Doctor Lin's plot

After Xia an finished saying this sentence, the censer began to bleed, and the amount of bleeding was huge, as if boiling. The plasma flowed to the ground, and it was like being blocked by a transparent container. Instead of spreading, the "blood level line" slowly rose, and gradually a tall human shape appeared.

This human shape filled with blood is the materialized Xia'an, which is exactly the same as the maid sculpture carrying the incense burner I first met, and even the same size. This tall and slightly hunchbacked weird woman has a strong sense of oppression.

She reached out and grabbed the incense burner floating in the air. At the same time, the body composed of blood and water began to show details - the textures of facial features, fingers, skin and clothes appeared. She was an ancient maid with pale skin. If you look carefully, you will find that there were a series of skeletons painted on the cuffs and skirts, and there were also hairpins with skeletons on her head.

"Shit, is this a trick?" Zhang geqi stared in surprise. "Isn't she a ghost? How did she change her body?"

I didn't expect this. In a cold sweat, I said, "this should be just ghosts and gods, some tricks! I want to know why the curse can't kill her!"

"Is it possible that the curse missed?"

"Impossible, curse by name, how can it..."

I was stunned for a moment. Wait a minute. Before, grandma brocade bag just said that the word "Xia'an" was the key to solving the spell, and never mentioned the name of the ghost maid.

Is it true that I misunderstood from beginning to end?

At this time, there was a more harsh sound of stone rubbing in the distance again. I saw that the things in the coffin had pushed the lid of the sarcophagus half open, revealing its charred body. It slowly sat up - it was a charred and smoking skeleton, like a severely burned person.

It bares its teeth, has deep eye sockets, and its face is ferocious. A layer of burnt muscles is attached to its rugged skeleton.

At the same time, the female ghost turned into an entity rushed at us, and the incense burner in his hand danced like a meteor hammer, dragging out a remnant.

Zhang geqi cut with a knife, and the female ghost blocked it with the stick of the incense burner. The invincible dragon cutting knife could not destroy the slender metal stick.

Zhang geqi was very brave. Seeing that a blow was blocked, he did not hesitate to continue to swing his knife and chop. Under the stormy attack, he even beat the female ghost back frequently.

But a dozen knives fell, but the censer was not damaged at all. I thought that it was probably not an ordinary object, but a magic weapon.

At this time, a burst of strong smoke flowed from the censer, and a trace was formed in midair, which lasted for a long time.

I reminded Zhang geqi, "be careful of those cigarettes!"

As soon as the voice fell, the smoke floating in the air changed into an entity, like a strange giant beast tentacle, unexpectedly rolled up Zhang geqi, and contracted hard, so that he could not even wave his knife.

I was about to support, Zhang geqi opened his mouth fiercely, and angrily roared like a dragon, which directly shattered this lump of tentacle like things. After they were broken, they turned into smoke and were sucked back into the incense burner.

I thought to myself, it seems that Zhang geqi's internal organs may also have a certain degree of flood dragon, otherwise how can he use the Dragon Yin that can only be used by flood dragon?!

The female ghost seemed to be afraid of the power of dragon roar, and immediately jumped back lightly, with two white lights from her pale pupils. After her tall and rickety body fell to the ground, she shook up the incense burner and turned around her head. She saw that the cigarette turned into three skeleton soldiers holding weapons in midair, flying to Zhang geqi with open teeth and claws.

I suddenly understood, quickly bit my finger, rushed over and wrote the word "Xia'an" on Zhang geqi's back.

Immediately, the skeleton soldiers in mid air dissipated into smoke, and the female ghost also screamed, retreated with her head in her arms, and her whole body burst into a dark blue flame.

"What did you write?" Zhang geqi turned his head in surprise, "how can it work so well?"

I said, "two words - Xia'an!"

I wrote the word "Xia'an" on my sleeve, pointed to the female ghost and said, "it seems that I have a huge misunderstanding about you! The word 'Xia'an' is not your name, but the name of the one lying there! Your duty is to protect Xia'an forever, similar to a spell engraved in the soul, so that as long as we have the word 'Xia'an', you will be punished if you attack us!"

"What do you mean?" Zhang geqi whispered, "that one over there is not dead..."

I didn't have time to explain, "later!"

"It's not a problem for a while, that thing is coming out..." Zhang geqi pressed his voice very low.

I glanced at it from the corner of my eye. The zombie in the coffin had pushed the lid of the sarcophagus to the ground and was slowly getting up. I whispered, "brother dog, guard!"

In the blink of an eye, a large spiritual dog ran out and stood beside me.

My attention returned to the female ghost. The spiritual fire on her body disappeared, and the incense burner in her hand fell to the ground, and then the whole person knelt down.

This woman is so tall that she is as tall as us even on her knees.

The ghost's white eyes turned into normal ones again, and she said, "Your Excellency, you're right! I'm the master's servant no matter I live or die. You must enter here, and I have to kill you to protect the master!"

I said faintly, "but you can't move your hand now! Your position is very strange. Your body executes the order to protect your master, but your mouth calls it a 'demon'."

The female ghost put her hands on the ground, as if in pain, and said in a mournful voice, "my master has fallen into the devil's way in order to pursue longevity. I... my concubine can't disobey the master's order, but I don't want to see the master escape and harm the creatures!"

I have understood that this female ghost has considerable magical powers and independent consciousness, but she is bound by spells and forced to perform the task of guarding the tomb.

I sighed and said, "wait here, don't make trouble, wait for us to break the 'chain' bound to you!"

I turned around, but I heard the female ghost behind me suddenly shout "adult". Turning around, she knelt down respectfully and said in a trembling voice, "please, please give the master a quick death, thank you..."

I nodded wordlessly and looked towards the middle of the stone chamber - I saw the dark zombie standing outside the sarcophagus.

At this time, I knew why it was blackened, because it was hit by my previous curse.

But this thing is a zombie who has been practicing for a hundred years. Obviously, a curse is not enough to kill it.

Suddenly, a strong vibration came, shaking us both unstable, and I felt my heart beating faster and my chest stuffy. At the same time, the bell on Zhang geqi's dragon knife actually rang.

"Trouble!" Zhang geqi said angrily, "the Earth Dragon King is down there! I see. This place is pockmarked. It was dug up by the Earth Dragon King!"

The zombie in the middle was stimulated and jumped up abruptly!

This guy's jumping ability was amazing. He jumped five or six meters at once, and broke a stone with one hand. This scene also surprised Zhang geqi with an "Er".

Zombies just attack indiscriminately like a stress response, but this shows its terrible power. Don't mention me. Even Zhang geqi can't resist such an attack, can he?

Besides, the ground is riddled with holes and cracks, and there is the Earth Dragon King waiting for ....

In an emergency, I frowned and suddenly thought, "why don't we let the zombies and the Earth Dragon King attack each other?"