kill all family

Hearing this, Zhang geqi widened his eyes and looked at me, "Dr. Lin, are we going to withdraw?"

I looked at the place where the zombie had just fallen and shook my head, "get ready to fight that thing."

"Did I hear you right? We can't pack it up according to grandma Lin's tricks anymore. Are you actually staying?" After that, Zhang geqi laughed again, "but it's just what I want! I've lived so long that I haven't fought with zombies!"

In fact, when the female ghost said that the zombie won the battle just now, my eyes had already seen a surge of shade air jumping up below, much faster than expected.

However, running away at this time will only make the situation worse.

I wry smile: "because it's too late to escape. When we go to the hole when we climb, it must be able to pull us all out from behind. It's too passive. The art of war says that we should run to the middle now, where the site is the largest, the ground is also very flat, and there is a sarcophagus as a shelter, so we can deal with it, which is conducive to fighting!"

Zhang geqi raised his eyebrows a little unexpectedly. Maybe he didn't expect that I would immediately plan a battle strategy.

But he quickly deliberately put on a serious face and said, "haha, as expected, heroes think alike! I think so too, so I step back a few steps to facilitate the run-up."

If the situation were not too critical, I really want to roast out the way he opened his eyes and lied.

I waved, "go!"

We ran towards the middle of the tomb. Zhang geqi was fast, and the cracks and holes on the ground were not difficult for him. He moved quickly and easily, jumping while running.

As an ordinary person, I have to tighten my nerves and carefully avoid the hole under my feet.

When I needed to jump over a wide crack, I was really nervous. I jumped with all my strength and finally jumped to the opposite side.

Finally, we finally passed through this fragmented area, and the female ghost also carried a incense burner and floated leisurely with us. When we reached the middle, she also arrived.

Zhang geqi waved his hand like a mosquito. He didn't trust the female ghost very much and said impolitely, "why do you always follow us? Do you still want to sneak into us?"

The female ghost said, "adult, you misunderstood. My concubine just wanted to see the master 'free' in your hands."(free=die)

I said, "can you help us? Tell us what weakness it has!"

The female ghost was silent for a moment and replied, "just now, the adult has killed the suol of the master by casting a spell, and now there is only a body left, so it..."

Speaking of this, the female ghost suddenly stopped talking and frowned.

"So what?" Zhang geqi said anxiously, "you finish talking!"

I think the female ghost can't talk any more. Besides, it will violate the constraints of the spell.

But for me, in fact, this passage still brings huge information. This thing has both soul and body, so it is not a zombie at all, he is a person!

But how can people still move after being soul killed, how can they break the column with one hand, and how can they tear the Earth Dragon King with one hand?

Previously, the female ghost said that the master fell into the devil in pursuit of longevity. It can be seen that this kind of evil force makes "Xia an" immortal and has a zombie like body

At this time, there was a clattering sound behind me, like the movement of washing snails in a pot.

I quickly turned around and saw that the sarcophagus was not empty, but there were countless human bones and skulls, which shook like being awakened.

In this situation, even Zhang geqi gave a "fuck" sound.

The female ghost said again, "if you want to live forever, you need kill all family! These are the owner's 37 children and 13 concubines, who were killed and buried on the same day."

Zhang geqi was surprised and said, "what a hard core ' live forever'! You are absolutely an epic brain wreck after you own it!"

This scene made me very shocked!

What kind of person can do such a thing! What kind of faith requires people to do such things!

Tiger doesn't eat children. Is this kind of immortality against humanity and the way of heaven really meaningful?

Those skeletons didn't finish with a bang. They began to rush out of the sarcophagus, and the broken bones kept making a clicking sound. After landing, they regrouped and became white bone monsters. They got up, with different sizes.

Zhang geqi immediately jumped up and waved a knife to destroy them. I shouted to him, "wait, brother Zhang, give me the knife."


"I read a passage of the 'Sutra of the beaver cage'."

"What Sutra?" He quickly responded, "well, don't enchant the weapon at this time."

"Sharpen your knife ,don't mistaking the firewood cut!"

I threw the brass walking stick in my hand to him, and Zhang geqi threw the Dragon cutting knife to me. After the two sides exchanged weapons, Zhang geqi rushed to clean up those white bone monsters with a miserable life experience, while I squatted down, closed my eyes and gathered my spirit, holding a knife in both hands to recite the 'Sutra of the beaver cage'.

A moment later, a rumble came from the ground and the ground began to shake.

Zhang geqi shouted anxiously, "it's too late! It's coming up!"

I turned a deaf ear and concentrated on reading the last sentence in a firm voice——

"... the sky and the earth cover can catch the crowd; samadhi is really Yang, and the soil is rotten and the body is charred."

I opened my eyes, and a pure shine air made the sword glow with hot light. At this time, Zhang geqi was surrounded by those white bone monsters. They either held Zhang geqi's legs or jumped on Zhang geqi's back, entangled like bone maggots, wrapped Zhang geqi in a thick layer, and the brass cane in his hand couldn't work at all.

"Get it!"

I shouted and slid the Dragon cutting knife against the ground. Zhang geqi, who was tired of coping, immediately perked up, rolled on the spot, grabbed his knife and threw a knife at the fierce white bone monsters.

I saw a fiery knife gas passing by, like a red knife cutting lard, and the pile of bones was instantly cut in half, and then broken one after another.

Zhang geqi opened his eyes happily and waved a few more times. The red knife gas flashed like a thunderbolt, wiping out several fish that had escaped the net behind him.

Then he couldn't help sighing: "good knife... No, good enchantment!"


A dog barked, and I looked back. Brother dog was fighting with the corpse demon.

Of course, brother dog is gas, and the corpse demon is an entity. Neither side can hit the other. Brother dog did this to attract the enemy's attention for me and won me a few precious seconds.

Zhang geqi fought with a cavity of blood courage and dragged the Dragon chopping knife to kill him. The blade passed over the hard floor and slid out a thin trace, but there was no spark splashing, because the knife would not be damaged at all.

I was worried that the knife gas of the Dragon cutting knife hurt brother dog, and shouted, "brother dog, come back!"

Brother dog immediately turned into a sinister wind and flew back. Zhang geqi began to attack at the same time, swinging a knife from bottom to top to lift the body of the corpse demon.

The blade enchanted by the beaver cage penetrated into each other's waist like a flood of snow. The corpse demon made a harsh and strange cry, which sounded like "GIAO", and then it pressed one claw on the back of the Dragon cutting knife.

Zhang geqi immediately pulled the knife back, and the sharp blade directly cut off the fingers of the corpse demon. He saw that those fingers flew into the air like a row of ice skates swept off the eaves in winter.

At this time, the lost corpse demon suddenly retreated, and Zhang geqi was about to catch up, and the monster opened its mouth and spit out a large pool of dark things at him.

Zhang geqi blocked with his arm, and the big beach of spray fell on him and the ground, but it was still crawling. A closer look, it was some insects with index finger thickness, covered with spots and black gas, which was particularly ominous at first glance.

The corpse demon took the opportunity to pull out Zhang geqi with another claw. I shouted be carefully, raised my hands, and slammed the brass cane in my hand to its head.

The stick flew vertically and hit the target, directly smashing a gap in its face. The monster looked up in pain and screamed "GIAO".

When Zhang geqi was fighting just now, I pasted a talisman on the brass cane, so I attached the power to subdue evil spirits.

However, this blow made the monster notice me and bent down and rushed over quickly