Chapter 23 Orge Is No Land Of The Living

I turned around trying to find a way out or find who had spoken, but I couldn't even decipher to whom the voice belonged to, talk more of find them. I was clueless. All I knew was that I was in the middle of an unfamiliar and thick forest all alone, except I counted the invincible person to whom the voice belonged to, and the possible wild animals that would want to feed on me. I was doomed! I was going to die! That is if I wasn't already dead. I didn't feel dead, was I supposed to feel dead? How does it feel to be dead?

I looked around again until my eyes landed on the single path once again. It was my only option, and I was already exploring it. It was freezing cold out here, and I had to rub my hands up and down my arms to provide the littlest bit of friction hence, warmth. Wait, my arm and shoulder didn't hurt anymore.