Niuji mountain

After I received the brocade bag, Zhang geqi, who could not wait for a long time, rushed out of the door and greeted me, "hurry up!"

"No, what's your hurry..." I asked him to come back. "We'll spend all day preparing for the work today, and we'll start early tomorrow morning."

"Well, well, it's really 'sharpening the knife without mistaking the woodcutter'." Zhang geqi showed a speechless expression, walked back bitterly and spread his hands, "then I'll lie down for a while."

"Don't lie down, you sleep now, can you still sleep at night? Come and help make medicine."

In the afternoon, Zhang geqi sighed and helped me.

I put the prepared pills into different bamboo tubes and put labels on them. In order to avoid making mistakes in my busy schedule, I rubbed different pills into different sizes. When I didn't have time to look at the labels, I could distinguish them by hand feeling.

Pills are used to deal with injuries and injuries. In addition, there are potions that can temporarily strengthen your physique, such as "crow tears" that can see things in the dark, and "Myrtle fragrance" that can boost your spirit. This potion has some side effects and cannot be used until it is in danger.

We were busy living until dark. We prepared ten kinds of pills, six kinds of potions and five kinds of props. I put them into my backpack and waist bag by categories.

In addition, I had to have weapons. After thinking for a long time, I finally brought a strong brass walking stick, which was an old object in grandma's collection. It was engraved with some symbols that I couldn't understand. It felt like it was also a magic prop.

One night speechless, the next day when I set out early in the morning, although my backpack was heavy, I was very confident, and I felt very good.

In contrast, Zhang geqi, wearing my old jeans and T-shirt, carrying a knife on his back without anything, looks like he is going for an outing.

"Miaomiao, be careful." Grandma stood at the door clutching a crutch and told me earnestly.

"Grandma." When I looked at my grandma, I couldn't help feeling sad - grandma in the first sunshine in the morning looked so old, and she seemed to be getting older.

I took grandma's hand. "Grandma, don't stand outside. The dew is heavy in the morning. Go back and sleep for a while."

Grandma touched my head, and a reluctant smile appeared on her old face, "you are now an independent witch doctor. Be careful on the road. Don't panic when you encounter anything. Everything in the world has traces to follow."

"I see, grandma, hurry back to the house, and I'll try to get back before dark."

"Ok ok." The smile on Grandma's face deepened and seemed a little meaningful, but at this time I didn't understand the meaning of the smile.

"Grandma Lin, go back quickly. Let's go." Zhang geqi, who stood outside early, also waved goodbye.

After seeing grandma into the house, we set out and greeted the villagers along the way. I only said it was to go up the mountain to collect medicine.

Zhang geqi asked me, "look what you are nervous about going to the mountain. Is this your first time to go back to the mountain to collect medicine?"

"Nonsense, I have taken medicine at least seven or eight times up the mountain. Although Niuji mountain is close at hand, anything can happen on the mountain. Being well prepared is definitely not a sign of counseling or timidity."

At the intersection leading to Niuji mountain, Zhang geqi looked up and looked up. Looking from the foot of the mountain, Niuji mountain stood majestically in front of him, blocking the sky.

Zhang geqi asked again, "has a supernatural event happened in this mountain?" This time his expression was quite serious.

"I don't know how many times ghosts have hit the wall and covered their eyes. Generally, no one in the village dares to go up the mountain alone. It is said that someone has also witnessed an ancient palace maid like monster walking in the fog, holding a incense burner in his hand, and his face is painted as white as a mask. Imagine that painting, anyway, it's weird."

Zhang geqi restrained his smile. "Is there anything special about this mountain? Is it because of the magnetic field or miasma?"

I said, "according to our village, the five immortals in the Northeast once competed for territory here and fought vigorously on the mountain. A wisp of their souls remained in the mountain, so their shade was particularly heavy. Of course, this is only the statement of the association."

Chatting and chatting, we climbed the mountain path and stood high to watch the sunrise. It felt very spectacular. The maple trees on the mountain are dyed red. No, their leaves are really red. At this time, it is almost autumn.

The cold wind in the morning blew through the woods, rustling like a tide, and the wisps of light penetrating the tops of the trees also made people feel like they were at the bottom of the silent sea.

After entering the mountain and looking around, I found an open space and asked Zhang geqi to dig a hole.

He roughly took his treasured knife and planed it, but it was also very sharp.

I took out the cooked meat, put it in the pit, and then buried it.

Zhang geqi was anxious: "Why are you buried? After the sacrifice, we can eat!"

I explained, "there are many forms of sacrifice. Now there is no condition to use fire or soup pot to let the smell of meat come out. Simply bury it, which means bury it."

Zhang geqi said disappointedly, "Alas, you can't eat after burying!"

I said, "these were originally prepared for the tragic fairy, and I also brought food. I'm going to start the sacrifice, and you should be quiet for a while."

After that, I took out a small triangle bell, gently knocked it, and then recited the 'Zhang Mao Sutra' in the 'thirteen Sutras of Zhu you', which is a sutra dedicated to transcendence and sacrifice.

Lonely ghosts, forgotten by the world, will turn into fierce ghosts if they don't sacrifice for a long time.

Every time a major disaster occurred in ancient times, officials would solemnly hold "sacrificial rites" to appease the dead and prevent them from sneaking around and creating plagues. This kind of person who presided over the ceremony was a witch doctor in the early stage and a special wizard in the later stage.

My sacrifice has been simplified. After all, the conditions are limited. Now it is autumn, and the vegetation is dry, so it is inconvenient to burn ghost money, paper sticks, incense and other things.

As I recited the 'Zhang Mao Sutra' over and over, the wind began to swirl around, and some hazy human shapes composed of shade air surrounded me, kneeling on the ground like hungry beggars, stretching out their thin arms, and grabbing food to eat.

A ghost crawled through Zhang geqi's body. He shivered involuntarily, rubbed his shoulders, yawned and looked at the sky.

There are more and more lonely ghosts in the mountains. Their bodies are ethereal, gathering and dispersing. I've been used to it for a long time, and ordinary people may be scared to collapse when they see this scene.

The sacrifice is almost over. I put away the triangle bell and asked Zhang geqi to continue on his way.

Walking, I heard a bell. It turned out that there was a small bell hanging on the handle of Zhang geqi's Dragon cutting knife, that is, the position of the dragon's mouth. It actually rang.

On a closer look, I found that it was not the bell ringing, but the knife shaking, just like the shaking mode of the mobile phone, shaking again and again.

"Haha!" Zhang geqi immediately raised his dragon cutting knife. "It's nearby! Evil animals, get out!"

I quickly put down my backpack, "array!"

Zhang geqi laughed, "don't worry, it's too much of a fuss. Just rest and watch me perform."

At this time, the fallen leaves on the ground suddenly rolled up and broke into powder in midair. An invisible but penetrating impact hit us. The trunks of more than a dozen trees around us were cracked and made a continuous crisp sound.

I felt my heart pounding wildly, as if I had suddenly fallen off a cliff and quickly made a free fall. The blood circulation of my whole body was disordered, and my temples were jumping suddenly.

I realized at this time that this was dragon roar!

Dragon roar belongs to high-intensity infrasound wave, which is inaudible, but it will boil people's body fluid and cause real physical and mental damage.

The air in front of me was like the water blown by the wind. The picture was very strange, and the whole world seemed to fluctuate with it.

It's not an illusion, but endless waves of dragon singing are twisting the air in the forest.

Zhang geqi shouted something. My ears buzzed and I couldn't hear anything clearly. Then he forced the Dragon cutting knife into front of us...