Last Song - Part 7

A car is going through the busy roads of India, all blocked by zombies and wreckages made by this apocalypse. That is driven by none other than Morgan who has taken courage to drive where his sister is hiding, in college. He tried to contact her a bunch of times through his phone, but it did not work, now his only hope is she is alive and managed to hide from these monsters.

The car stops in front of a blockage of a bunch of cars who is next to the college he was driving. The man looks around and sees zombies approaching him in a slow walking manner. The man unbuckles his seatbelt, he takes out the assault rifle with the handgun and he runs out of this car. Leaving the car, he already sees a zombie who is approaching him. The man hits the zombie hard with the back of the assault rifle. A hit hard enough to make the thing fall, but not die.

After he did that hit, he runs to the college doors who are swarmed with zombies. Morgan stops after a few steps, he puts the handgun on his belt, make a quick check on the assault file to see how much ammo he got. The clip is full, so it has about thirty-five bullets. Puts the clip back to the weapon, and starts to shoot zombies.

He kills three of them by three shoots. All to the head. After this, the man shots a few more to make the entrance of the college more accessible to him. And when he was done with it, he goes inside the college, but he finds the doors destroyed since they were al glasses door. The man goes inside of this place, and walk to a random classroom. He opens the door of that classroom, there is only disaster and things left by students who were leaving in a hurry from this place.

Morgan goes to the next classroom. Over there is the same as on the fist classroom, only disaster and no humans, no corpses and no zombies.

Morgan checks the third classroom and there he sees a student, who is staying on the corner of the classroom, frightened and holding a screwdriver on his hand. This male student is wearing the characteristic uniform of this college, with a set of gloves made of latex, a pair of glasses and the turban people would wear in religion sign, who is called pagri. The male, seeing the policeman with a gun, he looks at him with hope.

"Thank you!" he says the boy happy, and he steps from the corner.

"Are you fine?" asks Morgan.

"Yes. I am." says the student letting down the screwdriver.

"Great. Then you can help me search this place."


"Yeah." says Morgan, and he looks on the hallway where a zombie is running to him, and Morgan, he shoots his assault rifle to that thing, making it fall on the floor.

The sound of his gun, not only is attracting zombies, but it also made two people leave the classroom. Two of these people are wearing the teacher uniform any university professor of an India college would wear and their pagri hats, having different colour from student with screwdriver. Both of these men are holding cricket bats. They see Morgan and are going at him.

"Have you come to save us?" asks one of the terrified teachers to Morgan.

"I have come to take my sister. Elena Graham."

"Yeah. I know her." says the second teacher. "She-She ran to the third floor with a group."

"Then we'll go there." says Morgan to the three people.

Morgan goes ahead of them, holding this assault rifle on both of his hands. He walks a few steps toward where the set of stairs is. The other three people are following the policeman, and together are a few zombies who are coming after them.

Arriving on where the stairs are, the man sees there a pile of students who have been transformed to zombies, and all are alive but they cannot get up. He then looks at the stairs and he see that the upper floor side of the stairs has been destroyed. That big pile of corpses probably consists of about fifty zombies, who are desperately trying to get up, but they can't do it. Morgan is feeling a bit grateful that these things have not managed to get to the upper floor, not until one of the teachers said.

"There are other stairs to the upper floors."

Morgan goes after the teacher who decided to take the lead. They all are running, and dodging every attack of a zombie who is trying to catches them or jump on them. He manged to do a hit with his back of the assault rifle in a zombie face. The hit was so hard, the creature falls on the floor. They arrive on the other side of the college, and there they see the stairs having dozens of zombies. Morgan decides to take out his assault rifle and starts to shoot the zombies. He kills all of them, but it came with a cost. Not most of them died from the gunshots to the head.

Morgan kills all of the dozen zombies form the stairs and they start moving fast to the upper floor. All of them are running on the stairs. Teachers decide to take the lead since Morgan has started to ran out of ammo. He told them he emptied the entire assault rifle on these zombies. All four of them have managed to flank and hit zombies to the stairs from the upper floors and get to the third floor, where it is said Elena is supposed to be.

Morgan walks on the hallway, he sees a few zombies on the hallway. Morgan starts yelling.

"Elena! Elena! Elena!"

