Chapter 54 Tempting Punishments

Beads of sweat formed on her forehead, as she struggled to keep her opponent's sword from tearing into the flesh of her neck, with her own sword. 

Her opponent looked very determined to create a dent on her flawless skin. Her blue eyes clashed against their brown ones, and she clenched her teeth together, feeling how her strength slowly slipped away. It was a miracle that she could hold off a vampire for so long.

Was she going to die? Ian wouldn't allow that right? Why wasn't he saying anything? Why wasn't he stopping her opponent from pushing harder?

For the past two weeks, Ian had subjected her to the most brutal combat and sword trainings there was. Just a week ago, he finally deemed her fit to train with an actual sword, and he started bringing in opponents who of course always ended up beating her like it was the easiest thing they'd ever done. Of course it was.