Limit one knife

"Bathing" in the sound of the dragon, I felt the bones of my whole body resonate with it. Zhang geqi, who was standing next to me, was also shocked to burst blood vessels on his forehead and neck, like creeping earthworms, as if they were about to crack at any time.

At this time, a cold and clear sound suddenly appeared in the magic sound that destroyed the internal organs, like a cool wind blowing directly into the heart.

I opened my eyes and saw that the air was still twisting and fluctuating, but the bell hanging on the handle of the Dragon cutting knife was also shaking, making a very sweet and crisp sound.

The bell rang louder and louder, filling my ears, and the painful feeling on my body was actually dispelled!

Does this ring tone have the effect of neutralizing dragon singing? It is worthy of being the equipment of the Dragon catcher!

I don't know whether it was more than a dozen seconds or a minute before long Yin finally came to an end. I breathed a long breath and felt a terrible headache. I touched under my nose, but fortunately there was no nosebleed.

Zhang geqi's two nostrils were bleeding, all the way to his mouth.

He said in a nasal voice, "son of a bitch, dare to sneak on me? Hum, hearing the dragon's song, you know that the other party is very weak and completely vulnerable!"

I reminded him, "you're bleeding."

"Really?" Zhang geqi touched his nostrils in surprise, wiped them with force, and then pulled out the dragon knife, roaring and rushing to the direction of dragon roar.

"Hey, be careful!" I hurried to catch up.

Without running for a few steps, I heard the sound of trees breaking in front of me. I saw a huge bulge moving rapidly under the ground. The trees along the way were constantly broken, and the broken branches and trunks made a snap snap.

"Evil animals die!"

Zhang geqi shouted angrily, stood on the hump with a horse step, and swung his knife with both hands to the wound of the monster.

With a knife, it was like chopping a ripe watermelon, splashing blood, and coloring Zhang geqi's pants red.

Between lightning and flint, the monster was solidly cut twice.

The monster is not a fool. The huge bulge suddenly sank down, so fast that Zhang geqi was suspended for a moment. He immediately adjusted his posture and landed steadily in a semi kneeling posture.

But the next second, the ground suddenly shook violently, and unexpectedly bounced Zhang geqi into the air like a trampoline, and then the ground below cracked, revealing a bloody mouth, and opened his mouth to pick up Zhang geqi in the air.

Zhang geqi was in mid air and had nothing to borrow. Now he stared in amazement and saw that he was about to fall into the monster's mouth.

How can I sit back and shout, "brother dog, use that move!"

The wind behind me rolled up, and the fallen leaves flew all over the sky, outlining the shape of a giant dog. Those towering ancient trees were as slender as celery on its side.

The giant dog claws swept across, and the monster buried in the ground gave a strange cry, and immediately dug the ground and ran away.

At the same time, the cloudy wind raised by brother dog blew Zhang geqi in midair to a safe place, and then the giant dog "hid deep and disappeared, leaving only fallen leaves falling like rain.

This is not a special skill. Brother dog, as a ghost fairy, the body composed of Yin Qi is huge and thin, and has no real lethality, but the monster was scared away at the first sight, which is the so-called "first sight kill".

Zhang geqi rolled into a pile of fallen leaves. His body was covered with blood and a layer of fallen leaves. He looked very embarrassed.

He looked at me in surprise and said, "Dr. Lin, that one just now..."

At this time, I felt the ground shaking. Looking up, the monster came back!

Wherever it went, the fallen leaves were split like waves, threatening. I hurriedly said, "you block it first, and I'll be ready."

"Shit, how can you prepare again!?"

Zhang geqi said loudly, got up and rushed towards the monster.

I took off my backpack, grabbed the brass cane with both hands, and recited the mantra of the 'beaver cage'. This is what 'Zhu you's thirteen sutras' secondary school specializes in curing evil spirits. It should also have an effect on flood dragon.

After I concentrated on reciting this spell, I heard a bang. Zhang geqi flew backward and crashed several small trees in succession. Finally, he slapped heavily on a big tree and fell under it.

The king of the Earth Dragon has a big mouth with sharp teeth, accounting for almost half of his body, like a fish head with chopped peppers.

It roared, roared, and moved half buried on the ground, devouring Zhang geqi.

Zhang geqi jumped up from the ground with a carp, and then kicked the fallen wood on the ground. The fallen wood flew sideways into the mouth of the Earth Dragon King, just like entering a pulverizer, and was gnawed to pieces in twos and threes.

Seeing that he was still able to resist for a while, I closed my eyes and continued to recite the mantra. This time, I recited the "twenty four gods act formula".

After the mantra was read, my whole body was warm and full of shine air, which seemed to have endless power.

Then, I took out the "evil wine" to enhance my strength and drank it at the same time with the "swallow drink" to enhance my reaction speed. A burning smell spread in the esophagus, and soon I felt the sound and scene around me slowed down.

At the same time, a pair of disgusting tentacles emerged from under the Earth Dragon King, beating Zhang geqi like a whip.

Zhang geqi fought back with a knife. His head was bleeding, half of his face was red, and his teeth were clenched tightly.

This scene is like a slow motion in my eyes. I can see all the details of the small eyes embedded in the brown and soft body of the Earth Dragon King and the flat body covered with bristles like manta rays.

The quadruple buff has been imposed on me, but it is not enough. I took out a small bottle, sprinkled the sulfur salt in it on the brass cane, and wiped it evenly with my hand.

Then I stood up and resolutely joined the battle.

At this time, Zhang geqi was firmly wrapped by two tentacles and dragged to the monster's mouth. He struggled hard and shouted at me, "when are you going to be ready, you pig teammate? If you don't do it, I'll die!"


I shouted, ran to the nearest fallen tree from the monster with all my strength, and jumped when I ran to the highest point. The monster was concentrating on Zhang geqi. Where did it think there would be a sneak attack behind, or a sneak attack from an ordinary little witch doctor.

I hit with all my strength when my state was full, and my walking stick hit the monster's head severely. This position happened to have the wound cut by Zhang geqi before.

As if a skilled pig butcher had killed a pig with a knife, the brass cane hit, and the Earth Dragon King's body trembled violently, as if a big lump of wet cotton flowers collapsed.

With a loud bang, the Earth Dragon King was directly laid down by me. At the same time, he threw away Zhang geqi, who was about to roll into the mouth. His whole body began to twitch wildly as if it were electrified!

The king of the Earth Dragon who was in pain directly got into the hole he had arched out, spewed blood and ran away along the way when he came. Zhang geqi looked at me dumbfounded and looked at me strangely, "you... How did you do it?"

The effect of ''swallow drink" hasn't passed yet. His speech sounds very slow to me. In my ear, it's "you... How... How... Do... Arrive..." for a very long time.

I deliberately answered lightly, "adequate preparation!"