"

"I have to find..." he was about to turn over and get out of the car, and was stopped by me.

I advised, "don't move around first, and then talk about it later. You can't lose it in our village. Don't worry!"

He stared at me for a moment. Maybe he saw that I meant no harm. Then he lay back and said weakly, "that monster..."

"You mean the monster that looks like an otter? It's dead."

"That's good..." with these words, he seemed to have unloaded his psychological burden, closed his eyes, and fell asleep again.

The road back to the clinic is uphill. The villagers who pedal the car are tired and sweating. It is not easy to send people to the door of the clinic. I repeatedly said that I had worked hard and asked him to go in to have a rest. People waved their hands and said they would not come in, and then stepped on the car and left.

I helped the boy up and helped him into the hospital with my breast-feeding strength. His rust was so heavy that I kept adjusting my breath to barely support him.

It was not easy to drag him to the floor of the living room and lie down. I was so tired that I sat on the ground, called grandma, took a break, and quickly got up to find the vice.

Like opening a can, I cut and tore the rust on his body to expose his trunk.

The boy's skin is fair and his muscles are extremely strong. It seems that he often exercises, but there are several long scratches across his chest and abdomen. The wound is covered with a thin layer of rust. It seems that this is the scab of his wound.

A moment later, grandma came out of the inner room slowly with a crutch. She was not surprised to see this strange man and asked me what happened.

I reported the strange things that happened in the village to grandma in detail. Finally, I asked, "grandma, this man's constitution is different from ordinary people. There is no need to replenish shine air. I'll grab some drugs to nourish shade air and boil him a medicine soup. Do you think so?"

Grandma looked at the man: "don't take any medicine. Just let him sleep. Stew a fish soup and put some asparagus without salt."

I said, "OK, I'll get him to bed."

I've stripped all the rust off this man. Even so, it's hard to drag him up.

This guy didn't wear anything. In addition to the injury, there were pieces of pale gold scales on his shoulders, back and legs. The feel was between skin and horny.

I'm even more surprised. This man seems to have flood dragon disease for a long time. How can he keep it from getting worse?

Is it a long time to take seven stone powder?

Finally, I put him on the bed and covered him with the quilt. Then I went to work.

I turned out my book and read about flood dragon disease while cooking - grandma briefly recorded her previous cases next to this part of the content of "medical silence".

The person she met especially likes eating raw oysters, which is said to be aphrodisiac - alas, I don't know how many people are poisoned by the word "Aphrodisiac" every year.

As a result, this case accidentally ate a raw oyster that had been flood dragon, and the whole person had a terrible change. He had to soak in ice water every day. He also said that his blood was extremely hot, bit his vein to bleed, and even picked out one of his eyes with his bare hands.

Despite his madness, his family was unable to control it, because he became extremely strong, and at the same time, he ate all kinds of raw fish and shellfish crazily, with shells and scales. His stomach was round and bulging. Those shellfish bones scratched his intestines and stomach, often eating above and bleeding crazily when excreting below, which was very terrible.

Later, he began to fester all over his body, which was a sign that flood dragon cells began to rage - human beings were not the ideal container for flood dragon, and even the worst.

The book said that there was no medicine for flood dragon disease. Grandma was almost helpless at the beginning. She watched the man slowly deteriorate, and finally turned into a huge bloody meat ball full of pus. One day, she died of purulence. Grandma had to ask his family to burn and disinfect the whole house.

Failed to cure the patient, is a piece of heart disease grandma, so she traveled all over the north and south, looking for prescription, and finally got from all corners of the country where the seven stone can control the disease of flood dragon.

But it is a control, not a cure, and it must be taken for life!