Chapter 27 Kept In The Dark

Seraphina blinked at her as she took in all the informations dished out to her.

How come she never knew about these so called five lands that were interested in her presence in the castle? 

"Five lands? What are those? Tara never mentioned the king of Dragons being concerned with me." 

She frowned.

Could this mean that they indeed were lying to her, like Maria had hinted?

Could this be that she was being kept in the dark? Were they hiding her from the reality of how things really were? Were they pretending to have her best interest at heart? 

She couldn't understand why the Dragon king would be concerned with her. Okay, maybe she could understand that it could be as a result of her existence being dangerous to him and his people. But why would her unconsciousness bring everyone to a state of unrest? Weren't they supposed to be happy that the curse was finally getting out of the way?