Chapter 32 Protective

It had been four days since the heated conversation they had had in her room in the middle of the night, and they rarely ever crossed paths. It was like he didn't live in the castle. The only few times they had crossed paths, he blatantly ignored her like she wasn't a person, even when she tried to talk to him. 

Seraphina would never have imagined being the one wanting to talk to him. She had imagined that she'd be the one trying to avoid him at all cost, but it seemed to be the other way around. 

She needed an answer so bad. She had asked him a question, and his harsh response left her even more curious. Were they soulmates?

She ducked down behind the shed when Ian's gaze flirted her way. His eyes looked like they were searching for something or someone, like he had sensed her, while her heart beat rapidly in her chest. She didn't let him see her, because she didn't want to come off as a stalker or a creep who stared at people from the shadows.