To treat Li Youtian

Uncle Li's hand trembled as soon as he heard it. He couldn't speak for a long time, and raised his eyebrows in surprise, "is this... So expensive?"

I said calmly, "Uncle Li, don't worry, listen to me finish.

"First of all, these herbs are extremely rare. To tell you the truth, I was lucky to get them this time, and I almost lost my life in the middle. This cost includes costs and risks. I can pat my chest and say that this is absolutely a fair price!

"Secondly, if you can't take out so much money, just give me a blank note. There is no interest, and there is no repayment deadline. Even if it will be finished ten years later, twenty years later, or thirty years later, I will never rush, but anyway, this process still needs to go."

Uncle Li rubbed his hands in embarrassment and looked sad. When I finally finished speaking, his eyes lit up again - it seems that he should understand what I mean. In fact, I didn't intend to let him pay so much money at all.

But he said with embarrassment, "the crops in the fields are still confiscated this year, and the family really won't be able to take the cash for a while. But, Dr. Lin, you worked hard to get medicine, and we wrote a blank note. This... This is too unreasonable! Well, I'll go to my relatives and friends first."

I said with a smile, "no, no, Uncle Li, I'm not polite. Just write a blank note. Anyway, I'm a little friend with Youtian."

Finally, Uncle Li agreed to write a blank note and go to get a pen and paper.(In Chinese, a white note means a debit note)

Zhang geqi looked at me and smiled, "Dr. Lin, I didn't expect you to have a plan."

This note is very meaningful. I estimate that Zhang Xiaofa, who went to the city for medical treatment, will inevitably cry and beg me after a period of time. At that time, whether I treated it or not, it was a dilemma anyway.

They made their own mistakes, and I will treat them regardless of past grievances. My heart will be very confused.

If I don't treat it, I'll be happy for a while, but I'm all from the same village. Once Zhang Xiaofa's family adds fuel and vinegar outside, I must be at the disadvantage of public opinion. I'll be treated as inhuman and behaving like a dish by people who don't know the truth, which will affect the reputation of the clinic too much.

Then I'll simply make it simple and set a price that makes me feel comfortable.

The price of eradicating flood dragon disease is 650000. The rules have been set from Li Youtian. No one is special and no one is given preferential treatment.

If someone asks whether Li Youtian's family has paid, I will show an IOU and say that his family is poor and owes me first. This is an IOU.

In the long run, if someone comes to me to treat flood dragon disease in the future, they will also charge the same fee, and no one can take advantage of anyone.

After Uncle Li came back, wrote the IOU and signed it. After I read it, I put it away, nodded and said, "OK, let's go and get Youtian in, and I'll treat him."

Uncle Li called Aunt Li and coaxed and persuaded Li Youtian into the house.

He still had a fish head in his mouth, and his mouth was full of fishy smell. He greeted me and said, "Miaomiao, are you coming? Although the medicine you gave me is quite effective, how can I feel more comfortable without taking it, can won't take it!"

Uncle Li was angry, so he hit him on the neck, "what are you talking about? If you don't take good medicine, you will become a monster tomorrow!"

I laughed and said, "Uncle Li, when Youtian is well, he won't think so. The main reason is that the disease is really uncomfortable. By the way, I need some live centipedes, the more fierce the better."

Uncle Li thought for a while and immediately said, "wait, I'll fix it for you! I remember that a classmate of his uncle has a centipede breeding factory."

I shook my head, " I want it be wild. I'm afraid I have to turn over a rock in the mountain and catch a dozen."

Uncle Li nodded hurriedly. Aunt Li said anxiously, "you have to be careful when you go to Niuji mountain. You can't go deep into the woods. It's said that when Zhao Laoer, who is in the west of the village, went up the mountain before, he met a female ghost with a incense burner! Thanks to his fast speed, both shoes are gone!"

I want to laugh in my heart. My heart says that this female ghost has been accepted by me, but I'm not going to say it. After all, it's too troublesome to explain.

