Chapter 53 What Is Mine

He had his silvery blonde hair tied back in a bun, with some strands falling down his forehead and face. His long lashes grazed his cheek bones ever so slightly whenever he blinked.

The all black attire he had on showed off his mouth watering muscles and she swallowed.

Just then, he turned his gaze on her, and their eyes met, blue clashing against black.

Seraphina looked away almost immediately with a blush tinting her cheeks. 

"I can see that things improved between the both of you." Tara whispered to her in order for the two men beside them to not hear, but it wasn't like it actually worked. 

Seraphina could bet that most people in the room heard, I mean it was a hall filled with supernatural beings who had heightened hearings.

Seraphina was shocked to know that Tara had been watching them.

"I wouldn't say improve. He treats me like I'm a child who needs guidance." Seraphina grunted lowly, making Tara chuckle.