Strange frogs

It seems that I've finally reached the bottom, but I didn't jump directly like Zhang geqi. I tried it first to make sure that the landing place was flat before I continued to walk down.

Finally, I don't have to jump and climb carefully anymore. I'm relieved. It's good to be down-to-earth!

The ground is paved with tightly fitting green bricks, which fluctuate slightly, which may be caused by the expansion and contraction of heat and cold due to the age too old.

The "crow tears" we drank almost faded, and our magical night vision ability gradually disappeared, so we had to turn on the flashlight again.

Zhang geqi took light above his head. The light column of the flashlight couldn't reach the top at all, and was mercilessly swallowed up by the darkness.

Zhang geqi said half jokingly, "such a mysterious cave is actually used as a tomb by someone who has no foresight. It's really a waste. Isn't it good to develop it into a tourist attraction?"

I casually replied, "but our village is so remote that no one should come here to travel?"

I swept around with a flashlight. There was a large amount of floating dust in the light column. The stone chamber at the bottom was built according to the natural cave, and the shape was not too neat. There was a row of terracotta warriors standing by the wall, with their hands held in front. It was estimated that they had weapons in their hands before, but later they rotted away.

A whole row of stone men with a serious look and a little strange stood there, looking very strange. They always felt like something was going to pop out of the dark shadow. I was careful, and my heart was tense.

At this time, Zhang geqi took off his mask and breathed, "Hey, the aged air is also very intoxicating!"

I was about to remind him to put on the mask quickly, when he suddenly lifted his nose and smelled, saying, "strange, how can there be a fragrance?"

"What?" I smelled through the mask, but I didn't smell anything. It was mainly because the mask had been covered for a long time, and it was full of the smell of my own exhalation.

So I pulled the mask down a little and took a breath at the risk of inhaling floating dust. Sure enough, I recognized a wisp of medicinal fragrance from the thick smell of dust.

Then, the shade air around suddenly became strong, and I was surprised, and a bad premonition surged up.

I quickly took out the 'Suhexiang pill', immediately stuffed one into Zhang geqi and ate one myself, put on a mask and began to recite the 'pheasant Sutra', arousing the shine air of the whole body to resist the attack of this shade air.


There was a frog chirp in the dark. For a moment, I thought I had an auditory hallucination.

Zhang geqi asked in surprise, "Why are there frogs in this place?"

I saw a blue faint light coming out, and a large number of frogs appeared from the front!

However, these frogs are very special, with red eyes and a faint blue ghost fire burning on their backs!

I'm not sure if this is an illusion after we inhaled some gas, so I took out a sick tiger amulet and threw it at the frogs, shouting, "burn it up!"

With a bang, the flame exploded, and countless frog legs and frog heads splashed in the fire and fell on me. But strangely, even if the frog was blown apart, there was no blood!

One of the ghostly frogs was still alive after being blown off the bottom half of his body! And it landed on my shoulder without bias. When I found it, it had opened its mouth.

At this time, the green sac spider in my pocket quickly crawled out and jabbed at the frog's head with its sharp claws.

The strange frog with only half of its body fell to the ground, and its open mouth spit out a long tongue. There are pores at the end of the tongue, and suspicious liquid flows out. As soon as it touches the ground, it begins to smoke.

"These things will spray poison!"

I opened my eyes wide, shouted, and hurried back.

Although a lot of them were killed just now, there were too many of them. In the twinkling of an eye, several strange frogs had jumped to me, opened their mouths and stuck out their tongues. With the help of developed muscle bands, the long tongue shot at me like a nail gun.

A dark wind passed in front of me, and brother dog stopped the attack for me. Then, I quickly waved my brass cane and swung away all these dangerous and strange creatures.

"Broken arrow!"

Zhang geqi shouted loudly, and with a slightly strange posture, he killed into the frog pile, and the flocks of frogs rushed to him!

Zhang geqi danced the knife into a silver light. Wherever the silver light went, the strange frog was decapitated or divided into two parts.

I thought to myself how this "broken arrow" sounded so familiar, as if it was in an old-fashioned martial arts movie I saw when I was a child.

Zhang geqi's knife dance was not only beautiful, but also had a very good defense effect. Soon, there were broken bodies of strange frogs all around.

I noticed a detail. Zhang geqi's attack didn't cover a large area, but the strange frogs around gave up attacking me and turned to him all, as if he had a mocking effect!

It suddenly occurred to me that when I was a child, I used to catch frogs by hanging a mass of wet cotton flowers on a string on the grass, because frogs and toads have a dynamic line of sight and can only see moving objects.

Although these ghost fire frogs seem to be some kind of zombie frogs concocted by witchcraft, they are still driven by nature, attracted by Zhang geqi, who is crazy, and then twisted into pieces by the knife wind.

"Quack!" "Quack!" "Quack!"

But no matter how zhang Ge qi killed, behind is still "listen to a frog sound", there are waves of devil fire strange frogs.

I shouted to Zhang geqi, "brother Zhang, they are dynamic sights. I'll try to lead them away!"

"Nothing... I can... Insist..." Zhang geqi answered breathlessly while dancing a knife.

"No, it's too many! You'll die sooner or later!"

I took out the ghosts of the four tomb robbers I had previously subdued and opened them in my hands, "here is your chance to show. Draw away those frogs, and then each person will sacrifice two kilograms of mutton and five steamed buns!"

Although the terms I offered were very shabby, the four ghosts did not know how long they had been trapped in the ancient tomb. It was as if they heard some delicacies and were eager to try immediately.

I raised my hand and tossed it, and four pieces of paper talisman flew out. I was afraid that the strange frogs could not see the paper talisman floating as bait, so I took out several campfires and threw them on the surrounding walls.

With the roar of movement, the flames with a strong pine fragrance shone around, as if a super high-power xenon lamp had been turned on in the tomb.

The four pieces of paper were spinning and flying in midair, flying to the top of the strange frogs, constantly attracting the attention of the frogs.

Some strange frogs noticed one after another, jumping towards the paper symbol, sticking out their tongues, and treating them as prey. However, the four evil spirits are also very smart, high and low, and their body method is agile, so the strange frog can't reach them anyway.

By the light of the fire, I noticed a small hole next to it, which seemed to reflect water waves.

I ordered, "listen, four of you, and lead them all into that hole!"

So the four paper symbols moved towards the hole while circling, and the strange frog army below slowly followed.

But many strange frogs will still come to attack Zhang geqi. After all, Zhang geqi's actions are more open and closed than the four thin yellow papers, which attract their attention.

I shouted again, "brother Zhang, hurry back."

"I..." Zhang geqi asked breathlessly, "how can I return?"

I took out the last campfire in my pocket, "when I count to three, you step back!"


"One! Two! Three!"

Zhang geqi finally swung his knife twice and jumped away. When the frogs followed him, I threw a campfire among them.

Although the temperature of the fire is not high, the suddenly rising blazing wall of fire is bright enough to make these creatures with low IQ dizzy.

Without seeing Zhang geqi, they were naturally attracted by the paper charm bait I set.