Last song - Part 6


At the interior of the place named "Sound and Vision India Mumbai", on the recording room. The four singers are still locked inside of the recording room by themselves. They all are sitting either on chairs and on empty table, not knowing what to do. They have managed to get a call with Jayce, fiancé of Bibi, earlier thanks to a phone.

They have tried several times to call somebody to come and help them, but most of them weren't responding to the call, which it gives them worry feelings like: "They died? Have they been infected by this virus?".

But a single contact they got, that being Jayce, was enough to raise their hopes of survival. And he also told them over the phone to wait there, because they will come after them.

Bibi told his friends about Jayce and his job. They are relieved that man is working as a policeman, which means he will most likely come inside of this place with guns and will give them a big advantage over these brain-dead creatures.

"I am hungry." says Tarya, the second girl from the group of four people, in a sad tone, who has started to calm down.

"Me too." says Jayo to Tarya.

"This place probably has a room with food." says Kataro looking at the door of this room.

"But who do you think who'll go there?" asks Jayo.

"I'll do it." says Kataro raising from the chair he was sitting.

"I'll come with you." says Bibi to Kataro.

"Good." says Kataro about to open the door, he looks at Bibi. "Are you alright?"

"Yes. I am fine." she says after she stopped shaking and calmed herself down.

"You two." says Kataro to Jayo and Tarya. "Stay here. And be on watch if anything bad will happen. Lock the door after we leave this room, and when you hear my voice, you open the door. Understand?"

"Yes." says Jayo raising from the table who is sitting Tarya. "Be careful."

"I will." responds Kataro to Jayo.

"You too, Bibi." says Tarya to Bibi.

Kataro and with Tarya leave the recording room slowly. They observe there aren't any creature on the hallway, nor any corpse of a human in there. Probably the two people who have died has been reincarnated as zombies and are already walking elsewhere. The two survivors are seeing on the floor glass shards from the windows. Kataro looks around and he sees a curtain. Then a takes the curtain, rip a small part of it, and uses that part to cover the base part of the window glass sharp.

"This can work." says Kataro on low voice.

"Are you sure this will be enough?" asks Bibi to Kataro, who got an idea what he will do with this improvised weapon.

"Is like in video games, Bibi. You stab the heads of these creatures and they do not come back. Simple." says Kataro.

The two people are walking on the hallway, slow, and cautions about any danger. They control their breath to not panic and attract any of these creatures. They manage to walk a few steps, until they get at an opened door. The two of them, are looking at each other, and are nodding in agreement to inspect the room. Kataro enters the room first, holding the improvised knife in the left hand, and looking cautions at the room. Upon seeing what this room looks, they observe it is looking like a desk room. And there lays a zombie who is eating the body of what it looks to be one of the owners of this place. Bibi, seeing this, was about to scream, but Kataro, approaches her, and he told her via sign to not say anything. The girl, nods and she leave the room to let Kataro do this thing. The man walks on a slow peace, on duck, prepared to stab the head of this creature. As he got closer to the creature, and saw it turning around, the man doesn't hesitate. With a powerful wing, he stabs the glass sharp on the neck of the creature.

The creature remains unmoved for a few seconds, growling and trying to touch Kataro. The man, seeing the creature about to touch him, he kicks his chest, makes the thing fall on the floor, then he backs away scared, as the creatures continues to move toward him, now it crawls to him. Kataro backs away fast, until he gets near a wall, and there he sees what it looks like to be a sword. A real sword. The owner probably decided to buy as a decoration.

Kataro takes that sword from the wall, he takes out the sheath and he go to the crawling zombie. He quickly stabs the back of the head of the creature with the sword. He retrieves the sword from the head of that creature, and looks at him. He looks at the creature, and the thing he did not realize is that, this creature, was one of the new workers from earlier. Today should be his first day of a new life, but not like this.

"Kataro…" says Bibi to the man who looks at the zombie corpse. "Are you alright?"

