Chapter 37 Chronicles Of The Redeemer

She shook her head, bringing herself back into reality. 

The fact that he didn't stare at her like he wanted to kill her or act rude to her or say mean things to her just this once didn't mean that he suddenly grew a liking to her. 

He was unpredictable. He obviously knew that she was lying about not stalking him by saying she was just passing through, but he didn't call her out on it. He didn't suspend her up in the air like he had done the last time she lied to him. She wasn't a good lie detector, but she wouldn't have believed herself too. That lie had been too obvious. Why didn't he get mad? Why didn't he look angry? What changed?


Seraphina's fingers skimmed over the thick backs of the books lined up on a shelf in the castle library. A particular book was on her mind, but it was taking longer than necessary to find it. Tara had said that it was in the library.