stick like a limpet

Seeing that the censer could Dodge, Zhang geqi rushed over and slashed several times, but the censer was like smeared with oil, spinning around on the ground, avoiding the blade accurately.

When Zhang geqi paused for a while, the censer flew up, and a curl of smoke rose from it, and Xia'an's voice came out, "go back, you two, don't go any further, go back!"

While giving a warning, it disappeared behind a door, and the sound drifted away.

Zhang geqi and I were surprised for a while. Zhang geqi said angrily, "this broken incense burner is pretending to frighten us! Hey, what's the matter with you? Are you scared silly?"

I am silent. I should have killed her just now, or I did kill something... But why can she still appear?

Is this censer separate from her body?

But they all dissipate. It is reasonable that the censer as the soul medium should not have any reaction anymore.

Zhang geqi stretched out his hand and shook it in front of me. I frowned and said, "don't shake it, I'm not scared silly, I'm just thinking about the whole thing."

"Whatever, let's go."

At present, it's useless to think too much. We've come here. What else to say.

I nodded, "let's go."

The flames around were already extinguished, and we lit our flashlights again and walked through the door where the censer disappeared.

The road behind the door is a corridor paved with green bricks. After a long distance, I found that the corridor in front of me collapsed, and the falling rocks supported each other like acrobatics, maintaining a fragile balance. There is only one path for people to crawl through.

I let out the blue sac spider. It shook its body hard for a few times, and the eye pattern on its back emitted blue fluorescence, and then climbed in to explore the way.

Zhang geqi looked envious and said he also wanted such a pet.

Later, when the green sac spider came back, its slender legs were compared and scratched. I asked, "can I pass?"

It climbed onto my hand and nodded two forelimbs to say yes, so I asked Zhang geqi to move on.

Zhang geqi volunteered to crawl in front with a knife on his back. My backpack was too big for me to hold, nor was it tied to my feet. Zhang geqi looked back and said, "don't fiddle with it, give it to me!"

I'm sorry that he kept crawling with his backpack between his legs. I said he was too tired, so I'd better hold it by myself.

"You're welcome. I also want not to slow down. Dr. Lin, although you have good skills, your physical quality is an ordinary person, which is far worse than me!" He was still relaxed, indicating that it didn't matter at all.

Zhang geqi seemed to deliberately increase the difficulty by holding his backpack between his legs, climbing in front of him with both hands, and I followed him.

Crawling with my elbows was very hard, and I soon felt that my hands were about to break, and the outside of my arms was hot. However, Zhang geqi's endurance was excellent, and he didn't stop. he were crawling under fancy loads, and I was empty handed. How can I call for a rest?

We just crawled in the corridor with our heads down. The masks and collars were full of sweat, and the sound of breathing became heavier and heavier.

I don't know how long I crawled. I was a little unconscious. Suddenly, Zhang geqi stopped and shouted "my god"!

I was surprised and asked what up.

Zhang geqi said in front, "this broken place is not quite the same as I imagined. I'll think of a way to go down first."

"Go down? Is there a drop ahead?"

"Wait for me!"

Zhang geqi began to move forward, leaving his backpack in place. Half way out of his body, he saw him fall upside down from the front.

I was startled, but then Zhang geqi climbed the edge with both hands and exposed his head, pulled the belt of the backpack, and then threw it behind him.

I counted the time when the backpack landed, one second, two seconds, three seconds, four seconds, five seconds, six seconds... And then a "pa" came from a very distant place!

I thought, is it so tall?

This is too high!

I quickly climbed over to have a look, and saw a huge stone chamber in front of me, floating with countless small floating dust. The light of the flashlight hardly played a role, and the light seemed to be absorbed by the cave wall.

I had to drink a bottle of "crow tears" with Zhang geqi alone.

After turning on the night vision function, looking at the stone chamber, we were both stunned. First of all, this is a huge tomb, supported by huge columns, with a high platform in the middle, where a sarcophagus is placed.

Then, the ground of the tomb is not complete, there are cracks and holes everywhere, as if it had been bombed, it is simply full of holes!

"I..." Zhang geqi was dumbfounded and said in amazement, "I vaguely saw the ground below, so I threw my backpack away. As a result... It must have fallen into a hole."

This accident made me speechless!

The ground of the tomb was about three meters away from us, but those holes were even deeper than the ancient well in the village. The backpack fell for five or six seconds before a sound came.

Zhang geqi did bad things with good intentions. At this time, he was scolded as a bit of a breach of unity.

I can only sigh, "it's okay, pick it up later! If you can't pick it up, you can make those things again!"

Zhang geqi also looked ashamed. "Dr. Lin, why don't you scold me? I'm so embarrassed."

"Forget it, shall we go down now? Hey, wait..."

As a result, Zhang geqi loosened his hands and jumped down. He wondered below, "what 'wait a minute'?"

I stroked my forehead and sighed, "I mean, how can we get up after the backpack is gone and there is no rope?"

Zhang geqi smiled, "surprised, I thought something was wrong again. Don't worry about such a small thing! Dr. Lin, step back."

I stepped back and heard a rush of running below. A moment later, Zhang geqi jumped up!

He flashed a few fingers around the edge, peeped out his head and said, "it's only three meters. I'll jump up as soon as I jump. Don't worry!"

I'm silly, just three meters?! This guy is really very different from ordinary people!

But I'm also relieved that his excellent athletic ability is really very useful.

Zhang geqi jumped down again and said that he could follow me below.

I'm not a child. Tell him to get out of the way.

Naturally, my physique is not as good as Zhang geqi, but because I always breathe and breathe, my physical endurance is stronger than that of ordinary people.

I grabbed the edge and put my body down. Then I jumped and landed steadily.

Zhang geqi clapped his hands and said, "Dr. Lin's skill is OK, an all-round doctor."

I said, "stop talking nonsense. While the 'crow's tears' are still in effect, hurry to kill the ghost in the coffin!"

Considering that we have no supplies, I think the top priority is to get rid of the biggest hidden danger here - the zombie in the coffin. Anyway, grandma has taught us how to get rid of it.

The ground here almost fell apart in one step. There are cracks and caves everywhere. We jumped from one piece to another, as if we were playing Parkour.

These cracks must be very deep. Because they are too deep, I can only see the boundless darkness when I turn on the night vision to look down.

But when it's time to counselle, when it's time to be brave, in the current situation, we have to work hard anyway!

At this time, a familiar fragrance of medicine came, and I saw something flying in the direction of the sarcophagus - that incense burner again!

Seeing it again, I just felt waves of scalp numbness, which was simply stick like a limpet!

Zhang geqi cursed, waved a knife and cut, and the censer went around the side, and smoke curled up again, very dreamily outlining Xia an's ethereal body.


I took out a talisman and shouted, "you escaped!"

There was a harsh noise in the dark, like the friction of two thick slabs. I looked up and saw that the sarcophagus in the middle was slowly staggered by a seam, from which a smoking, parched palm stretched out.

This scene shocked me. How could it be like this? We are still far away, and the zombie woke up by itself?

Xia an said coldly, "two adults, do you have to walk to the dark by one way? Since I have arrived here, I have no other way, I must kill you!"