Mark the money clearly

Seeing that Li Youtian was safe, my heart fell back to my stomach. Uncle Li and Aunt Li insisted on keeping me for dinner. I shook my head and refused. My family was still handling funeral affairs, so I had to go back quickly.

Unexpectedly, the whole treatment process of flood dragon disease, which is a headache, takes only two hours, which is incredibly fast.

As long as the right medicine is applied, the cure is actually very fast.

Uncle Li told me to wait, and he went out.

Li Youtian asked me if his illness was completely cured. Is there anything else to pay attention to?

After thinking for a while, I said, "there's nothing special to pay attention to. You should eat well, sleep well, exercise more and bask in the sun. But remember, don't eat anything unknown in the future, including game, wild mushrooms and wild grass!"

Li Youtian nodded desperately, "Alas, this lesson is too painful. I will control this mouth in the future!"

I remembered things in the mountains in a flash. I heard grandma say before that Li Youtian's ancestors were the guardians of the mausoleum. So, is Lord Li in Niuji mountain tomb the ancestor of Li Youtian's family?

After Lord Li believed the myth and killed himself, 80% of Li Youtian's ancestors were a collateral branch of Li's family.

And according to Xia an's description, the place where Lord Li lives should not be this small mountain village, but LaiWang town today.

But I didn't have much thought to research this past, and it didn't matter to me.

Seeing Uncle Li hadn't come for a long time, I got up and said I was leaving.

Li Youtian and Aunt Li warmly escorted us to the door. Uncle Li came in a dusty way and ran in a sweat.

He stuffed a cloth bag into my hand and said gratefully, "Dr. Lin, you are a lifesaver to my family. No matter what, we have to pay some medical expenses, otherwise we are really sorry!"

I looked inside the cloth bag. There were ten stacks of 100 ¥ bills in it, that was 100000.

I said, "Uncle Li, your family is not too rich. Did you just borrow the money?"

Uncle Li hurriedly said, "it's all right. I borrowed it from Uncle Youtian. His uncle is rich and loves him. It's easy to talk between our two families. Besides, I can pay it back after the autumn harvest this year."

I knew that the conditions of his family were not very good. I didn't want to accept it, but I saw Zhang geqi winking beside me. The Li Youtian family insisted on me to accept it, so I had to accept it, and noted on the IOU that they had received 100000 ¥.

I repeated, "I'll take the money, and don't worry about returning the rest, or wait until you get rich."

The family thanked each other repeatedly. Uncle Li remembered something and hurriedly said, "by the way, let's go to the clinic later and give Dr. Lin a column of incense!"

I nodded and said goodbye.

On the way, I gave half of the money to Zhang geqi, but Zhang geqi waved his hand, "Come on, I don't want such a little money! It's your credit to cure flood dragon disease, so I just started. In fact, I just think that if you insist on not accepting it, people will feel indebted to you in their hearts. It will be a little unnatural to meet in the future. Isn't there a saying that great kindness is like revenge? So don't be too noble, just accept it when it should be, and the money from the right way won't be bed."

I said, "I understand this truth. My grandmother once taught me, . It's good to make money in a big way, and don't be shy. If you encounter a patient with flood dragon disease in the future, you can bring it to me, and 650000 is our charging standard! In this way, I'll give you 30% of your bonus, starting from this time."

I took out 40000 ¥ to Zhang geqi, and added: "the extra 10000 ¥, I have to ask you to buy some equipment, go up the mountain to dispose of the body of the Earth Dragon King, and then bring back the earth breath. I really can't get away these two days. Do you want Xia an to come with you?"

Zhang geqi then accepted the money, "no, no, that female Ghost won't listen to me if she 'masters' you one by one. Besides, I can't see ghosts and souls. I'm angry. I'll just go up the mountain myself."

I told him, "be careful alone."

"Well, don't worry about it blindly. I used to act alone every time I caught flood dragon. It's the first time to form a team with people, although it's interesting to act with you. Don't say it, I'll come back after I finish it casually!"

"OK, thank you!"

I bowed my head, and sorrow filled my heart again.

Zhang geqi patted me and said, "brother, don't be too sad. Grandma Lin is dying. According to the older generation, it's a happy funeral!"

I said with a wry smile, "there must be a process to recover your mood, so you don't have to comfort me."

Seeing that I came back so soon, my family didn't nag me.

Later, Zhang geqi went up the mountain. I helped take care of the miscellaneous affairs of the funeral. The villagers came to pray one after another. When there was no one, I was alone in Lingpai in a daze and wanted to spend more time with grandma.

Soon, the news that Li Youtian's strange disease was cured spread in the village. People praised my excellent medical skills. I just smiled faintly and said that it was all taught by my grandmother. Everyone also said happily that although my grandmother had left, there was still Doctor Lin in the village.

In the past few decades of practicing medicine, my grandmother has raised the average life expectancy of the whole village to more than 80 years by herself. Almost no old man died of a chronic disease. She is like a patron saint in canzhu township.

Of course, grandma's greater contribution is that she once killed the God of plague and prevented a plague that would ravage the northeast and even the world, but few people know about it.

Now the God of plague is quietly resurrected in a corner. I will try my best to seal it and prevent it from ravaging the world again.

Zhang geqi came back after a day and a night. He was covered in dirt and carrying a bloody backpack.

I asked him if it was going well. He gulped at the water and said, "that damn big earthworm drilled the ground like a maze! Thanks to my intelligence, I took the food as a mark, and then crawled out! The good news is that its body has been cleaned and buried deep in the ground, so there should be no second flood dragon!"

I breathed a long sigh of relief, "it seems that Niuji mountain can finally be peaceful. Go take a bath and have a meal!"

"What's delicious?"

"There is leftover tofu rice in the pot."

Zhang geqi showed a very boring expression and said, "this meal is boring... Well, I'll take a bite."

I took out the big lump of soil in his backpack and put it in the warehouse to hang it up and dry in the shade.

Zhang geqi was really careless, which led to flood dragon blood soiling other equipment, so he could only give up part of it, keep what he could use, and put it back in different categories.

All the bags and contaminated equipment were taken to the backyard and buried in a pit for burning, and then buried deeply.

After burning things, I looked at Grandma's medicine garden - those herbs were still full of vitality. I stood alone for a while, and heard a burst of piano sound behind me. Although the piano sound was melodious, it was completely out of tune.

I went back to the room and saw that Zhang geqi was putting one leg on the bed and playing the harmonica with great devotion.

I sneered, "stop playing it quickly. It's terrible. Where did you buy the harmonica?"

"I didn't buy it." Zhang geqi shook the harmonica in his hand. "This is a gift from Grandma Lin. it's quite unique."

It turned out that my grandmother left him a musical instrument, which I really didn't expect. When he went to the bookshelf to get it, I was immersed in sadness and didn't ask.

"Well... I seem to have seen this..."

I'll take it over and have a look. This harmonica is also a little old. It's from the 1980s. It should have been bought by my grandfather when he went to other places. The surface of the harmonica is coated with gold and looks golden.

I returned the harmonica to Zhang geqi. Zhang geqi played it again a few times and said with emotion, "a doctor like Grandma Lin is really rare in the world. Since she gave me this, I have to learn to play whatever I say. I have just played it for a while, and I have roughly found my feeling."

"So soon? Don't you want to read the music to learn this?"

Zhang geqi shook his head proudly, "Oh, there's no need at all. Since childhood, my family has praised me as an unreliable child."

I snorted and thought after laughing. It seemed that I was about to get out of the shadow of sadness.

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