The third brocade bag

Zhang geqi excitedly opened the Zombie's skin like stomach, in which there was a lump of bloody meat, which was from the Earth Dragon King.

Cut the meat open, and there is a round bead in the middle, showing a deep grayish brown all over.

So this is what the earth attribute dragon pill looks like!

Zhang geqi picked it up, not too dirty, so he rubbed it on his body and took a finger band, "haha, it's great, this trip didn't come in vain... I'll treat you to dinner later, and I'll buy something for grandma Lin by the way. By the way, look at your clinic, there's no TV at all, let me send a high-definition color TV!"

"Come on," I was amused by him. "My grandmother doesn't like watching TV at all, so she listens to teacher Dan's storytelling."

Looking at his cheerful appearance, it can be seen that this bead must be very valuable.

Of course, I said it to him, and I will never regret it. If Zhang geqi didn't work hard all the way, how could I get here smoothly? This dragon pill is completely deserved by him.

I said, "keep that lump of flood dragon for me. I can count on it to cure Li Youtian."

Zhang geqi directly tore a piece from his shirt and wrapped the flood dragon. The cloth was too porous. When he handed it to me, the blood trickled down.

"Hey, you don't care if your clothes aren't yours, do you?"

I scolded him and took the meat, but how dirty it would be if it was directly put into my pocket?

Fortunately, I have brought a lot of jute paper with me. Jute paper is used to wrap medicine. I usually use it to draw symbols. This kind of paper is relatively durable and has strong water absorption.

I almost ran out of spells in my waist bag, and the remaining pieces plus some medicine bottles were transferred to my coat pocket. Then I wrapped this precious flood dragon meat with a few pieces of jute paper, and put the whole bag into my waist bag and zipped it up.

This time, I killed three birds with one stone. I not only got the key medicinal materials, but also eradicated the zombies. I also accepted a powerful female ghost assistant, which was a great harvest.

I asked Zhang geqi, "why does this zombie eat dragon pill?"

Zhang geqi scratched his head and said, "I don't know. It's probably something that I thought was a big tonic. In fact, it's completely useless."

I had an idea, came up with an idea, speculated: "fill the shape with shape... Is it because this zombie has been practicing for a long time, and he has condensed pill himself?"

Hearing this, Zhang geqi went to dissect the abdomen of the zombie, and found nothing for a long time.

There are only some shriveled and dehydrated organs in the belly of the zombie, just like the pickled intestines of pigs, cattle and sheep. I looked at the strange broken jade on the rust piece in my hand, and thought deeply, and said, "is this its pill?"

At this time, Xia an leisurely flew up and reported to me, "master, the body of the Earth Dragon King and your backpack are all under it. There is a hole in the ground below, leading to the outside."

Xia an didn't answer. I repeated the question before she said, "it's too high. I'm afraid it's dangerous.".

I discussed with Zhang geqi. Anyway, we got what we needed. As for the aftermath of picking up backpacks, cutting the lungs of the Earth Dragon King (earth breath is a precious medicinal material), and burning the troublesome corpse of the dragon, we'd better come back next time.

To be cautious, we still returned the same way. When we passed the stone chamber in front, we heard a large group of fire poison frogs beating at the other end behind the blocked hole, listening to the thrilling noise.

Zhang geqi joked, "Dr. Lin, do you want these strange frogs? Why don't you collect them together? They can also refine toad cakes!"

I said, "can you pull it down? You know how difficult it is to refine toad cake. So much can only be filled with half a small wine bug. Besides, I don't know this craft."

We climb back along the vertical hole and jump from bottom to top, which is much more troublesome. Thanks to Zhang geqi's good health, he pulled me from time to time.It was so tired that my hands and feet shook involuntarily when we climbed up.

Midway, we lay on the edge of the hole for a while to rest, and sleepiness gradually attacked. I hurriedly climbed up, "can't sleep here, it's too cold, you must get sick, let's get out quickly!"

