Chapter 8 Vampires aren't real

Seraphina didn't realize it when a tear slipped down her face. She didn't realize it when a choked sob escaped her lips.

She also didn't realize it when everyone's attention rested on her.

"You don't like the food so much that it's making you cry?" The King's voice brought Seraphina to the present, and when she looked up to see everyone staring, she didn't bother to hide her tears or stop them from flowing.

"Why?" She breathed out still caught up in her emotions.

"I'm sorry, you would have to be more specific as to what you're asking." He stated.

"Why me? Why did he kill all of them?" Seraphina seemed to be going through a moment of shock as she couldn't even think straight.

A long sigh came from the king.

"Everybody out." His tone of voice left no room for argument. Everyone left except Tara who stayed rooted to her chair, and the king didn't seem to mind.

"Seraphina, I know you don't know why you're here. I also am aware that you don't know who I am, and you don't know what all this is about, but I'll start with the simple part which is the introduction of myself."

He said staring straight at her.

Seraphina's ears perked up, ready to take informations to her brain and have them processed. She didn't tell them her name, but she wasn't surprised that they knew it. Maybe Cinthia had told them, she concluded.

"I'm king Nicholas Sean and this very beautiful woman sitting beside me is Tara Sean, my soulmate and Queen." His eyes found Tara and Seraphina was surprised at how his stone features melted and a look of pure love and adoration took over but it only last for a few seconds seeing as he turned back to stare at her again.

"A soulmate? Is it real? When you find that one person that you just know you can't do without? That one person that completes you?"

She asked looking thrilled and very invested in the topic of mates.

"Yes. I'm glad that you know about soulmates and I don't have to explain it to you. Ampular did me good by giving this beauty beside me as my soulmate." He spared a loving glance at Tara once again.

"You flatter me, Kole." Tara slapped his arm playfully with her hand, her face was as red as a tomato. This Tara contrasted so much to the Tara of seconds ago who had on an emotionless mask.

"I'm happy for you both." Seraphina sighed dreamily. She knew she couldn't really have love. A soulmate? Nah...she was sure whoever Ampular was had it out for her real bad. She couldn't blame her though, she could just end up getting her soulmate killed too. Who was Ampular by the way? She didn't bother voicing out her thoughts feeling like it wasn't the right time.

"Thank you." Tara smiled a bit at her before going back to being emotionless. The king on the other hand stared at Seraphina with his piercing red orbs with gold flecks in them.

"This kingdom on which this beautiful castle is built is SE-DIA, the land of BLOOD. The home of the original vampires."

SE-DIA, Seraphina was sure she had heard about the kingdom. She was very sure. And she was also very sure that it was far away from Tijja saan where she had been living in before being kidnapped and brought here. Very very far away.

"Vampires aren't real." She blurted. They we're real. They couldn't be real. But she wouldn't be shocked if they were, she had seen enough of abnormal things that knowing vampires were real would be just an icing on the cake for her.

"But soulmates are?" Tara cocked a brow up at her in questioning. Her voice as quiet but as firm as always.

"I mean, soulmates are..... it's a natural thing."

"But vampires aren't a 'natural thing'?" King Nicholas asked with his tone laced with slight amusement.

"I guess not." She shrugged.

"Oh darling, they very much are." Tara leaned on the table, crossing her arms on it.

"I don't believe that." Seraphina scoffed out. They could be real, but she couldn't bring herself to just believe it.

"Well, that can be changed." Just as king Nicholas said that, he smiled at her, but it wasn't just a friendly smile, it was one were his fangs were on full display.

Seraphina swallowed hard at their sharpness. It really was real. Why wasn't she scared out of her widths? She just wasn't surprised or shocked and she wondered why. Why did it feel like she already knew that they were in existence? Why did it feel like this wasn't new to her. Could they be a part of her lost memories? No. He ran his tongue over his fangs and then retracted them.

"You believe now don't you? I didn't quite tag you as the 'seeing is believing' type." Tara cocked her head to the side.

"I'm not." There was a slight tremor in her voice, but she tried to appear strong although on the inside, she was terrified, broken, confused and all those other negative emotions anyone in her shoes would feel.

"Hm." Tara hummed.

"Wh-why am I here in SE-DIA?" Her voice stuttered out.

"First things first, Seraphina. One step after another. All your questions would be answered in due time but first, let us honour the formalities, shall we?" King Nicholas flashed a smile that didn't reach his eyes her way.

"What is your name?" Tara asked.

"You guys already know that." She shrugged.

"I meant your real name." She repeated.

Seraphina frowned at her.

"My real name is Seraphina." She insisted.


Tara asked with a raised brow.

"I don't really have a last name." She shrugged yet again.

"And why is that?" Tara seemed not in the least surprised as she asked this.

"I just don't."

"You really don't remember anything?" Tara's gaze suddenly turned to that of concern.

"Wh-what do you mean?" She asked, staring warily at them.

"Your memories, you still haven't gotten them back?"

Tara stood from her seat, and moved around the table to sit on the edge of it very close to Seraphina who had a confused and shocked look on her face.