Cursed injury

After Zhang geqi got rid of the ghost frog and jumped back, he breathed heavily. I noticed a hole in his right shoulder clothes, and the blood was blurred below, exuding black blood, which seemed to be stained with the venom of the ghost frog.

"You're hurt!''

"Where? Where?" Zhang geqi looked left and right at himself.

He couldn't feel it himself. He didn't know whether he was too excited or whether the poison had a paralytic effect.

I took out an alcohol wet towel to wipe it for him, and then stretched out my hand. The green sac spider quickly crawled into my hand, squeezed out some spider silk, and drugged Zhang geqi.


He shivered slightly, as if he felt pain.

I examined his wound: "this venom is so powerful that it eroded through the skin and flesh."

"Well, fortunately, I'm in good health. If I were an ordinary person, I would probably lie down on the spot."

With that, Zhang geqi twisted his arm like a show off, and as a result, he pulled his wound and frowned.

"Just apply the medicine, don't move."

I took out another 'sanhuangbao wax pill' and gave it to Zhang geqi. I asked him to swallow the medicine with another sip of wine. I also took out a small pill to reward the green sac spider.

Just now, its patron's performance was excellent, and now he helped treat it, which is worthy of praise.

The little spider got a whole pill, happily rolled around my shoulder with the prize, and then retracted into his pocket to enjoy it.

At this time, the flame in front of me was low, and I saw that those strange frogs had been lured into the hole next to by several pieces of paper.

I motioned Zhang geqi to move forward. The flame in front of me was not hot, so I could step over it directly.

We rushed to the hole and found an underground pool not far from us. Strange frogs jumped around the pool, vainly trying to grasp the four paper symbols flying above.

I looked around and thought it would be good if I could block the hole.

Zhang geqi understood and said with a smile, "you want to block the hole? It's easy!"

He rushed to the row of terracotta warriors, pointed his knife at the stone carving of the terracotta warriors nearest the hole, and slashed at the bottom.

I'm worried that his ancestral treasured knife has been cut and rolled up because of the banging and splashing of stone chips.

However, no matter how Zhang geqi made it, the blade of the Dragon cutting knife is still as sharp as new, and there is not even a trace of scratch. It's amazing. It's really a treasure knife!

After the stone FIGURINE was cut down from the base, Zhang geqi put his back against the other side, and with a little force, the stone FIGURINE fell down with a thud, fell into three pieces, and blocked the hole.

However, the stone is large and there are still some cracks.

I took out a few towels from my backpack, gathered the gravel and made it into a sandbag to block the gap.

Zhang geqi did the same. When the gravel was used up, we used the bodies of strange frogs on the ground. These things were like zombies, with moderate hardness and softness. When the filler was unexpected, we just had to be careful not to touch their tongues.

Before I was ready to seal the last crack, I shouted inside, "you four, you can come back!"

Hearing this, four pieces of paper flew back swishing and passed through the gap. The army of strange frogs by the water immediately adjusted its direction, and we jumped here.

I hurriedly blocked the gap, and then pasted three 'beaver cage runes' that were designed to defeat evil spirits on it.

"Hoo..." Zhang geqi breathed a sigh of relief. "What are these frogs? They are neither flood dragons nor demons. It's too strange."

I thought and said, "they have no shade air, let alone shine air. They are completely lifeless puppets. It seems that someone is secretly manipulating them to attack us..."

"'someone '? Can't it be the female ghost?"

This reminds me. I took out the paper with blood words, clamped it between my fingers and shouted, "Xia'an, did you do it?"

Seeing no response, I snapped, "get out of here, or I'll use my means!"

At this time, the faint fragrance of medicine in the air thickened, and I saw the strange brass censer floating and appearing, with wisps of smoke rising from it, transforming into a tall and strange maid image, still hanging his neck and looking at us coldly with predatory eyes.

Seeing her again, I had no fear at all. With a straight face, I asked, "Why are you hiding here? What are your intentions?"

Unexpectedly, Xia an admitted magnanimously, "your adult guessed right. It was the attack launched by me just now. The fire poison frog can paralyze people, i just wants to stop you from moving forward! Really can't move forward!"

"Shit, if we weren't a little capable, we would be killed by you now!"

Hearing this, Zhang geqi jumped up violently and waved a knife to cut Xia an's ethereal body, but only let the light smoke shake a few times.

Zhang geqi said angrily, "it's so easy to say that it's paralyzing! Look at the injury I've suffered. How can I say this... This part of me... HMM, my muscles are rotten! Besides, we can go wherever we want, and it's not up to you!"

After that, Zhang geqi waved his knife again, and the brass censer automatically retreated to avoid the blade.

I pressed Zhang geqi's shoulder and said, "Xia'an, we don't want to open the coffin, just want to kill the king of Earth Dragon and get some medicinal materials! Can you point out another way for us to go directly to the king of Earth Dragon?"

Xia'an's illusory eyes looked at me. She slowly stretched out a hand and pointed behind me.

I asked, "what do you mean?"

She said very firmly, "look back, go back! Go elsewhere and find another Earth Dragon King!"

Zhang geqi laughed angrily, "hum, it's natural for flood dragon catcher to kill flood dragon! If this Earth Dragon King becomes a climate and goes out to harm people, can you be responsible? Doctor Lin, ignore her and kill her with your talisman!"

Xia an calmly replied, "take it easy, you two, and listen to me. The Earth Dragon King lives right under the demon, because there is plenty of shade air, which helps it heal. Once it fights there, it will release the demon. Anyway, please give up!"

I stared at her for a moment of silence, raised the blood word in my hand, and warned loudly, "we will deal with the devil you said, so don't stop us anymore. As a witch doctor, I have the dignity of controlling thousands of ghosts. I have a good deal with wild ghosts like you, and I have given enough face! Ultimatum, you surrender, or soul dissipation!"

Xia an paused, suddenly retreated, and said murderously, "killing you is also a way to stop you!"

"In the name of the great God of Zongbu and under the order of the afterworld of the nether world, the female ghost Xia'an is here to disappear!" With a flick of my hand, the hemp paper with the word "Xia'an" written in blood flew out, and the effect of the curse made the paper burn by itself.

Then, a sad scream came from the depths of the tomb, as harsh as the howl of a wild cat, the stone chamber trembled, and the floating dust danced around.

Curse plays a role in the form of causality, which is equivalent to directly killing its noumenon.

The smoke in front of us made Xia an show her teeth and showed her ferocity. But she was unable to resist, but she covered her head in pain and dissipated.

The floating brass censer also fell to the ground, broke the lid, and scattered a strange spice burning with ghost fire.

Zhang geqi praised, "Dr. Lin, this method is too powerful! It's done at once!"

But I stood there in a daze. This was the first time I used a curse. If it was not a last resort, I didn't want to use it.

Curse is not a spell, but a means to pay a certain price and beg a God to attack.

If I let Xia an disappear, I will pay a price. Of course, the price should not be too big. After all, the object of my begging is the ancestor god of my family. The price may be that I imperceptibly reduce my life by a few days, or have a minor illness after going out.

Seeing that the incense burner on the ground was still burning, Zhang geqi walked forward and said, "I'll chop this junk!"

He waved his knife and cleaved to the censer. Unexpectedly, the moment the blade fell, the censer suddenly automatically closed the lid and swished back a few meters away!

I was shocked: "how can it be! Hasn't she been killed?"