Chapter 3 Pathetic

A Lot Of Gore In This Chapter, Read At Your Own Risk.

Before I could blink, he stabbed into my left shoulder with the dagger, and it came out from the back. My scream was so loud and I was surprised that it didn't wake up the dead.

The searing hot pain was unlike anything I had ever felt. It felt as though my shoulder was being stabbed repeatedly by heated dagger. He withdrew the dagger from my shoulder, and It took a while before I stopped screaming bloody murder. Warm liquid trickled down my arm and left breast.

"Tell me where they are."

I lifted my head which was suddenly too heavy for me to carry, and I mustered every single hatred harboured inside me for the past five years into my eyes, making sure he could tell just how much I despised him.

And then, I spat in his face,


Without any warning, he stabbed the dagger back into my shoulder, in that same spot, and I screamed and trashed until I could no longer hear my voice. He dragged the dagger further down my arm without taking it out, and I whimpered. My voice was lost. It was so painful. Never had I experienced such pain, not even in my heart.

"Please." I begged pathetically.

"Now you plead?" He leaned in and whispered in my ear.

"Where are they?"

"I don't know, I swear." My head sagged to the side. The burning feeling in my arm hurt like hell.

A loud growl emitted from him, scaring the hell out of me. My head snapped up with a force, and I was met with pure black eyes. Even the white of his eyes were black. The growl. It sounded animalistic. Like that of a wild wolf or something even worse. If not that I had felt the vibration of his body, I would have thought that we all were under attack by wild wolves.

"You dare lie to me?!" He sounded so fucking pissed, and I gulped harshly, pushing further into the wall. He couldn't be human. Then what was he?

He looked like he would have hurt me really bad. I would have preferred that, but the worse happened, the wall I was leaning on started moving.

He got distracted by it, while I managed to move away from it before I fell.

Oh no. Tell me this is not happening.

How did I manage to blow this up? This was the same place the Gaiters had passed.

Oh no.

I looked back at him when the wall opened completely, making a way, and just then, he looked back down at me with a sneer on his face.

"It wasn't that hard was it!?" He snapped at me with his lips pulled apart, showing his sharp white teeth.

"Go, search for them." He said to his men, and two of them brushed passed a weak me. I tried going after them, but a sudden pull on my hair stopped me, and my unhurt hand reached up to grab his own holding a hand full of my hair roughly.

I let out a scream.

"Please stop them." I pleaded, and I was suddenly yanked against his body. My back flushed completely to his rock hard front.

"Put it in mind, you're the cause of their demise, all of them." Just after he whispered that into my ear, hot breath brushing the sensitive skin of my neck sending involuntary shivers through me, he threw me across the room by my hair, and I landed on the dinning table. The table shattered upon the sudden force and my weight. I let out a loud pained scream. Fire all over. Everywhere hurt.

I stayed limp on the broken table and in a pool of wasted food all over, and possibly my blood. A wood was poking at my back from under, but I couldn't even move. I was suddenly feeling so light headed.

"Pathetic." He breathed, glaring straight at me with completely black eyes.

"You're lucky I was asked not to kill you, if not, you would have been dead by now." He sneered at me, and I felt a cold shudder zap through me.

I didn't know how long it was, but eventually, a scared and teary Sam was pushed out of the secret passage like Mr Gaiter had called it, and she fell with a loud thud on the ground, followed by Chloe who was trashing wildly in the arms of the man that had pushed her mother.

I tried to get up, I tried to move, but I could not, everywhere hurt so bad.

My vision was dim.

The second man stepped out, and I gasped at what he held in his bloody grasp.

Mr Gaiters head. More tears clouded my vision, and I suddenly found it hard to breathe.

"He was being stubborn, so I had to kill him." The guard spoke in a monotone to the devil himself.

"Either way, he would have died." He shrugged heartlessly in a response.

"Let me have my daughter!" Sam cried out at the guard who still kept a firm grip on a struggling Chloe.

"Please good sir, let me have my daughter, please." She pleaded with a stream of tears running down her face, to the devil himself.

He walked over to where she sat helplessly, and squatted in front of her.

"You will." He said to her, and I watched sceptically, as hope blossomed in Sam's eyes.

"But in the after life." He added, and that hope died out in her eyes as quickly as it came.

"No." She sobbed, shaking her head vigorously.

"Kill her." The devil himself said with the most emotionless voice ever, and it happened so fast, Sam's head was cut clean from her neck by one of the armoured men from behind her. Blood splattered on the devil himself's black cloak, and he didn't seem to care. It wasn't visible anyway, or was my vision affected?

"No!" I screamed loudly. The pain was too much.

Chloe's loud cries cut to the deepest part of my heart.

"Mommy!" She yelled, trying to fight the guards grip even harder, and reach for her mother's lifeless body laying limply on the floor.

I managed to sit up despite the dizziness I felt. Warm blood continued to trickle down my shoulder.

"This is taking too long, kill the little girl, and let's be out of here."


I screamed, and tried to get up to my feet, but I just could not. My bones felt like jelly. Pain and anguish was all I felt.

"Please, no. I'll do anything. Anything. Just don't kill her." I pleaded.

He walked over to me, and squatted. Even if he was squatting, he was still towering me.

"Please." I pleaded, despite feeling suffocated by his sharp gaze on me.

"Kill her!" He yelled out, staring straight into my eyes. Maybe because I hadn't looked too hard before, but I could see anger, hatred and something else in his eyes.

My widened eyes moved to Chloe who was already staring at me with terrified eyes.

"Sera!" She screamed, and just then, her throat was slit, and I watched the life exit her eyes.

My eyes twitched, and I suddenly felt my breath constrict. I didn't know how I felt. My head felt light, and before I knew what was happening, I gave in to the darkness within, calling me.

"Pathetic." His deep voice still managed to sip through my subconsciousness, and after that, nothing.