Grandma's Funeral

Unexpectedly, the mystery of this paper is sunshine. The words on it are written in a special ink. As long as the sun shines, it will appear. No wonder it is just a white paper in the tomb.

In other words, grandma meant to let me see this brocade bag after leaving the tomb.

It says: "Miaomiao, when you see this letter, grandma is no longer alive. Don't be sad, people will die. Now my deadline has come, and everything will be left to you. You are my good grandson and my good apprentice. You will be able to surpass and inherit the witch doctor in the future. People always grow up in frustration. After leaving me, you will encounter many problems, but don't be afraid. The way to solve the problems is in your heart.

"If you encounter an insurmountable disease, go to Gutong county to find a doctor surnamed sun, who will instruct you to find the answer.

"I've experienced great storms in my life, but I've never done anything ashamed of myself. You should be more careful about your diseases. Don't take it lightly for a moment. If you have strength in the future, you must seal the God of plague!

"After I die, you must do one thing - guard the grave for grandma for seven days.

"In addition, please convey my gratitude to young Zhang for his assistance. There is a trivial gift on the top of the bookshelf, which I gave to young Zhang.

"Miaomiao, grandma is very happy to have you with , I hope you can stick to the end."

Halfway through the letter, I couldn't help but burst into tears and wet the letter. After reading the last line, I threw the letter to Zhang geqi and ran down the mountain.

"Hey, what's the matter with you..."

Zhang geqi was silent for a moment, probably after reading the letter, and suddenly ran after him, "Dr. Lin, wait for me!"

On the way, I was uneasy and ran to the side of the mountain. When I looked down, the village was still quiet and peaceful. A blue smoke curled up in the direction of the clinic. I vaguely saw some white things in the hospital, maybe wreaths.

I immediately burned inside, sad, and rushed down the mountain as fast as I could.

Running home in one breath, I saw that the yard was full of wreaths, and there were many people standing, not only in my family, but also in the village. They all came to see grandma off.

I just came out of the ancient tomb. I must be dirty and smelly all over. Everyone looked surprised when they saw me.

I couldn't care about this either. I rushed into the house and saw grandma's mourning hall. I knelt down and cried, "grandma, why didn't you tell me earlier! I didn't even see you last!"

My parents and other relatives came to comfort me. I was so sad that I couldn't stop crying no matter how I wiped it.

Zhang geqi came and kowtowed to grandma's holy place to burn incense, and then came to comfort me with a few clumsy words, but it was completely ineffective.

At this time, I was tired physically and mentally, cried for several hours, fell asleep vaguely, and my dreams were also sad dreams. As a result, I woke up directly from my dream, only to find that I had been helped to the bed by my relatives. I got up and came to grandma's spirit to guard.

For me, grandma is not only my closest relative, but also my mentor.

Immersed in deep sadness, I watched grandma's legacy all night in a daze.

At this time, Zhang geqi brought two bowls of noodles from the outside and said, "Hey, you have to kill yourself like this. Come and eat noodles... You don't eat ,I eat. Snore, snore, it's really delicious!"

He was elated, biting garlic and eating a large bowl of noodles. I was really hungry, so I took another bowl and took a bite, and immediately felt something wrong.

I said, "white leather noodles?"

"Ah? I'm afraid you'll spoil it if you don't eat it? I don't eat salt, so I didn't put seasoning." Zhang geqi said, "but this is the only thing in the kitchen now. I'm embarrassed to ask my aunt to stew an elbow for me."

"Forget it, that's it."

I can only go to the kitchen to pour some soy sauce and eat casually.

After eating the noodles, I rubbed my swollen eyes and said, "tomorrow morning, I'll go to treat Li Youtian. After that, you can take the rope to clean up the body of the Earth Dragon King."

"Ah?" Zhang geqi was stunned. "Isn't it very good? Are you in such a hurry? Won't you keep grandma Lin's filial piety for three days?"

I shook my head, "grandma asked me to guard her grave for seven days, which must be meaningful, and I will never leave at that time. So the treatment of the disease must be completed before burial. Li Youtian's disease can't be delayed for a moment, 'medicinal materials' keep for a long time, I'm afraid of losing their medicinal properties. If grandma knows in the spirit of heaven, she will forgive me, after all, the treatment of the disease is more important than everything!"

"Then your family..."

"I don't care what they say!" I answered firmly, "that's what my grandmother taught me!"

Zhang geqi gave a thumbs up, "awesome! OK, listen to you! I'll leave when you finish guarding grandma Lin's grave for seven days, or I won't be enough friends."

I patted Zhang geqi on the shoulder and felt a touch of emotion in my heart. I said, "thank you, good buddy! Go ahead and I'll be alone."

Zhang geqi suggested, "you'd better sleep and treat people early tomorrow morning."

I didn't feel sleepy. I just sat in front of grandma's memorial tablet in a daze all night, burning a handful of paper in the basin from time to time. The yellow paper slowly incinerated into ash gave off heat, like the temperature of grandma's palm.

It was getting brighter and brighter. When I said I was going to treat someone, my family naturally objected that I didn't care about my priorities.

Whatever they say, anyway, I "go my own way", changed my clothes, Bring the necessary medicine, and left with Zhang geqi.

When I came to Li Youtian's house, Uncle Li was so anxious to turn around at the door that he was very happy to see me coming. He greeted me and looked at my face. He said cautiously, "Doctor Lin, are you coming? Your grandmother, alas, I'm sorry for the change... My family has finished eating the medicine of Tian, and I'm thinking about going to the clinic to buy some, but the thought of so many people doing funerals..." Uncle Li looked embarrassed. ".

I said, "I know, he has already finished his three doses of medicine. It doesn't matter. I'm here for Youtian's disease."

Uncle Li looked at the medicine bag in my hand, "thank you so much. Please come again! Then I'll decoct the medicine now? You don't know, as soon as he stopped taking the medicine, he was in the water tank again."

I glanced at the open door, and Li Youtian became a "Mermaid" again, soaking in a water tank and eating fish bones happily.

Zhang geqi couldn't help laughing at this. It can be seen that I looked serious and tried to hold it back.

This flood dragon cell is very strong, and people with weak willpower are easy to be controlled by it. For example, Li Youtian, once he stops taking medicine, his lifestyle has changed. It is both physical and mental to fight flood dragon disease.

I said seriously, "Uncle Li, let's go in and talk."

"Good good."

Uncle Li let us into the room and poured tea. I put a small piece of flood dragon meat wrapped on the table, and took out another package of medicine, which is the medicine for relieving centipede poison.

I said, "in fact, I went to the mountain to find medicine two days ago, and this trip was quite smooth. Today I came to root out the disease of Youtian, cure it at one time, and never attack again."

Uncle Li was holding a cigarette. Hearing this, he suddenly snuffed out the cigarette and knelt on the ground.

I was startled, got up quickly, held him, and said, "Uncle Li, don't do this, don't do this."

After being helped up, Uncle Li cried gratefully, "Dr. Lin, I really thought this strange disease could not go away for a lifetime. I have made plans to sell my house and land. Great, great, I have been waiting for you in my dream! Dr. Lin, you are the Savior of our old Li family!"

I smiled, "Uncle Li's words are serious, and it's my duty to cure the disease. During this time, I've been thinking about how to root out flood dragon disease! I'm sure to treat Youtian, but there are two points to be made clear in advance - first, flood dragon disease can be cured, but the sequelae of infertility will still exist, and I can't cure it with ordinary prescriptions for infertility; another thing, this time I have to charge 650000¥!"

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