Recall the past

The female ghost continued to tell in a faint tone——

At that time, Li Xia'an was old and retired from the capital to his hometown. At that time, the big house was bustling.

Lord Li has many sons and many blessings. In addition to his wife, he also took 13 concubines and gave birth to 37 children. It is a happy evening with prosperity and children and grandchildren around his knees.

The female ghost is the last concubine. Because of her tall body, naive appearance and humble birth, she is inevitably ostracized and bullied by her family. However, Lord Li loves her very much and often takes her with him.

The female ghost is both a concubine and a servant. She has wide shoulders, long arms and a tall body. It is also very convenient to pick up a book and bring tea at hand.

But as he grows older, his health is getting worse and worse. Even if he invites famous doctors from all over the country, no one can cure aging.

If he take all kinds of expensive medicinal materials that replenish blood, air and essence, he can't get an extra day from the king of hell.

At the thought of the approaching of a hundred years, Lord Li was increasingly sad and lamented in the garden all day. This tall and loyal concubine followed him to serve, and she also felt a sense of sadness and humiliation.

One day, a wandering Taoist came to the door. The Taoist priest was haggard and looked like a zombie, wearing a wandering square scarf and holding a shade-shine flag.

The Taoist's right hand seemed to have been seriously injured, with only half of his five fingers covered with a fake finger made of sapphire.

In order to accumulate blessings, Lord Li always entertains a few vegetarian meals if monks and Taoists come to the door for alms.

The eccentric Taoist was invited into the guest room and the waiter brought tea and rice.

But the Taoist just glanced, poured a cup of hot tea on the waiter's face, and then grabbed the lid of the food box and severely hit the head of the waiter.

When the family heard the scream and came, the poor waiter had been beaten to the badly beaten.

The housekeeper scolded the Taoist priest for being crazy and wanted to take him to an official.

The Taoist sneered and said, "I beat this humble slave who doesn't know the etiquette. Hasn't anyone taught the truth of 'tea, rice and wine are full'? When serving, he actually pointed at the guest with his fingers. Such a rude dog deserves to be killed!"

The housekeeper felt that this guy was unreasonable. No matter how he ate people for nothing, how could he be so rampant, not to mention that he was a monk with a clean mind.

The housekeeper went to tell his master that he was so angry that Lord Li blew his beard and stared, and asked someone to bind the Taoist priest and send him to him.

The Taoist who was tied up by his family saw the master, but he was neither humble nor arrogant, and talked frankly: "I beat the boy, in fact, to eliminate the demon for the family. This demon has been hidden for a long time, and it is cunning. Only a sudden move can hurt it, otherwise this demon will inevitably harm the master in the future."

The master thought that the Taoist was talking nonsense and was ready to throw him into the well. The Taoist said faintly, "if you don't believe it, you can check it. I have a half empty word and am willing to be punished!"

The family members ran to see that the seriously injured boy actually had black hair on his face, and showed a pointed nose and beard. This frightened everyone and crawled back to his master.

The master was shocked when he heard this. He personally examined it. Seeing the strange appearance of the boy, he was also convinced and ordered someone to kill the "monster"

As a result, the boy was put into a big gunny bag by the people, and was beaten into a lump of blood mud by random sticks, which made the floor tiles in the hospital red.

The master couldn't stand the smell of blood. He covered his mouth and nose with a handkerchief and coughed a few times. He waved to the tall concubine behind him to bury the "demon" in the back mountain.

She opened it curiously when burying the body. There was no monster!

It was still a poor houseboy who died. His whole body was broken and his tendons were cracked, soft and rotten as mud, and his eyes were unwilling to shed blood and tears.

Although her appearance was clumsy, her mind was normal, and she couldn't help but be shocked at the sight!

I understand that this is all a play directed and performed by the Taoist priest using some kind of magic method, and the purpose is only to deceive the master's trust.

After burying the body, he went back. Sure enough, the master had treated the Taoist as a guest of honor. The two talked happily.

The servant served tea, poured water, and made a feast. The tall maid was alert - this Taoist was not a good man!

But at present, the master is in high spirits. If you say it rashly, your fate may be the same as that of the boy

The Taoist didn't give up meat and alcohol. Besides eating meat and drinking, his drunken face also showed an obscene look. He looked at the family members at home. Finally, his eyes fell on the tall maid standing behind the master, with a bit of ridicule in his eyes, and said to the master, "this woman is so tall that she must have a different taste."

The master smiled, "this is my new concubine, a loyal servant. If it weren't for being born as a daughter, this physique would be able to expand the territory and become a Grand Marshal!"

The Taoist raised his eyebrows and said indecently, "can Lord Li recognize the art in the room?"

The host nodded slightly and said, "I heard a little."

They talked about health preservation and longevity from the art of living in the room. The lamp oil was added again and again, and the wine was served on jars after jars.

The Taoist priest was elated, and the more he said it, the more he worked hard, telling the master that there was a prescription for prolonging life. The medicinal materials were very popular, including boy and girl urine, live snake gall, red cloth, grave head cream, human scabs, umbilical cords of premature babies, and zombie eyes.

These herbs made the tall maid feel sick, but the master listened with relish, nodded constantly, and asked, "these things boil soup together, drink a bowl every day, and you can prolong your life?"

The Taoist's row of sapphire fingers buckled on the table, and he said with a blue light in his eyes, "however, this is the secret of our Taoism, which is called 'Stealing shade soup'. A bowl can steal seven days of life from the king of hell."

The master was puzzled and asked, "in this way, if you keep drinking this soup, won't you live a long life?"

The Taoist smiled strangely, "not necessarily. Lord Li can drink it first. If it works, I have the following explanation!"

"Great, great!"

The master was very happy and immediately ordered the tall maid to send a message and prepare these "herbs".

The next day, the housekeeper went to the village to buy the urine of boys and girls and the umbilical cord of the dead child; Some villagers dig their ancestors' graves to earn money; In order to remove scabs, many slaves' wounds on their arms did not heal in a day; Finally, many people were poisoned by snakes for nothing just to get snake gall, and lost their lives.

Lord Li has great power in the local area. As long as the order goes on, what he wants to do is like casting magic, and progress is amazing.

Soon, a bowl of disgusting smelling and feculent soup cooked with all kinds of disgusting "medicinal materials" was served. Lord Li was completely unaware of the process of tossing the neighbors and servants into confusion.

The maid urged the master not to drink this thing, but Lord Li waved his hand and said, "Hey, people often say that folk remedies cure serious diseases. Anyway, I don't have a few days to live. Whether it's true or false, it's meed verify it!"

Lord Li frowned and gulped down the medicine soup. Half of it, he retched. After drinking several bowls of fragrant tea, he squeezed his nose and poured down the rest of the medicine soup. The taste of the medicine soup was disgusting.

After a while, Lord li felt that his stomach was noisy and he couldn't stand,so lying down.

The family members were so worried that they thought Lord Li was going to die and were ready to settle accounts with the Taoist priest.

The Taoist also lived at home these two days. . He ate wine and meat, bullied slaves, and even went so far as to hook up with Lord Li's concubines. Someone vaguely saw him sneaking out of a room he shouldn't have entered in the middle of the night with his pants up.

When a group of righteous families stopped the eccentric Taoist to beat him, suddenly Lord Li arrived.

The family members were surprised to find that there were several black whiskers in Lord Li's snow white beard.

(Translation is actually very hard. I don't know if anyone has seen it. If anyone reads it, you can leave me a message. Otherwise, there's really no motivation)