I kicked Zhang geqi's shoes. This guy leaned on the stone pillar and was resting his hands with his eyes closed. As soon as he shook, he woke up and said, "I didn't sleep, just resting my eyes."

I laughed, "get up!"

The so-called "rest your eyes", "sleep for another minute" and "finish this" are all classic self deception?

Zhang geqi seemed to be very sleepy. He yawned as he walked. He didn't know where to throw the mask. I watched him open his mouth and inhale the dust of the Centennial hoard in the tomb like a storm. I couldn't help sweating for him.

Zhang geqi suddenly thought of something and said, "I have another question. Since this place can't even enter the tomb robbers, what about the baby?"

I asked, "what baby?"

"Hah, nether wares! It's written in the tomb robbing novels. There are all kinds of nether wares in the tomb and coffin, which are invaluable."

I speculated: "in fact, this is not a tomb in terms of function, but the practice place of Lord Li. Maybe there is no nether ware at all?"

At this time, Xia'an slowly emerged and said angrily, "the ghost was taken away by the Taoist! After my master fell asleep, he said that these gold and silver were not conducive to practice."

Zhang geqi said, "well, this guy, he's too desperate to do things! There's no bottom line at all! By the way, Dr. Lin, didn't you say you wanted to tell this place to archaeologists? In case someone came to see it and there was no fart, can't you doubt us?"

I said, "I doubt a fart. We didn't take anything!A straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe! Let's talk about it later. I'm so tired now!"

I don't have a cell phone. Useless things are cumbersome. Of course, Zhang geqi doesn't have a cell phone, so we don't know the time.

When I came outside, my dear fellow, it was a sunny day! The sun pricked his eyes like a needle, and he couldn't even open his eyes.

We had to hide in the shadow for a while. Xia an couldn't appear in the sun. Before drilling out of the ground, she went back to the censer and was held by me.

Zhang geqi said, "it's still daytime? Let's not move so fast."

I observed the shadow of the tree. "It must be the next morning. We stayed down all day and night."

I smelled, "it's a smelly smell. I'll have a good wash when I go back."

Zhang geqi moved his body and said, "why don't we go to the city directly? I'll invite you to take a bath, eat, sing and play for a day!"

I waved my hand, "thank you. Let's talk later. Go back to the clinic first."

Zhang geqi patted me, He said enthusiastically, "Dr. Lin, we've been together for life and death! You can get along with us! Let's often cooperate in the future. I'll kill flood dragon if you make medicinal herbs! By the way, I'll think twice. It's a little unkind to swallow dragon pill alone. This bead is estimated to be worth at least hundreds of thousands of dollars. After selling it, give you 30% of it, and I'll buy grandma Lin some gifts to thank you for taking care of me during this time."

I said, "are you leaving so soon?"

He pretended to be deep and said, "well, flood dragon catcher are all over the world. The flood dragon in this place have been eliminated. Of course, I have to go to the next place that needs me... Of course, I still have to wait for the work after improvement."

I smiled. In fact, I also felt quite congenial with him, but I didn't think about cooperation.

Our trip is only for the treatment of rare flood dragon disease, and similar diseases will not appear every day.

In the future, I will definitely live a normal life.

At this time, Zhang geqi said, "grandma Lin is so divine that she predicted that she would not have been here?"

I thought about it and said, "obviously not. If she came, Xia'an would definitely tell me. I think these are all speculated by her from the literature and the legends of the village. A senior official like Lord Li broke his family and killed people. A village was tossed around, and there must be a mention in the county annals, and grandma would be well prepared for everything."

"So you follow your grandmother, but the third brocade bag is actually empty. Just gather the three brocade bags of heaven, earth and people, right? Haha!"

I remembered the blank paper, and my previous doubts surged into my heart again - why did grandma do such superfluous actions?

Now that we're all bolted out, there's definitely no need to use any more tricks.

Thinking like this, I casually took out the paper and looked. I didn't expect that a line of words slowly appeared on it in the sun.

As soon as I read the above words, I instantly felt cool from head to toe!

(Read a novel and make money off the unused bandwidth: