Chapter 2 Go to hell!

"Come on Seraphina, come with us, you'll die out here." She pleaded, as she inched closer to the wall.

"I'm sorry." I sobbed, not moving from my position.

I apologized for bringing such calamity to their village. I apologized for disrupting their peaceful life. I apologized for their possible deaths.

"Come on!"

Mr Gaiter snapped at me, with his gun aimed at the door. Sam placed her palm on the wall and pushed, and it made a squeaking noise, before the wall started moving.

I didn't have time to be surprised that there was something like that in the house, but I was happy. They all stepped in, and slowly, the wall started closing.

"I can't come. Go." I said to them with a teary smile on my face. He was closer.

"Sera!" Chloe stretched her hand towards me as the wall began closing.

"Honey and roses, Chloe. We'll meet again." I intertwined my index finger with my middle one and she did the same with tears running down her cute pink face.

"Honey and roses." She said, and just then, the walls closed, separating us probably forever.

I was glad that they were alive.

Now, back to me.

I stared at the door for a long time. He was going to burst in any time soon.

He couldn't get me. I had managed to come this far, I wasn't backing down.

I couldn't run away through the front door, so I turned on my heels, and headed for my room. I ran over to the window, and tried to push the chopped wood covering half of it off, but it didn't even as much as budge.

There was no way that would budge, and there was definitely no way I could fit through the open part of the window.

Panic overtook my senses, and I thought of what I could do. I ran back out of the room, and to the sitting room. I could go through the front door, right? I could manage to escape.

Going through the window of Sam's room wasn't an option, it led straight out to the front just like the door. The only thing was that, it was closer to the main road.

On getting to the sitting room, I halted on my heels, and I felt my heart plummet to my stomach.

Oh no.

I stared with tears clouded vision at my worst nightmare.

He was here. He was right fucking here!

There standing right on the door way, was my worst nightmare, in all black. Black cloak, black everything. I could only see a strand of his silvery white hair from underneath the hood of his cloak.

Oh no.

Armoured men stood loyally behind him, waiting for him to give one of his heartless commands.

"Where are they?" His voice brought a shiver down my spine. It was so cold and evil.

"Like I would ever tell you!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs at him. All the pent up anger and frustration stayed etched in my tone.

He gestured with his hand to his men, and they moved immediately into the inner rooms to search for the Gaiters, and I feared that they'd magically find them inside somehow, but they came out with a negative result.

"Hmm." He hummed, and walked further into the dining room.

With his hand, he gestured for two of his men to get me.

"No no no." I chanted in panic. I turned on my heels ready to run even though it was a foolish move on my path, because, where the fuck would I run to that I wouldn't get caught?

I had not even taken two steps, before I felt strong hands grab my arms, and pull me back, simultaneously turning me with great force to face the devil himself.

He took in the state of the still warm food that Sam had already set on the table, and his sharp black eyes turned on me.

"It would be of your best interest, if you tell me where they are." He said as he neared me.

"Never." I said through gritted teeth. He could kill me, or even torture me for all I cared, but I would never tell him where they were.

He walked closer to me, every step daunting, and sending horror waves through me. I tried to fight against the restrictions of the men, but I wasn't half as strong.

When he got close enough that we were now just a few inches apart, I could now make out his sharp jaw line. A few stubbles adorned his chin.

He stared down at me, and said,

"I tried to do this the nice way."

Before lifting his right leg and drawing out a sharp silver dagger from his boot.

I swallowed at the sight, but I still didn't budge. Was he going to use that on me? Was he going to hurt me this time? He never hurt me before, so I was wondering.

His men released me and left my side like he had given them an unspoken command.

I on the other hand started moving backwards, but with everyone step I took, he seemed to take an even bigger one. With every step, he was closer. It seemed like he was enjoying every bit of this, while I on the other hand was scared as fuck.

When my back eventually hit a wall, the blood in my face drained, and I suddenly felt light headed.

It was a dead end. There was no escape anymore.

"You see this?" He showed me the dagger by carelessly dangling it in front of my face.

"It would hurt you even more than any normal dagger." He paused, only to stare lovingly at the shinning silver blade, before his sharp eyes snapped back to me.

"You know why? Because silver hurts more." It felt to me like he was talking to a four year old child, trying to teach the child what not. Trying to make the child understand.

Out of fear and dread as the blade flashed in my eyes, I remained mute, internally shaking with sobs.

Even if I died, I would die a happy woman, knowing that the Gaiters made it out alive.

"Now, you would tell me where they are. You're not doing them any good by keeping mute, so you'll tell me where they are." He didn't sound like he was asking, he sounded like he was commanding.

"Never. Go to hell!" I screamed in his face, and he didn't even look one bit fazed.