Chapter 44 Sigeals

She felt her heart pound in her chest when all eyes turned to stare at her. She didn't know why, but there was a conviction deep within her that Luna wasn't the problem. She didn't know where the boldness came from, all she knew was that she was bold enough to talk all of a sudden. She had been standing and silently watching how her life was being discussed in front of her like she wasn't a person. She had something to say now, and say she must.

"What if you all have it all wrong? What if Luna doesn't want a war? What if she just wants her people? What if she just wants the due respect and acknowledgement that she deserves?"

The silence that stretched as everyone watched her curiously was deafening.

"I'm not saying that she is good or anything. I'm only saying what I feel is right. Queen Tara is right, we should find Luna and plead with her to lift the curse."