Chapter 39 Let Her In

"I'm not normal, but I love it," He turned to stare at her with his piercing gaze.

Seraphina turned to stare at him in surprise, only to find him already staring at her, with a piercing look in his eyes. The Ian of some moments ago was gone, swiftly replaced by his former self.

"It makes me immune to a lot of things." His eyes raked up and down her form, and she sure didn't need for anyone to tell her that he was referring to her curse.

"She can be quite persuasive, can't she?" He asked after a while of silence, staring unrelentingly all over Seraphina's face.



He stated. 

A look of realization crossed Seraphina's face.

"You heard?" He most definitely couldn't have heard Maria's voice because it was inside her head. It had to be her replies to Maria.

He stood up from beside her, only to stand in front of her. He placed both hands on the bed beside her, successfully caging her in.