"I-I killed him… I killed a human." says Kataro looking astonished by the thing he did.

"H-He is not a human anymore." says Bibi trying to encourage Kataro. "And you know that."

"Y-yeah…" says Kataro deciding to keep some information to himself, rather to show to Bibi.

Before he was about to leave this place, he sees the corpse who was eaten starting to crawl a meter and about to rise. Kataro immediately approaches the corpse of that thing, and stabs the head of his. He looked at the corpse with pity.

"I am sorry. But this is the only thing I can do."

Bibi and Kataro are leaving this room, and continues their search for food supplies. The two are going downstairs, to the ground floor, where there should be a small breaking room for the workers to have a nice small cup of coffee, or some food to eat on their small breaks. Arriving at the ground floor, the two observers at the entrance and on the road dozens of zombies who are walking in random directions, eating corpses of humans and animals.

Three of the zombies are eating a cow which is a scared animal in India. This image is making Bibi and Kataro feel a weird sensation. But they decide to ignore this, and continue their searching for food supplies for them and the other two friends.

"Are we going to be safe?" asks Bibi to Kataro.

"Why do you ask that?" asks Kataro. "You know, your fiancé is going to come over here. He will save us. We have to remain here." he looks on the streets thanks to a window and sees the zombies walking toward a building after an explosion was heard. "We have to be careful."

"We are not helping them?" asks Bibi to Kataro because both of them heard the explosion who came from that building near them.

"it Is too risky." says Kataro. "There are dozens of zombies out there, and we don't want to risk it." he goes to a door, and there he opens it.

"B-But. What if they really need help?" asks Bibi.

"We cannot do it, Bibi." replies Kataro who starts to feel a bit pissed about this girl. "And we don't know if there are even people. What if it was just a normal explosion produced by a lighten stove or something? You want to risk your life out there. If you want, you can do it by yourself."

"I-I understand." says Bibi.

The room they just entered is the break room. That room contains a fridge that stores water, drinks, and iced coffee for hot summer, like this now. There are also shelves with snacks, and some hidden beer by one of their workers. And Kataro is one of those workers.

"Is still here." says after he found his secret stash of alcohol hidden in a shelf.

"What?" asks Bibi looking at Kataro, then she sees the stash of alcohol hidden. "Really? Right now?"

"What?" asks Kataro. "Can't a man enjoy alcohol?"

"Not on this time." respond Bibi opening the fridge and find there a few food supplies. "Help me carry these to the recording room."

"Got a lot of food here." says Kataro on the fridge.

"Today we should've celebrated the day of our new worker…"

"Oh… Poor kid."

They put the on the table all of the food from the fridge, check what it is edible and it can last for long time. They look for something to help them carry all of those things, they found a few bags, and decide to use it. They put all of the goods from the fridge and shelves on these bags, then they go outside of the room.

Going on the hallway, the two people sees a zombie, who is entering this place, he looks on their direction, he stares at them for a while. The two are looking at the zombie non-existent life eyes, they stay there, still, not knowing what to do. Then, that zombie, decides to turn away from them, and goes outside. After the thing left, both of them are looking strange at each other, and they wonder at the same time in their mind: "Did that just happened?".

Kataro and Bibi continue to walk upstairs to the recording room slowly, hoping a zombie from outside will not come here. As they are climbing the stairs, the two people did not see anything weird, rather than blood on the hallway and the closed door of the office where they murdered one of the owners and the new guy of this place. They arrive at the recording room, they enter the place, and there they see, Jayo being on top of Tarya, both being in the middle of the intercourse. Seeing the two people who have just risked their lives just now for food, the two love birds are looking awkward at them. Then, Kataro said something.

"Really? Right now?"

"Sorry, sorry, sorry." says Tarya leaving the top of Jayo, who was almost about to pull his pants off, but he pulls it on.

Then, the atmosphere of this place became awkward for a while.