Zombies are approaching the group on a slow walking pace. The teacher are risking their lives, they jump on these creatures with their cricket bats and beat their head until they put them down. They also stomp on two zombies, until they would not move anymore. The student with screwdriver doesn't do anything, he only stands back, holding the screwdriver on both of his hands, shaking uncontrollably and looking scared at the teachers and Morgan at killing the corpses of students and teachers who used to walk these hallways.

About thirty seconds later, from a classroom, a student leaves the class and runs to the group of people who are fighting zombies, and to Morgan. That student who left the classroom is the sister of Morgan, Elena, and she is chased by a zombie.

"Help me, brother!" yells Elena to Morgan.

"Elena!" yells Morgan aiming his pistol to the head of the zombie, and he pulled the trigger.

The bullet fly by Elena's ear, it almost takes it, and it lands on the zombie head. Between his eyes. That bullet hit so hard it manages to fly by the head of that zombie and hit another incoming zombie, but it hit the neck. Even if it would hit the neck of a zombie, a creature like this would not die this easily. It needs a clean shot in the head.

Elena hugs Morgan, cries and thanks him for coming to save him. Morgan hugs Elena back and she tells her.

"I am here, Elena… Let's go home…" says Morgan toward Elena.

"Y-yeah." says Elena to Morgan, and she gives him space for him to create a path for them to escape from this place.

Morgan walks back from the direction where he came from. as he is walking toward that direction, the group of students and the teachers are following him. They all manage to dodge every attack zombie and push them back, from the stairs where they would fall and trip the other zombies who were trying to reach them. It took them about a minute to leave from this place, thanks to the corpses of the people laying on the hallways and being eaten by the ones who reanimated into zombies.

Outside of the University, Morgan is looking around for the car he took it and used to come here. He sees the car is not there, and also sees on the streets the car got stolen.

"No. No. No. They stole the car!"

"Fuck…" says the student with the screwdriver scared. "W-W-We are going to die?"

"We are not!" says Morgan back to the student.

Morgan takes a small look at the group who is following him. From that group there is Elena, that unknow student and only one teacher, which means the other didn't manage to escape and have became food for zombies. Morgan cannot do anything to redeem himself, and it is not his fault, everything went so fast after he acquired his sister from that place.

"Now what?" asks the teacher scared. "What are we going to do?"

"I have a shelter." says Morgan. "We will stay in here for a while. Until the military will come."

"Military?" asks the teacher.

"You called them?" asks Elena surprised by this fact.

"Yeah. I did. It's complicated. I will explain at the house."

"The house is at about two kilometres distance from University." responds Elena. "Are we going to remain safe in here."

"We have to." says Morgan. "Now let's move on!" and he walks out of the street to the sidewalk toward the direction where his house it is.

The group of four people are walking on the sidewalk, all armed with their weapon. The unknown student still holds the screwdriver hard enough to not let go, Morgan holds his fire weapon together with a knife, the teacher found a small hammer on the sidewalk and decides to use it. And for Elena, she is not holding any weapon, she is to scared to even think of hurting a zombie.

The group walks for about a hundred meters and they see a zombie who is falling from the rooftop, with head first on the road. At the fall, his head splashed on a small radius, and the rest of his body, broke all of the limbs. The group saw this. Elena throw up, while the unknown student was peeing his pants.

"What's this?"

"A suicide." says Morgan on a chilling voice, and continues to walk, paying no more attention to that poor soul who just threw himself from the rooftop head on.

They walk two hundred more meters, and they see the car of Morgan, but in a devastating state. It crashed into a building. And in that car were three people all are dead and bleeding heavily. Morgan is looking at those corpses from the car, he looks on his knife, and walks toward the wreckage.

"Brother. No!" says Elena scared.

"I will be okay." says Morgan to her sister.

Arriving close to the wrecked car Morgan has stolen from the house he is sheltering her other important people, Morgan observes on the back of the vehicle there is only a backpack. A big red backpack. By a big size who is usually used for camping and other kinds of activities. He looks at the corpse who is near the backpack, and Morgan, decides to stab the head of that corpse, before it would be turning into a zombie. After he stabbed the head, he takes the backpack and leaves the car.

"Got it." says Morgan to the group ash he checks the backpack, and observes there only food supplies. "We got food."

"Are they okay?" asks the teacher.

"They are already dead to begin with." respond Morgan to the teacher. He puts his backpack on, and he walks ahead. "We have to continue moving."

The group did not say anything, they agreed to Morgan's plan to continue walking ahead.