Chapter 9 Accusations

"How-how do you know that I have lost memories?" Seraphina asked with a wary look on her face.

"Let's just say that we were a part of those memories." Tara shrugged like she was talking about her best color.

"Wh-what? We?"

Saying she was confused would be an understatement.

"The vampires and other species are a part of your lost memories. It was blocked actually. The spell Cat put was supposed to have worn off, how come you don't remember anything from then still? I thought you were pretending."

Seraphina swallowed hard. She was finding it hard to process every word that escaped Tara's lips. It all felt like she didn't even know anything about herself. Like these people knew more about her life than she did.

"I know you find this hard to process, but I'll put a call across to Cat so she can come check to see why you still haven't regained them at all." Tara ensured her.

Seraphina opened her mouth to say something, but no words came out. She was still in shock. Could Tara be speaking the truth?

"Take your time in processing all these." She said in an attempt to ease some of Seraphina's confusion. She stood from the edge of the table before sparing a glance at King Nicholas.

"I think we should let her process the new information and become one with it before we tell her more to avoid a break down from her part." Immediately she said that, she turned around and left the room.

Seraphina's eyes stayed stuck to the table, but her mind was somewhere far away.

"Cinthia would come to accompany you back to your room." The king stated before standing to his feet and walking out of the dinning hall.

Immediately he walked out, Cinthia came in as if she had been waiting for that moment.

"Are you okay?" Cinthia's voice was that of concern as she crouched beside Seraphina, placing her palm on her shoulder.

Seraphina inhaled and exhaled slowly, trying to calm her nerves and thoughts, before turning to Cinthia with a look of accusation on her face.

"You're a vampire too?" Her voice was sharp and shaky.

Cinthia shrugged, before giving a small nod.

"And you didn't tell me?" Her voice mirrored that of hurt, and Cinthia looked taken aback by the emotion in her tone.

"What?" She asked with her eyes wide like a deer caught in headlight.

"I thought you said I was your friend?"

"Well, I did, I mean-" Cinthia started to say, but was caught off by Seraphina who was being extra emotional.

"Why didn't you tell me then, aren't friends supposed to tell each other everything?"

Every information she had received only that day seemed to have messed with her brain.

She knew she wasn't in a position to accuse her, but she just couldn't help it. She felt slight betrayal that Cinthia wasn't human and didn't tell her, but also knew that it wasn't her fault. She would have laughed in her face and called her a joker anyway.

"Excuse me missy, I will not let you guilt trip me like that. If I recall correctly, you also didn't just up and tell me all about your life, did you?" Cinthia's stare was probing as she started at Seraphina who was beginning to feel stupid.

Cinthia was right and she was wrong. She looked away feeling extremely stupid, and as Cinthia was about to say something else, some maids came in and started clearing the dining table.

"Come on." Cinthia stood to her feet, offering her hand to Seraphina. When Seraphina took it albeit reluctantly, she pulled her along with her out of the dining hall.

"Where are you taking me?" Seraphina asked seeing as they weren't going the way they had come.

"I want to show you around the castle, so you wouldn't get lost like yesterday." She answered, her hand still holding Seraphina's wrist in a firm grip.

"Oh." Was the only word that left Seraphina's mouth, as she followed beside Cinthia.

The castle was a really big one, Seraphina had come to realize. She hadn't even been shown half of it, and she was already exhausted.

"Can we continue some other time? My legs are killing me." She complained, pulling her self up against a wall whilst breathing heavily like she ran a marathon.

"We surely can. I forgot that you are human, have a very severe arm and shoulder injury and slight body pains, and you also are very unfit. Shouldn't have over walked you like that, my apologies." Cinthia bowed looking very sincere. Seraphina couldn't help how she scrunched her face up.

"Did you like just apologize and insult me all at once?"

"I didn't insult you, I was only stating the obvious reasons why you could possibly be tired when I haven't even broken a sweat." Cinthia shrugged nonchalantly.

"Really? Not even a sweat?"

"Nope. My body metabolism helps me stay fit. As a vampire, I can never be unfit because blood is never too much when consumed, and human food does nothing to my body and despite that, I have to train five hours every day."

"Show off." Seraphina scoffed with a small laugh, and a roll to her eyes, making Cinthia chuckle.

"I bet you, I am." She admitted.

Seraphina folded her arms underneath her bossom albeit some difficulties. It hurt like hell, and she couldn't hold back a wince.

"This hurts like a bitch!" She let out a small cry unfolding her arms.

"You should have been healed with no scratch left by Queen Tara, but your body rejected her blood. Tara's blood can heal anyone and anything, but you, and that's saying something."

Cinthia leaned up against the opposite wall, staring straight into Seraphina's eyes.

"Why am I like this? Does it mean I'm not normal?"

"Something like that." Cinthia shrugged a little.

"But nothing to bother yourself with for now."

She added.

"I have a lot of questions. A lot." Seraphina swallowed to suit her parched throat.

"I know. Bring it on, I'll answer what I can and what I can't, the king and queen would be your best option." Cinthia pushed her right foot up and backwards to rest on the wall she was leaning on.