relieve the besieged by besieging the base of the besiegers(encircle Wei and save Zhao)

Facing my question, the ghost still showed his teeth and even showed a provocative smile, but he refused to answer.

Holding the talisman in my hand, I shouted, "come in!"

"Hahahaha, want to take me? Dream!"

The ghost swished, flew low in the grass, and rushed to grandma's tomb.

I had to shake my wrist and throw the wolf amulet hidden in the other hand at it. This amulet has great lethality to the evil soul.

The moment the rune paper touched it, it screamed, turned into a pool of black gas, and slowly dissipated.

Zhang geqi asked, "what's the matter? Why can't you accept this one?"

I said, "it's very simple, because it has a owner. I see. Grandma asked me to guard the tomb just for tonight... It seems that those things that want to disturb my grandma are coming!"

Zhang geqi said suspiciously, "why tonight? Maybe this is just a test just now?"

I pointed to the sky and saw a full moon rising slowly. I said, "today is the 15th day of July in the lunar calendar, which is the most sinister moment in January. Those ghosts will surely come tonight. Let's get ready!"

The moon is also called too shade. The moon is the most shade air between heaven and earth. On the night of the full moon, in deep mountains and forests, countless foxes and yellow skins worship the moon. In fact, they absorb the shade air of the moon to assist in practice.

Another theory is that there are mysterious symbols hidden in the moon. You can see them most clearly on the full moon. Only the eyes of animals can see those symbols. If you can read them, they can become evil spirit.

Similarly, for the soul, bathing under the full moon also continuously gains energy sources, as if it has endless strength.

I picked up my backpack and buried some talismans around grandma's grave to lay a simple Dharma array.

I looked behind me, four ghost, and Xia an standing under the snow-white moonlight, his translucent body seemed to be filled with moonlight, slightly emitting light blue fluorescence, and I said, "let's all show!"

The five of them gradually became real. The four ghost wore thick pigtails, all wrapped around their heads, dressed in brown and short, and their swarthy bodies were born poor at a glance.

In contrast, Xia an is much more elegant. Although she is like a little giant, her behavior is cultivated. She bends down humbly and politely, holding a portable incense burner in her hands.


With a bark, a wisp of Yin wind blew out of me, fell on the ground and turned into a materialized brother dog - a big black dog, running happily in the moonlight, running around us for two times at one breath.

Although brother dog is already half a ghost fairy, his active nature can't be changed. Seeing that he is very happy, I can't help but show a smile.

Suddenly, brother dog stepped on a wasteland and stopped. His eyes looked into the distance.

We also looked along its line of sight, and saw a thick white fog diffuse in the direction of the mountain, like a ghost army holding a shield advancing, giving people an invisible sense of oppression.

"Shit!" Zhang geqi waved the Dragon cutting knife in his hand twice, "post me a piece of your talisman for defeating ghosts. You can't just show yourself alone!"

I took out a wolf symbol, murmured a few words, pasted it on the back of the dragon knife, and then said, "don't worry, let's discuss strategy."

"If you want any strategy, protect the radish... Well, I mean, just hold the position."

I shook my head, and there was a faint worry in my heart. If I were an enemy, I would certainly take a move at this time, that is to encircle Wei and save Zhao.

It may go crazy in the village and force me to rescue!

You know, encircling Wei and rescuing Zhao is an almost unsolvable conspiracy to forcibly reverse the initiative and passivity, but those who fall into the trap have to drill into the trap.

This is what worries me most!

At this time, a large group of white wolves slowly emerged from the white fog, with a number of hundreds, forming a long front and approaching us.

Zhang geqi said with a surprised smile, "haha, it's so spectacular! Hey, by the way, my eyes can see ghosts. Does it mean that I have opened shade and shine eyes after staying in the cemetery for a few days?"

I said, "Why are your concerns so wonderful? It's not you who opened shade and shine eyes, it's the other party who showed up for you to see. They have certain magical powers!"

Seeing this, brother dog be on one's guard for, but the wolves opposite didn't bark. They were too silent.

Suddenly, brother dog looked up at the moon and barked. His body was full of shade air. He suddenly turned into a huge wolf, and issued a low roar like a dragon's roar, which made the wind roar and the grass fall, but the wolves still walked forward unmoved.

Brother dog showed his teeth angrily and leaned down to rush up. I shouted, "don't go there first! Everyone hold still!"

I half knelt down and recited the 'Lingque Sutra', and a dark wind blew from the mountains. All the ghosts and ghosts were called up. The moonlight injected vitality into them, and they rushed towards these white wolves like a group of stragglers.

When the wild ghosts approached, the white wolves "stood up" and cut down the wild ghosts one after another.

It turns out that they are not wolves at all, but people... Become ghosts!

Then those ghosts in wolf skin rushed up, tore them with their hands, broke the wild ghosts into pieces, and ate them in mouth.

The wolf skin ghost's eyes flashed, as fierce as a real wolf.

A few wild ghosts who escaped by chance hurriedly turned into an evil wind and escaped.

This scene made us feel cold, especially the four ghost, all of whom looked nervous.

Although ghosts can't kill ghosts in principle, they can actually use this way to capture each other's shade air. Isn't the failed party the same as being die?

I was also stunned. I never thought that ghosts can eat ghosts!

I said in a cold sweat, "they are special forces that specialize in killing ghosts! Such costumes, such discipline, such murderous, I think they are the souls of soldiers from different nationalities!"

Once they rush to kill, any ghosts I call will be eaten alive. As a witch doctor, I was originally a ghost driving profession, which was simply a devastating blow!

The guy who came to disturb grandma's sleep was so deliberate and crazy. What did he want!

Xia an glided silently to my side, lowered her head and asked, "master, I'll deal with these fierce ghosts from ancient battlefield!"

I shook my head, "no, a tiger can't defeat a pack of wolves! All ghosts and immortals obey orders and are not allowed to fight with them. Xia'an, I want you to find the master behind the scenes!"

Xia an nodded, glided over the grass and flew to the village.

Zhang geqi said anxiously, "Hey, what should I do? Are they getting close?"

"Don't worry, I have prepared in advance."

Zhang geqi was overjoyed. "Can you be prepared? "

I took out my mobile phone and dialed Li Youtian. "Youtian, there is some emergency. Hurry up and send the batch of things I asked you to purchase to the west of the village!"

I was worried that something uncontrollable would happen during the tomb guarding period, so I asked Li Youtian to prepare some props and, of course, paid a considerable errand fee.

But I didn't expect that there was no reply on the other end of the phone. I was a little anxious and shouted Li Youtian repeatedly. Suddenly, a harsh scream came from the other end of the phone, "ah! Miaomiao help! The house is... Haunted!"

My heart clicked. Oh, the attacker really attacked the village!?

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