Tacit cooperation

The thunder came, obviously because I took off brother dog. God locked me down as a "wanted man" and sent thunder to chop me.

However, being in the underground cave is very safe, and the dull echo of thunder is just a cheer for this heroic battle.

Seeing that the corpse demon was pressed to the ground under the influence of the Dragon cutting knife, its Achilles' heel spine was also exposed. Zhang geqi, who fell to the ground, still had the severed hand of the corpse demon in his stomach. He vomited blood and shouted to me, "hurry!"

I don't have any weapons to use. At this critical juncture, I can't think more. I can only reach out and grab the spine of the corpse demon!

In addition to prescribing prescriptions, grandma can also set bones and acupuncture, which I didn't learn, but I've been exposed to it. In fact, human vertebrae are the same as snakes, and even the weak points are in the same position, that is, the seventh vertebrae!

I grabbed the vertebrae and pressed it hard, then I heard a crisp click, and the corpse demon on the ground screamed. Suddenly, his neck was turned 180 degrees, and his mouth was pouted out, biting my wrist. It has a long body, skin and bones, like a twisting and struggling snake.

But after all, it's not fast enough for me. The corpse of the zombie is as dry as wax meat. I grabbed the gap of this spine and pulled it with all my strength. Unexpectedly, I pulled this spine directly out of the corpse demon's body!

In the blink of an eye, the corpse devil lost his strength, and his body trembled violently like an electric shock.

"Release!" Zhang geqi shouted to unlock the effect of the 'world's ministers and soldiers'.

"I'll come!"

I stretched out my hand to pull out the Dragon cutting knife inserted on the ground and chopped it at the neck of the corpse demon. This knife was obviously extremely sharp, but the first knife only cut a shallow trace, the second knife cut into two-thirds, and the third knife I raised the knife above my head and cut it with all my strength!

With a snap, the head finally rolled down, and the stone bricks under it were chopped to pieces.

Zhang geqi straightened up nervously. Seeing that the zombie was finally killed, he breathed a long sigh of relief and said with a smile, "pull out the spine with your bare hands, Dr. Lin, you are very brave!"

I put down my knife and shook my hand. The tiger's mouth was shocked very painful, and then said, "this is originally a weakness in the joints. Normal people are paralyzed by pressing and pulling like this. Don't try by yourself!"


A scream came from a distance, and the female ghost lit a blue fire all over her body, kneeling painfully on the ground, shivering all over.

Zhang geqi asked, "will this female ghost disappear with her?"

I said, "it shouldn't be. After killing this monster, the spell that binds her will disappear, and she will be free."

Recalling that I was just saved by a female ghost, I'm very grateful. It seems that she is kind-hearted.

"Hmm..." Zhang geqi relaxed his spirit. At this time, he covered his stomach and felt pain. His mouth hurt so much that he made a "hissing" sound.

I was about to go forward to check his injury when Zhang geqi shouted, "Oh, under the skin!"

I didn't react for a moment. I thought it was Zhang geqi. I noticed his surprised eyes. I followed his eyes and immediately turned my head - I saw a glowing green thing moving rapidly under the corpse demon's dry skin!

Although I don't know what this is, my intuition tells me that it is a very dangerous existence!

I picked up the knife and chopped at the green light spot, but it moved too fast to be right.

Zhang geqi scolded and pulled out the corpse demon's claw stuck in his abdomen. The claw was as hard as an iron hook. He rushed over, and his hand was like electricity. He directly inserted his claw into the corpse demon's back and buttoned the light spot below.

The spot of light sank directly into the corpse demon's body, and then burst out of the corpse demon's neck. A beam of green light shot straight at Zhang geqi, running towards the wound in his abdomen!

I suddenly had a bad premonition, "danger!"

Poof, the strange thing got into Zhang geqi's body. Zhang geqi's body shook, and then he picked up a disdainful smile from the corner of his mouth. He stubbornly pulled out a piece of rust from his wound, with a green shining jade embedded in it.

"Oh, do you still want to be on me? How dare you!" Zhang geqi looked at this thing curiously and said.

I breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Zhang geqi had this magical constitution. His wound was actually blocked by rust flakes transformed from blood, which was beyond even thinking of the evil thing attached to him.

I took this piece of rust and pasted it with a rune.

Finally, there was no danger. I said to Zhang geqi, "I'll help you deal with your wound first."

Zhang geqi looked at his stomach covered with thick rust. "Forget it, forget it, it's almost self-healing."

Although I know that his constitution is different from that of ordinary people, I'm still surprised to see that his wound stops bleeding by itself - what a monstrous physical quality this is!

However, this self-healing comes at a cost. The lost part of human cells will be replaced by flood dragon cells, which is a step closer to complete flood dragon.

However, if I can successfully find a way to treat flood dragon disease, I should also be able to save him from flood dragon disease in the future.

At this time, I looked at the green luminous jade, confused, what is this? I have no clue at all when I recall the notebook novels I have read.

"My Lord!" The faint voice came, and the female ghost stood not far away with the incense burner.

The master is gone, and she is also free from bondage, but at this time her figure looks much lighter.

She didn't dare to come close to me. " you have too much shine air."

"Oh, wait for me!"

I hurriedly picked up brother dog and put it on again. After the lightning mark on my back was covered, this strong Yang was suppressed all over my body.

The female ghost's body became clear again, and her wide skirt glided on the ground, floating in front of me.

I said, "you are free."

The female ghost bowed gratefully, "thank you, sir. I helped the devil. If you want to deal with me, let it be."

I waved, "forget it, it's not your fault. Tell me, what happened to your master?"

The female ghost saluted.

Then she said, "I look at the two adults in short clothes and short hair. I think the outside world is not the Qing Dynasty, is it?"

Zhang geqi laughed, "Qing Dynasty have disappear."

I said, "there have been many changes outside, which can be said to be earth shaking. So, are you from the Qing Dynasty?"

"My body was born in the 14th year of Kangxi. My hometown is a small village in the south. My body was not born like this. I had a fever at the age of five, and then my body began to grow wildly. At the age of eight, I was taller than my parents. At the age of ten, no one in the village was taller than my body. At the age of twelve, my body was nine feet long, and my appearance was naive, and I had a great appetite."

I nodded, "no wonder you look so big. It turns out that you have dragon uncle disease, which is now called gigantism."

"What does that mean?" Female ghost can't understand.

"It's very complicated. To put it simply, it's congenital energy hyperactivity. If the joints are not closed at the age of closure, they still continue to grow."

"I see!" The female ghost nodded, "It seems that the adult is a doctor, but people in our village think I'm an unknown person. My parents want to throw me in the mountains and push me into the river, but I was born tall and in good health. If I lost my way in the mountains, I can quickly find it back, and I can't drown if I fell into the river. One night, I saw my parents add a packet of medicinal powder to my meal, so I ran away in fear. I don't know how long I've been wandering, and I was taken in by traffickers , after several twists and turns, I passed through several provinces, and finally sold me to Li mansion... "

The female ghost pointed to the ferocious and incomplete body on the ground, "sold it to Lord Li Xia'an as a concubine!"