Chapter 60 Finally Whole

Her eyes flashed open with a jolt. For a while, she remained laying with her back on the bed and with her eyes staring unblinkingly up at the ceiling.

Had the ceiling always been white and old looking? 

The slam of the door had her attention drawn towards it, and her expressionless gaze turned to stare unblinkingly at Ian as he walked inside. He looked frustrated. Haven not realized that she was awake yet, his fingers rummaged through his silvery blonde locks, before he yanked at it in frustration.

A shaky hand took a hold of a bottle of whiskey in it, and he poured some contents into the glass cup on the table in front of him.

"You're awake." It was more of a statement. Typical Ian. He didn't even turn around to see if it was true, he just said it.

His voice was low and hoarse. He brought the glass cup of alcohol to his lips, and he drank it all in one goal. He didn't even look affected by the sting of the alcohol.