Cruel people don't talk much

So I got into my sleeping bag and went to bed. I didn't have a good rest these two days, and I soon felt sleepy.

Until one o'clock in the morning, Zhang geqi yawned and shook me up. The sleeping bag was airtight and warm, but it had two shortcomings: because it was airtight, it would accumulate a lot of sweat, and it was wet after sleeping; The head is exposed outside and the wind blows cold. It's a little headache. Older people may have a stroke if they sleep like this.

Zhang geqi actually rolled his sleeping bag into a pillow and casually pillowed his head, so he planned to sleep like this.

I was surprised to say that this will not catch cold? He laughed and said, "it's all right. mybody doesn't affect at all. you just get into my sleeping bag as if your tied... By the way, if you're watching alone and encounter anything strange, don't mention it, call me quickly!"

I nodded and looked around: "I feel quite normal tonight. I guess it's OK."

Within a few minutes, Zhang geqi, who was lying on the ground, began to breathe evenly. He was already asleep.

I sat where I was and chewed on some dry food. Late at night, there was a cooing cry of night birds in the forest in the distance. From time to time, there would be a long and short "Zhi", which was estimated that the wild rats had been caught by the night owl.

Everything is quiet and quiet. The stars are shining in the night sky. I empty my brain and don't want anything. I naturally integrate with this world....

In this way, the night passed.

Don't be so vigilant during the day. Zhang geqi will help me run errands and get something from the clinic. Sometimes I also read books to pass the time.

The next day was also very calm. On the third day, Zhang geqi was too bored to stand. He kept yawning, lying on the cushion, took out the harmonica sent by his grandmother and played it at will. He was always playing the piano in a wild way, and he was not tired of it.

The surrounding tombs are always shrouded in a thick and light fog. Coupled with this tuneless and intermittent harmonica sound, it adds a bit of desolation.

Although it was sunny these two days, the cemetery seemed to never have direct sunlight, and the air was always gloomy and humid.

I dare not meditate here. Breathing and exhaling is a process of exhaling the old and taking in the new and replenishing air with air, but what I breathe here is only dead shade, which will hurt the triple energizer.

Therefore, I brought some anti filth pills and anti dampness pills.

On the fourth day, my mother came to see me. Seeing my disheartened face, she was very distressed. She said that I would damage my body like this. I firmly said, "this is Grandma's last wish, and I have to do it whatever."

"Then be careful... Alas, so is your grandmother..."

My mother loved me so much that she couldn't help complaining, but she glanced at the grave bag beside her, quickly stopped talking, and said, "Miaomiao, it's enough to see this filial piety in my view. Don't have to keep it for seven days ? Oh, yes, if someone comes to see a doctor, you'd better go back quickly!"

I shook my head, "let him wait. If he is in an emergency and can't wait, please invite someone over."

My mother said in embarrassment, "that's not possible. Other patients are not happy. A man and a woman came by car. They look very anxious. You'd better go there!"

I shook my head and said firmly, "if anything happens, I won't leave here. Tell them to wait two days!"

"The child..."

My mother had no choice, so she left.

Active Zhang geqi was almost crazy at leisure. He simply ran to the clinic to have a look and came back to tell me the news of the patient, "Hey, those two people came in a luxury car, and many people are watching! Seeing you are not in the clinic, it seems that they left with a business card."

I asked, "didn't you say anything about the disease?"

Zhang geqi stood up. "They had already left when I went."

I said faintly, "no matter whether you drive a luxury car or drive a tricycle, the people who come are all patients. It doesn't make any difference. Let's talk about it in two days!"

I picked up the compressed biscuit and chewed it. I couldn't help hissing when I met the ulcer in my mouth. Zhang geqi asked, "your mouth hurts?"

I laughed, "there is an ulcer in it. It seems that this is the price."

"What price?"

"Do you remember that in the tomb, I cursed the zombie. This is the price of the curse."

Zhang geqi also laughed, "this curse is too cheap. It's just an ulcer. It's really cost-effective!"

But ulcer is actually an incurable disease. It will not be good, but will only disappear temporarily.

It seems that curse, a powerful killing move, cannot be abused. Who knows where the ulcer will grow next time. If it grows in the stomach, it will be bed.

It was getting late and I was ready to go to bed. Suddenly, a figure from the direction of the village ran over and shouted, "son, son, something happened. The two old men in the village fought and used their knives. Now they are lying on the ground and are not awake. Hurry to save people!"

Listening to my mother, Zhang geqi was lazily eating peanuts and drinking beer. He quickly cleaned up and dusted the peanut skin off his clothes to maintain his image.

He stood up and shouted, "Hello, aunt.".

My mother looked flustered, bent over her knees and breathed, "son, hurry up, if you go late, they'll die!"

Zhang geqi looked at me: "it doesn't matter to leave for a while?"

I calmly asked, "who fights with whom?"

"Lao Yang and Lao Li."

"Uncle Yang, who grows mushrooms, and Uncle Li, who raises fish?"

"You'll know when you go. Let's go. It's really too late." My mother is in such a hurry.

"OK, I'll take my wallet."

I turned around and took out a sign from my pocket - this "person" was not my mother at all!

My mother never shouted "son, son", and her expression was very unnatural, like a poor actor.

I turned around and Leng Buding stuck a rune on its head!

The guy moved quickly and jumped away like a monkey.

It landed on all fours, fell five meters away, showed its teeth, showed fierce light in its eyes, suddenly spit out a long tongue, and shouted in a gloomy voice, "bastard, how can you see!"

"What fuck, what is this!"

Zhang geqi was surprised and kicked the Dragon cutting knife inserted into the ground and carried it on his shoulder like a crazy soldier.

Holding a talisman in my hand, I said coldly, "you are too confident to challenge such a difficult one. Dare to pretend to be my mother? If you pretend to be an unfamiliar villager, I may really be cheated."

The ghost opened its mouth, shook its tongue in the air like a snake, and roared, "since you see through, don't blame me..."

Before the words fell, suddenly a hand patted on its shoulder.

This thing turned around and saw a tall woman in ancient costume looking down on her darkly.

It felt bad and hurriedly jumped away, but Xia an mercilessly swung the censer and knocked it over!

This guy immediately spits out a snake like long tongue to entangle Xia'an. Both sides are the incarnation of Yin Qi, and the strange long tongue directly enters Xia'an's head.

However, soon another helper appeared from the fog of the cemetery. Four strong men dressed in the Qing Dynasty ran over, pulled the ghost's feet to the side, and then surrounded it and stepped on and kicked it.

This guy was particularly miserable when he was surrounded and beaten. He stuck out his tongue to resist. As a result, his tongue was trampled again. He kept screaming bitterly, rolling and struggling, and his body was looming.

I sneered. This thing is killing me.

The shade air in the cemetery is so heavy that as soon as the sun goes down these days, I will release my new recruits to replenish the shade air.

The fierce fight between ghosts, both sides will not be killed, so the fight is even more fierce.

Silently watching the ghost being beaten for more than ten minutes, I stretched out my hand, "everyone, OK, thank you!"

The four gold demons shook their arms and retreated, spitting at the ghost, which looked like a rogue faction, but they were quite reliable! Who wouldn't like such an impulsive and loyal helper with few cruel words?

The ghost's body seemed to flicker like a short circuit, collapsed into a large black air on the ground, slowly absorbed the shade air around and repaired its beaten body. Of course, it has faded its disguise and is no longer my mother's appearance.

I held up a piece of talisman paper and shouted, "I'll count to three and tell me who sent you, or i will broken your soul."

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