Watch them fight with each other

Zhang geqi praised: "Watch them fight with each other? That's a good idea! Didn't grandma Lin give you a lure to attract zombies? Just throw it down directly."

I took out the small wax pill in the brocade bag from my pocket. The wax on the outside is to seal the smell inside, which means that as long as I open this package, the smell is absolutely strong.

I shook my head, "it's useless to throw it down."

The female ghost leaned slightly, "I can't hurt the master in any form."

I said, "but we also wrote the name of your master Xia'an, so we can't get hurt. You have to protect us."

"What's your logic?" Zhang geqi couldn't help complaining about me.

This really sounds ridiculous, but this female ghost is under a spell, so we can't go against the logic of the spell, such as "vow to protect Xia'an to the death", so when we have these two words on our body, we are also within the scope of protection.

I said to the female ghost, "tell us quickly, which places are dangerous and easy to step on!"

The female ghost was stunned for a moment, and suddenly waved the censer in her hand, and the overflowing smoke floated in all directions, slowly falling on several floor tiles at the edge of the gap, standing there like a flag.

Zhang geqi looked at the female ghost and said, "can you believe her words?"

I said firmly, "absolutely! We just need to place the bait in these places!"

"I do it!" Zhang geqi pulled off his mask and put a knife on his shoulder. His domineering posture seemed to be that of those past stars in page games advertisements.

I handed the honey wax pill to him and told him, "after putting the pill on the ground, beat it hard, and the smell inside will come out... Be careful yourself, I will cover you with fire."

Zhang geqi gave me a thumbs up, then grabbed the honey wax pill and clenched it in his left fist.

I took out the last few sick tiger charms and patted him on the shoulder, "thank you, good buddy, and then I'll invite you to dinner."

Zhang geqi laughed, "OK, give your good friend a roast whole sheep!"

"Sure! ''

Before my voice fell, Zhang geqi jumped back and forth between the broken ground and ran to the nearest mark.

Zombies walking around in the middle of the stone chamber seemed to be aware of it, turned their heads ferociously, and bared their teeth to make a dthreatening sound.

I noticed a small glowing object on its chest, and the light even penetrated the scorched skin.

At such a long distance, if I throw the talisman directly, I can't reach it. After thinking about it, I throw a sick tiger talisman into the air and shout, "brother dog, move talisman!"

A wisp of shade wind holds the sick tiger amulet and flies to the zombie, who is jumping and chasing Zhang geqi.

Soon, he suddenly noticed something and reached out to catch the wisp of shade wind transformed by brother dog. This action proved that he was very sensitive to the flow of shade air.

However, brother dog is just a group of shade air, completely not afraid of being caught. After passing over the zombie, the talisman landed on the Zombie's head impartially.

I immediately shouted, "burn it up!"

Bang, the exploding fireball swallowed the body of the zombie. The female ghost behind me screamed, and the whole body also burst into blue fire. She hugged her head and twisted her body, looking extremely painful.

I was surprised. It seemed that as long as she didn't fulfill her duties as a guard, the curse would punish her!

When the fire of the sick tiger talisman faded away, I saw that the body of the zombie was intact in the fire.

At this time, Zhang geqi had run to the front of a crumbling floor tile, put the wax Pill on it, and then gently knocked it open with a knife.

After setting, he quickly jumped to the other end of the gap and hid behind a crooked column.

The zombie swung his fist carelessly and put out the flames around. Suddenly, it suddenly stopped, and then kept looking left and right, as if it was attracted by something.

The pill grandma gave had an effect. The zombie confirmed the direction, jumped up and went straight to the bait!

Zhang geqi, who hid behind the column, excitedly compared a V-sign to me.

Only ten meters away from the bait, the zombie jumped up directly, like an eagle fighting a rabbit!

The floor tile was already very fragile. The zombie rushed on top quickly and broke with a crash.

As soon as the demon slipped, it fell straight down, and its hands grabbed it twice in midair in vain.

From the perspective of our onlookers, this scene is like a fool with an IQ arrears, even a little funny.

Zhang geqi laughed uncontrollably as he ran back. He proudly inserted his knife into the ground, mimicking the funny look of a zombie falling into the air, and then laughed, "haha, this guy, how can he be a little stupid!"

At this time, the female ghost, who had just extinguished the flame on her body, suddenly lit a blue fire all over her body. She couldn't help but wail and struggle again, showing an expression of pain, which startled Zhang geqi.

"What's the matter with this female ghost?"

"Listen!" I put my hand beside my ear, and vaguely heard the sound of fighting and the movement of giant things crawling below.

I said sympathetically, "there has been a fight below. As long as the zombie named Xia'an is injured once, she will be punished."

Then, every few seconds, a blue fire sprang up on the female ghost, and the whole person was about to burn into a faint blue torch.

It seems that the following fight is very fierce. After all, both are evil representatives who have achieved success in different fields.

Zhang geqi nodded. "Let's sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. Wait for it. Doctor Lin, your idea is wonderful!"

I humbly said, "I'm flattered. After all, I'm a doctor and I'm not good at fighting, so I'll cheat if I can."

"Haha, you despicable doctor! But when the fight is over, how can we pick up the spoils?"

I have considered this point, and the answer is no way!

I said, "I can only go back once and bring more ropes and supplies. The final result is likely to be that one of these two is dead and the other is injured. We go down as soon as possible and collect this trophy. Fortunately, they are completely different evil things and should not devour each other."

Zhang geqi's expression sank and said, "not necessarily. If the king of the Earth Dragon wins, he will certainly eat the zombies. The flood dragon are generally greedy. Sometimes the pigs in the pig farm are sick, killed, burned and buried underground, and they can dig out the pig carcass to eat."

I shrugged, "that doesn't matter, I don't want zombie meat... Although zombie meat can also be used as medicine!"

I turned around to see the female ghost again, and found that the female ghost didn't emit blue fire. She resumed her sculptural posture and stood quietly holding a portable incense burner.

I looked at her in surprise and asked, "what's the matter? Has your master been killed by the Earth Dragon King?"

"No, I can still feel the master. The master has won!" The female ghost answered faintly.

"What... What!?" I was stunned. It was only a long time, not even a cigarette!

The female ghost said seriously and a little hopelessly, "please run away quickly, or it will be too late."