Chapter 31 Are We Soulmates?

Seraphina whimpered, shaking her head in disagreement to his words. She was still suspended in the air, and holding on to his shoulders sounded like the most logical thing to do to keep herself safe. What if she let go of him, and then he decided to slam her against a wall, or lead her body which seemed to not be in her control anymore, right into the fire place to get burned? A bit too much of assumptions there, I know.

But she wasn't one to trust so easily ever since she met Maria.

"Put me down." She pleaded.

"Please." She swallowed when his eyes narrowed at her.

"Did you meet Maria during your time unconscious?" 

He questioned lowly, his eyes not leaving hers.

Seraphina struggled to blink back her tears. Why was he so interested in knowing if she met Maria? She didn't want to tell him but on the other hand, she didn't want to test his patience.

"My question is meant to be answered, and fast." His tone of voice was that of warning.