watch over the tomb

Seven days after the funeral, the family went to a funeral for grandma. The old basin fell at the door of the house, and there were continuous sad cries.

Then carry the coffin and set out, blowing suona and scattering paper money all the way. The suona player was an old artist from a certain troupe. He had been saved by my grandmother and ran hundreds of miles to play the song "birds in the morning". The song was melodious, euphemistic, solemn and sad, and stabbed people's hearts and intestines.

As many as 200 people came to see off, and the team was vast.

Zhang geqi also followed. Later, he quietly told me that several strange people with colorful hair quietly joined the team and followed at the end of the trip. Although the clothes are all kinds of, they are all black, and they are holding black umbrellas in their hands.

When I broke the ground, I looked back and saw several men and women of different height, fat and thin, wearing sunglasses, with colorful hair, as Zhang geqi said. They not only dress up strangely, but also have a strange smell on them.

I thought to myself, it seems that the genie in the mountains also spontaneously came to see grandma off.

Although burial is not allowed now, according to the custom of our Lin family's ancestral home in the south, we have always followed an incomplete burial ceremony, also known as bone picking burial.

It is to bury it in the ground with a thin coffin first, open it five years later, pick up bones, wash it, put it in a jar and seal it. If the husband and wife are in a jar, they will be put into the underground tomb of the family ancestral hall, so they will not occupy cultivated land.

Grandma's coffin sank to the ground under the traction of hemp rope. Everyone began to dig earth and bury the coffin. Shovel earth and shovel earth went down. My heart was empty. For me, this is a node in my life. From now on, I can only walk alone.

But people always have to go through parting to mature.

After the grave was buried, relatives and friends came forward one by one to say goodbye to grandma. When it was the turn of the last few strange "people", my father whispered, "hmm? Who are these people? Have we invited them?"

I lied casually and said, "Oh, they are a dumb troupe in the town. They came to grandma to see her sick. They should have spontaneously come to mourn."

My father was stunned and muttered, "Why are them dressed so strangely? Is this the costume them haven't taken off?"

These strange guys presented a wild flower to grandma one by one. I noticed that these wild flowers are rare varieties from deep mountains, which should have taken a lot of effort to get them.

When a white haired man left, he looked at me and nodded at me. Out of politeness, I also nodded.

After the funeral, I naturally stayed to guard the tomb. My family said it was unnecessary, so there was no such rule, but I insisted on staying, which showed that this was what grandma asked.

Zhang geqi went to the city two days ago to trade dragon pill with Mr. Beng.

After he finished, he had a good day, and then he bought a lot of camping supplies.

When everyone left one after another, he put up a canvas tent, spread camping cloth under it, and put sleeping bags on it.

The tent is not fully enclosed, but is triangular and inclined overhead, which can block wind, rain and sunshine. This work is done neatly. It can be seen that Zhang geqi often goes camping.

The cemetery was empty and misty with white fog. We sat here and stared at the new mound of soil steamed bread.

Zhang geqi tossed several gold bars around and handed them to me, "let me borrow you to feel the weight of wealth!"

I took it and weighed it. "Is this what you got from selling dragon pill?"

He said, "I went to the bank to cash in two, gave my family some money, bought these field supplies, and ate a roast whole sheep by the way! By the way, do you want to keep one?"

I shook my head. "I said no."

"You're welcome, take it."

Zhang geqi said to shove one into me, but I'd better confiscate it and ask him to save it first. I'll ask him for it later if I have urgent needs.

Zhang geqi also brought some food and put it in a backpack.

However, the food he bought is really indescribable. There are large pieces of salt free ham, vacuum packaged boiled white meat, hand shredded chicken, cold eating rabbit, big steamed bread, beer, wine...

I thought the food mix was too unbalanced. If you eat like this for two days, you will be constipated and angry....

But thinking of the unusual constitution of the flood dragon catcher, maybe he will not have a problem eating only these.

Zhang geqi tore a chicken to eat and drank beer. He didn't think it was cold enough. After a while, he found something happily, "Hey, bury the beer in the soil for a while and it will be cold. The grave is cloudy and natural refrigerator!"


I don't know where to tease, "it's hard to find someone with a big heart like you. It's easy to get unclean things buried in the grave."

Zhang geqi didn't care and said, "it doesn't matter. Aren't you there?"

I shook my head. "It's too careless. Go and get two jars, one big and one small, which can be put together. Fill the gap between the two jars with sand, prepare a towel, and then a big bucket of water."

"Why do you want these?"

"I'll make a refrigerator for you."

"True or false?"

Zhang geqi went to prepare doubtfully. This guy actually bought so many things at one time. He was shaking like a juggler, shaking step by step, which made people nervous.

Fortunately, the things were delivered to the tent safely. I put the drinks and food into the jar in the middle, then filled the sand layer with water, wet the towel and seal the jar mouth, and told Zhang geqi to wait a while.

After chatting for a while, almost an hour later, Zhang geqi couldn't wait to touch the sand and said, "no, it's so hot that the food in it won't be cooked?"

I smiled, "take out your things."

Zhang geqi reached into the middle of the altar, raised his eyebrows immediately, and then showed a surprised smile, "Hey, cool!"

The food in it cooled down as expected, just like it was taken out of the refrigerator, and the surface of the beer was frozen with a layer of water mist.

Zhang geqi opened a can of beer, took a swig and let me drink it again.

I shook my head. It was a little disrespectful to drink and eat meat in front of my grandmother's grave. Anyway, I also brought mineral water and dry food.

Of course, I know grandma won't be angry, so I just ask myself, not Zhang geqi. It's very righteous for him to accompany me to guard the grave.

Zhang geqi curiously asked me what witchcraft it was to cool food.

I explained, "this is not witchcraft, it is the wisdom of the people. This thing is called a warming pot, also known as a soil refrigerator! The principle is very simple: the evaporation of water in the sand layer will absorb the internal heat, which is what the ancients said 'heat leads to heat', but we must keep the sand layer moist all the time, and we have to replenish water in half an hour, which is still not as convenient as a refrigerator."

"Absolutely!" Zhang geqi gave a thumbs up, "Dr. Lin, your stomach is really a grocery store. You know everything! You also said that you haven't been to high school. I think it's more than enough to go directly to the postgraduate entrance examination."

I laughed, "you should not bury the students who study hard in the poor window of others. If I really take the college entrance examination, I will definitely fail."

At this time, I looked at the West slanting sunset, "by the way, I went to bed first."

"Ah? So early!"

I said, "in the middle of the night before I go to bed and after you go to bed, keep someone awake all the time. Grandma won't call me to guard the grave for no reason. I think it's better to be alert at night. If you don't get enough sleep, you can make up for it during the day. However, you can also go back to the clinic to sleep. In fact, you don't have to stay here and guard the grave with me."

Zhang geqi said carelessly, "Oh, don't be polite to me. We've been brothers through life and death! It's just seven days. I've been in a more difficult environment!"

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