Chapter 26 The Dark You

"It doesn't have to be all bad. Accept who you are and let your bad and good side coexist. Everyone has their bad and good sides."

"Unfortunately, mine is worse." Seraphina muttered sadly.

"You can never be whole if you do not get your memories back. They entail a lot of things. In your memories, a lot of YOU is hidden. Find your memories, and you'll find you and free you. When you get your memories, you get to connect with your other half which is your dark side. You will need it because the race isn't meant for a weakling." Maria deadpanned.

"Hey!" Seraphina called out. "I'm not a weakling!" She yelled out in defense. How could she call her that?

"You are a weakling, my dear. Without your dark side, without that DARK YOU, that's what you are; a weakling. Accept yourself for who you are, and things will fall in place."