I also took a piece of talisman paper to Uncle Li, saying that this talisman could ward off evil spirits.

So Uncle Li put on his bamboo basket and tools, put on a straw hat and hurried out.

I'll do some preparatory work first. Grind a small piece of flood dragon meat carefully, and then filter out the juice with fine gauze. At the same time, I'll ask Aunt Li to make a medicine soup - a medicine soup for relieving centipede poison.

As soon as Li Youtian smelled the meat smell of the Earth Dragon King, he felt sick and wanted to vomit. He frowned and covered his mouth and nose to see me crush flood dragon meat. "Miaomiao, what's this thing? It smells too bad. Do you want me to eat it?"

I smiled, "don't worry, don't eat too much, just a few drops will be enough."

Li Youtian couldn't help but excite his soul, showing an expression of extreme disgust.

What a person particularly wants to eat is what his body lacks most at present. This old saying can also be understood in reverse. For example, Li Youtian instinctively resists this thing, which shows that the Jiao cells in his body extremely reject the earth attribute flood dragon blood.

However, how to control the amount of earth attribute flood dragon blood needs Zhang geqi's experience to perceive.

Zhang geqi sucked a little flood dragon blood into his mouth with a rubber tipped dropper. Seeing that Li Youtian couldn't help retching, Zhang geqi smacked his mouth like a chef trying soup, shook his head and said, "no, this amount is too small, I can't determine the dosage at all."

I thought for a while and said, "isn't your dragon cutting knife able to perceive the existence of flood dragons?"


Zhang geqi thought for a moment, asked Aunt Li for some nylon silk, and hung the Dragon chopping knife in the room, but the Dragon chopping knife seemed to have no response. I thought, "the Dragon chopping knife has dragon pills, and I think it is spiritual. Just talk to it and try."

Zhang geqi was skeptical and hugged the Dragon cutting knife and said, "old man, look for the water attribute flood dragon air near here, please... I'll get some knife wax for you to take good care of..."

After waiting for a while, there was still no response. Zhang geqi blushed, "shit, Dr. Lin, are you kidding me? It doesn't work! How can this broken knife understand me?"

But the Dragon chopping knife was like deliberately hitting him in the face. Before Zhang geqi's voice fell, it bounced slightly, and the bell on the handle of the knife also rang, sending out a series of crisp bells.

Zhang geqi showed an incredible expression, and then said happily, "haha, you can really understand me!? brother Knife, you are too good!"

I explained, "if it doesn't have a certain intelligence, how can it hear your cry and launch that 'world soldiers'? Such a treasure must be human like my brother dog."

Zhang geqi nodded approvingly and asked the Dragon cutting knife, "by the way, I forgot to ask, are you female or male? Should I call you brother knife or sister knife?"

This time, the Dragon cutting knife didn't respond at all.

There is no one in this brain hole, but I didn't laugh. The great blow of grandma's death is still weighing heavily on my mind. Whenever my thoughts stop, sadness will rush out of control.

Seeing that the Dragon cutting knife had no movement, Zhang geqi looked back awkwardly and changed the topic: "where's brother Youtian?"

I saw that Li Youtian was missing. I ran to the inner room to have a look. For a while, he actually went under the bed. Like an acrobat, he bent down and shrank in the narrow space, holding his ankles with both hands. His eyes reflected in the dark, looking a little strange.

I bent down and asked him what he was doing at the bottom of the drill. Li Youtian said timidly, "Miaomiao, I feel scared when I look at brother Zhang's knife. Have it killed many people, so it's very angry?"

Zhang geqi walked in and said impolitely, "my knife has never killed anyone, only flood dragon, and countless flood dragon have been killed!"

Hearing the speech, Li Youtian's body trembled involuntarily, and put his nails into his mouth to bite.

I advised him: "Youtian, don't be afraid! To be exact, it's not you who are afraid, but the evil spirit in your body. Don't let it dominate you. You are the master of your body. Come out!"

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