Chapter 43 Ice Spitters

Her mate placed a hand atop her thigh and if she was wise enough, she would know that it was a silent warning. It wasn't ideal to poke at the redeemer's patience on something so crucial and sensitive.

"Shut it, Kayla." Tara's tone of voice was stern, and Kayla rolled her eyes in return but chose wisely to listen.

"Do you have any idea what your allegations can do to the supernatural world?" King Falkor asked.

"They're not allegations, Falkor."

"Then prove it." 

"I had a little chat with the curse, and she opened up to me, she told how she felt towards the redeemer." Cat paused, letting everyone digest the first batch of the information. That was supposed to be confidential.

Seraphina felt her face turn a bright shade of red at Cat's words. Everyone turned to stare at her, and she hoped that they think that the reason why her face had turned red was because she had been hit on the face.