Centipede ladder

I see. There is a zombie waiting for us!

After reading the brocade bag, I had a bottom in my heart.

Zombies have a very detailed classification, like those zombies in the movie who have stiff limbs and can only stretch out their hands to jump, but they are actually very weak species. Real zombies, like goblins, can constantly cultivate and become stronger. Anyway, they are a very terrible existence.

Grandma even knows this. Has she ever been here?

So it seems that Xia an, the female ghost, did not cheat us.

Grandma's brocade bag didn't inspire me to destroy Xia'an. It can be seen that Xia'an, who guards the seal, is a "good ghost"!

I took out a small pill from the bottom of the second brocade bag and sealed it tightly with honey wax. I put the wax pill into my waist bag, put the letter back into the brocade bag, and then opened the third brocade bag casually.

Zhang geqi said, "you are simply a peeping demon. It's too boring to see the clever plan in advance?"

I said, "be prepared. If you don't have time to open the bag later, it's not over?I'd better see in advance what's the danger after that."

I opened the third piece of paper, but it was a blank, and I couldn't find a word after turning it over and over.

I checked it carefully again. There was nothing on the letter and nothing in the brocade bag. I couldn't help wondering, grandma, isn't this unnecessary?

I put the white paper back in doubt, put the three brocade bags into the inner pocket, and then said, "let's go!"

The passage in front is not long. When we came to another new stone chamber, I took out a campfire, thought to try the effect, and threw it out.

With a bang, the campfire exploded on the wall of the cave, and the flame mixed with rosin and oil had a strong adhesion. It burned into a large area at once, but the temperature was not high, illuminating the surroundings like a flare.

Having completely seen the landform nearby, I found that the space this time was completely different from what we imagined - this place is a downward natural cave, with jagged and scattered strange stones interspersed with each other, which can't help but make people feel the uncanny workmanship of nature.

From above, you can see the roots of the old tree, which are even denser than the crown. It used to look like a quiet forest, but it rolled badly under the ground. The roots spread and grew wildly, competing for water and minerals, winding layer after layer.

If enough skilled people are brave, they can grasp these roots that have grown for decades or even centuries and swing around.

In the center of this huge stone cave, a thick wooden column stands abruptly, which seems to be cut from a whole section of logs. The surface is very smooth, brushed with a layer of anti-corrosion and moisture-proof red paint, with a metallic texture. At intervals, an arm long tenon column is inserted, and the tenon column extends downward in a spiral shape, like a rotating staircase.

Zhang geqi approached the wooden column and looked at the huge wood in surprise. "Is this the stairs?"

I said, "as mentioned in the book, this is an ancient lifting device called centipede ladder, which can rotate and transport things. This should be left during the tomb repair."

Zhang geqi said with a smile, "what's the use of keeping it after the repair? Is it convenient for tomb robbers to come in and visit?"

Zhang geqi's joke came to the point. This scaffold like device is generally invisible. It was removed immediately after the tomb was repaired, but it was miraculously preserved.

Besides, the previous tomb room should be called the front hall. It should be filled with all kinds of funerary objects, but it is empty...

Everywhere in this tomb, there was a feeling of hasty closure, as if some strange things had happened when repairing the tomb... I couldn't help thinking of the craftsmen shouting, dropping their tools and running away.

Seeing that Zhang geqi was eager to try, I hurriedly stopped him, "I don't know how long this wooden ladder has been left here, but I'm afraid the tenon column has been crisp, and you will fall freely if you step on it."

Zhang geqi sighed regretfully, "seeing such a thing is like seeing barbed wire. I can't help but want to jump up. The impulse in my heart is hard to contain!"

I smiled, "The general people see barbed wire all bypass bar, but also climb up, you this what brain circuit? Let's slip away. You can see there are some big rocks to stand on."

Although there was a stone to stay on, I was still looking around to find a place to tie the rope. As a result, Zhang geqi set out directly, and I couldn't stop.

He moved quickly, took steps to jump among the stones, and finally stood on a stone far below, waved to me and said, "Dr. Lin, come down directly. The stones are stacked one by one, and it's convenient to settle down."

I had to give up the idea of tying a safety rope. After all, I didn't have such a long rope.

However, to be on the safe side, when I jumped next to Zhang geqi, I asked Zhang geqi to drink a bottle of "crow tears" to prevent a foot from falling in the dark and a slip from becoming a tragedy.

Each bottle of my medicine is only half cup size, dry in one mouthful, after drinking.

Zhang Geqi nausea retching, "bah, bah, as bad as washing pot water!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, he looked around in surprise, "what's the matter? It feels like night vision! How can I see so clearly? What kind of potion did you give me?"

I said, "It's a kind of potion that people used to drink when they walked at night in ancient times."

I also took out a bottle and took a sip. The white light appeared in my eyes, blinked several times, and the surrounding became very clear. It was an experience of seeing things through the night vision machine.

After drinking "crow tears", we can see our feet more clearly, and we don't need to hit a flashlight, we can free up our hands to climb.

This vertical hole has been extending downward, and it is always easy to find the foothold of the rock. Where there is no foothold, there are also manually dug square holes to step on.

It seems that the craftsman who built the tomb has long explored a bird path. The color of this bird path is obviously lighter than other places because it has been stepped on more times, like a hint left by our ancestors.

However, it was really scary to climb down in black paint. It was too dangerous to jump in several places. Zhang geqi just supported both sides with his legs and dragged me over.

I don't know how long I crawled. Looking up, the hole above is as small as a fist crack.

Although I've been adjusting my breathing, my forehead still sweats. I wipe it off with my sleeve. Fortunately, it's hot sweat. If it's cold sweat, it's very dangerous - it's easy for wind evil to invade.

I thought to myself that it was really hard for those craftsmen to climb into such a ghost place to repair the tomb. I didn't know it would take hundreds of times up and down, just to support my family.

There have been many emperors and generals since ancient times, no matter how noble they think they are. Looking back on the long history, these so-called nobles are really numerous, and almost every one of them has to mobilize people to overhaul the mausoleum and bring countless treasures underground.

It's no wonder there are tomb robbers who rush to rob tombs, because it's promising!

The princes and nobles took the treasure underground, and the tomb robbers dug it out and reselled it. It is likely to circulate to the hands of the princes and nobles and bring it underground again. This cycle is actually a way of heaven, the most normal ecological balance in the world.

At this time, a burst of shouting interrupted my thoughts. I saw Zhang geqi tumbling and jumping down directly from the stone platform above, which scared me into a cold sweat.


Zhang geqi flipped like a flying swallow, and soon fell to the ground below. He opened his hands and leaned slightly, as if he was going to call a curtain call. He smiled happily and said, "haha, landing with full marks! Doctor Lin, hurry up!"

I shook my head with a wry smile. "It's really a skilled person who dares to jump when he is black and black, and he is not afraid of spraining his foot?"