Accept Xia an

Hearing this, Zhang geqi, who sat cross legged and rested, couldn't help jumping up, "finally talking about this part! This stupid master must be planning to let everyone bury him together?"

I winked at Zhang geqi and told him to pay attention to his words. After all, I called the former owner of the female ghost "stupid master", a little regardless of each other's mood.

But Zhang geqi didn't notice it at all. After all, it was too dark around. The medicine we drank had long been ineffective, and the light source was only a flashlight.

From the narration of the female ghost, her attitude towards the master is loyal, blaming and regretting, and she completely hates the liar Taoist.

The female ghost sighed faintly, "This tomb was built at the suggestion of the Taoist priest, because if the master wanted to complete the transformation from mortal to immortal, he needed to find a suitable tomb to shut down and sleep in it for a thousand years. In the state of ignorance, the body would automatically complete the whole process of cultivation. When we were brought to this tomb, we looked around curiously, and many children wanted to go out crying, but the Lord People are not allowed and ask us to go all the way here. I think at this time, not only me, but many people already have a bad feeling.

"When we came here, suddenly something closed the door in the dark, and then a group of masked people with knives rushed over, waved knives and cut at the crowd, and the women and children all fell in a pool of blood. But the master and the Taoist stood quietly by the coffin, looking at all this coldly. Although these gangsters were masked, they had an important feature, which was to keep the Taoist's hairstyle!"

I imagined that picture. Ordinary men in the Qing Dynasty were pigtails, and Taoist hairstyles were really good to recognize.

The voice of the female ghost is full of sadness after a hundred years, "I was tall and powerful, and when the master loved me before, he saw that I was active and asked the martial arts master to teach me some KongFu, so I grabbed a stick left by an unknown craftsman and beat the assassins away one after another, and some of the women and children hid behind me. I questioned the master why he did this. The master said: 'I want to live forever, you need to die, and the immortal has no offspring, you must die! Listen, die obediently, Once you close your eyes, you'll be in the afterlife. You haven't done anything wrong. You must be be reborn to good family in the afterlife. Maybe you can be a top scholar. "

"I felt very painful. My hands were still resisting, but my heart was numb. I gritted my teeth, broke the stick in my hand in two, and stabbed the sharp stubble down my throat, and then... I didn't know anything..."

Imagining this scene, I couldn't help frowning. This means of suicide is too decisive. It seems that this woman was also an extremely strong woman in her lifetime.

After a while, She continued to whisper: "My consciousness was dark. After a long time, I actually woke up and became like this. There were my bones in this incense burner. The master said that I was loyal, so with the help of the Taoist priest, I was refined into a curse and a fierce ghost to guard here forever for him. In the future, when he became an immortal, I could also get benefits! So I wandered here for hundreds of years, fulfilled my mission, and drove away a batch of offending people, but my heart There has always been a doubt, who should I hate, the Taoist priest, my parents, or... "She stopped sadly, and the master is still a sacred existence for her.

Zhang geqi said briskly, "well, of course, it's the old society of hatred that turns people into ghosts!"

I roast, "it's all the dirty Taoist who is playing tricks and making a big family such a disaster step by step. It's time for a thunderbolt! By the way, where did the Taoist go after that?"

The female ghost said, "I don't know. I can't leave here. But I vaguely realize that they are a huge organization, and the owner is not the first to be hurt by them, and certainly not the last. I think there must be many unlucky people in the world who are cheated by them like the owner."

I sighed, "yes, it's unforgivable to do such a thing by taking advantage of people's twilight in their old age and their longing for longevity! Now that you're free, why don't you come back to it with me."

The female ghost nodded slightly, then stretched out her finger, "I am willing to listen to the instructions of adults, but there is a condition that I will personally eradicate the organization that plagues the master in the future!"

I nodded and said, "don't worry, such a scum will never sit idly by as long as I encounter it! My intuition tells me that these evils should still be active in the world, but I don't know if we will meet them in the future... By the way, your real name is..."

The female ghost flew over and wrote a three character name in my palm with the incense burner lever in her hand. I remembered it by heart, "OK, I remember!"

"What name?" Zhang geqi asked curiously.

I clenched my hand. "I'm her new owner. Only i can know her real name. This is the rule."

"Shit! Stingy!" Zhang geqi disdained, "forget it, I'm too lazy to know. It must be something like Cui and Juan."

I looked at the female ghost, "I have my real name in mind. You have to have a code to call it conveniently. In this way, don't choose, just use Xia'an's name..."

Seeing her sad face, I asked, "aren't you satisfied with this name?"

The female ghost shook her head, "there's nothing unsatisfied. I'm a ghost, I have no body, and I won't be happy or sad. My master... My former master used to be a bachelor, with high power. Is it not good for a small man like me to use his master's name?"

I smiled, "it doesn't matter. Times have changed. People are equal. Moreover, this name is also a valuable memory for you. It is also a constant reminder of this old revenge. You can use this name from now on, Xia'an!"

"I am!" She bowed her head.

I feel so happy in my heart that I didn't expect to have an unexpected harvest on this trip. I received such a powerful ghost!

Moreover, Xia'an has intelligence and self-awareness, which alone makes her different from most ghosts.

It is said that an animal puts a mirror in front of it. If it can recognize itself in the mirror, it has the potential to become a goblin. However, most animals often think that there is another kind in the mirror and will demonstrate or test against "it", which shows that they do not have the concept of "self".

Xia an has self-awareness, which is invaluable. She has unlimited possibilities, and it is no exaggeration to say that she even has the qualification to become an immortal.

After accepting the new worker, I naturally asked her to work. I cleared my throat and said, "how's the situation next? Go and help me find out."

"Yes, master." With that, Xia'an drifted away leisurely.

Zhang geqi said with a smile, "Dr. Lin, you are really a collector. You need what you see. By the way, do you want this?" He shook the piece of rust embedded with strange pieces of jade.

I answered, "keep it and go back to study what it is."

"OK." Zhang geqi nodded, teased me and said, "you've been pumping cards all the way. Brother, I'm still empty handed! So what, I'm not demanding. Is that 'little toy' in the Zombie's belly mine?"

I was stunned. What's in my stomach?

Looking at the zombie, it's dead. However, there was a congealed but lingering green gas in its belly. I didn't pay much attention before. Now I heard Zhang geqi say this and looked at his winking expression. I suddenly understood, "isn't it, dragon pill is in the belly of the zombie?"

"Hahahaha!" Zhang geqi ran over with a laugh and kicked the zombie over. Before he was ready to cut, he announced again, "dragon pill belongs to me, and everything else belongs to you."

I waved my hand, "take it quickly!"

In fact, I don't care about dragon pill at all. "Xia'an" is a valuable existence for me.

Of course, Zhang geqi probably thinks so about dragon pill. This is the difference between occupations. The things we think are valuable are completely different.

(I take some time after work every day to translate novels. If you want to read more novels, you can give me a reward and I will spare more time to translate them.)