
Under my persuasion, Li Youtian came out of the inner room reluctantly.

However, as soon as he stepped into the living room, the hanging dragon cutting knife suddenly vibrated, and the bell made a crisp sound, which scared Li Youtian to shiver and turn around and run back.

I stopped him and scolded, "Youtian, are you still a man? Are you afraid?"

Li Youtian held my hand tightly and said, "Miaomiao, I'm so scared that I can't say it! I don't know why! I'll treat it another day. I'm not in good condition today!"

I shook my head and sighed that disease would indeed weaken people's will.

I took out the white note written by Uncle Li and showed it to Li Youtian. I deliberately said seriously, "Youtian, in order to cure you, your father owes me 650000 ¥ for the treatment. If you don't cooperate with the treatment well, the money will be wasted! Think about how tired your father will be and how many years he will be able to repay the money?"

Li Youtian looked at the note and burst into tears. "Why... Why is it so expensive? Can it be cheaper?"

I took him to the chair and pushed him down.

I said, "it's not cheap. Do you know that I almost lost my life in order to find drugs? It's hard to find drugs even with lanterns on! You cooperate with the treatment obediently. If you give up here, your situation will only get worse and worse. I'm afraid no girl will want to marry you in the future."

Li Youtian dejected and muttered, "even when I'm alive, no woman is willing to marry me..."

In order to make him feel at ease, I told him with reason and moved with emotion. Finally, I calmed down.

However, I still felt uneasy, and told Zhang geqi to watch and never let him make things happen.

At this time, Uncle Li rushed back in a sweat. There were ten centipedes just caught in the bamboo basket.

It may be that these centipedes are too nervous and bite each other inside, just like raising insects.

Uncle Li opened it and said, "it's a bad thing. How many are dead? Can it work?"

I said, "it's all right, dead and alive. Uncle Li, please go and get a stick."

Uncle Li washed the garlic stick in the kitchen and brought it. I took out the centipede with chopsticks, and then hammered it down with a click, and the centipede broke to pieces.

With an indescribable smell spreading from the garlic mortar, Li Youtian's legs softened with fear, turned around and ran again, but was pressed by Zhang geqi with one hand, and Zhang geqi stared, "why? Where are you going?"

Li Youtian said with a mournful face, "the smell smells disgusting. I can't stand it!"

Zhang geqi gave a bad smile and said, "disgusting? How can you eat later?"

"What, still need to eat!?" Li Youtian was even more afraid, as if he was about to cry.

Uncle Li, who was wiping his sweat, looked at his son and slapped him, "you fucking thing, look at you like a bear! You can do whatever Doctor Lin said. You can't blink even if you eat shit and drink urine, can you hear me?"

I concentrate on smashing all ten centipedes to shreds, and then filter out the juice.

According to my grandmother, in order to make centipede poison take effect quickly, I will stick a little bit with a long medical needle into Li Youtian's stomach.

I drew a dot on his stomach first. When my hand touched Li Youtian's skin, it felt as cold as ice, and he was shivering all the time.

At this time, Aunt Li brought the prepared antidote soup, and everything was ready.

I asked the couple to stand outside. No matter how screamed and noisy Li Youtian later, they were not allowed to intervene.

Lying on the reclining chair, Li Youtian looked at his parents with tears hanging from the corners of his eyes, as if he were going to be tortured, helpless and sad.

I comforted, "don't be afraid, the whole process is very fast."

"Does it hurt?" Li Youtian asked with a cry.

I said, "no pain, no pain at all! Don't you believe me?"

So I sucked the blood of the Earth Dragon King into the rubber tipped dropper, pinched Li Youtian's mouth and let him drink it.

When the first drop of blood entered his throat, Li Youtian suddenly felt as if he had been hit by a high-voltage electricity. His body shook violently, and his reclining chair moved away.

Zhang geqi hurriedly stepped on the reclining chair and pressed Li Youtian. The couple outside the door looked at us, wringing their clothes nervously.

Zhang geqi said, "he hasn't contracted pill in his body, so the rejection of his body is very strong."

"I don't drink! I don't drink!"

Li Youtian screamed loudly, and Zhang geqi took over from me, pinched his mouth and defended it vigorously.

Zhang geqi said to me, "hurry up!" Then he bowed his head and said, "don't be afraid, little brother, it's okay!"

I glanced at the hanging dragon cutting knife, which was still shaking slightly, proving that there was still a flood dragon reaction.

I drop by drop into Li Youtian's mouth the blood of the Earth Dragon King. Li Youtian is thin. No matter how crazy he struggles, he can't get rid of Zhang geqi's control.

Finally, he just shook desperately, and his shoulders shrugged horribly. When the fifth drop came, Li Youtian's eyes turned red, and then quickly turned black, leaving only a white line in the middle of his pupils. He made a painful sound like suffocation, as if he had lost his mind.

Suddenly there was a snap. Surprisingly, he broke the armrest of the recliner with his bare hands, and then stabbed Zhang geqi into his waist with a pop.


Zhang geqi cursed loudly, forced his hand and directly broke the whole chair. Li Youtian fell heavily to the ground and was pressed by Zhang geqi.

However, Li Youtian's right hand was still beating people in disorder. Zhang geqi was so angry that he grabbed Li Youtian's right hand and snapped it. He saw that hand bend back in a strange posture.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Uncle Li and Aunt Li take a step forward in fear, and their feet had stepped on the threshold, as if they were very worried about their son.

I pressed Li Youtian and shouted anxiously, "don't come in! It's the flood dragon air in his body who is resisting! You can't stop at this time!"

Although it's true that Zhang geqi broke Li Youtian's hand a little too much, I won't blame him. Without Zhang geqi, I really can't control this situation!

I didn't expect that flood dragon patients would go crazy and be so terrible! It's completely beyond the control of ordinary people.

But this terrible reaction proves that a big war is happening in his body. flood dragon cells with different attributes are attacking and defending each other and competing for control of the body. If I use the wrong amount or delay the opportunity, Li Youtian will turn into flood dragons with earth attributes. He may bury himself in the sand every day and dig earthworms to eat.

When I dropped the tenth drop, Li Youtian was already crazy to the extreme. His body bent like a bow, pushing Zhang geqi up. The ceramic tile floor under his body cracked. As soon as he hit the ground with his left hand, he grabbed a sharp piece of ceramic tile to prepare for the murder!

Seeing this, Zhang geqi grabbed Li Youtian's left arm directly and pulled it again. It was just pulled and dislocated, and his hand fell to the ground, and the ceramic tile fragments in his hand were also broken.

This time, his hands are wasted. It's just that feeding a medicine can be so tragic that it's completely beyond my imagination.

My attention has been focused on the Dragon cutting knife. Suddenly, it doesn't move, which means that the two attributes of flood dragon air have reached a dynamic balance at this time. Both sides are evenly matched, which is also the weakest moment of flood dragon air!

"Right now!"

All the efforts are for this moment. Whether we can cure flood dragon disease depends on this shot!

I grabbed the needle full of centipede toxin and stabbed it with all my strength towards Li Youtian's belly. In an instant, the thin needle almost disappeared into the meat.....

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