Chapter 61 Do You Fear Me?

"Good luck about that."

He shrugged, not looking one bit fazed by her words.

Seraphina glared at his back which was turned to her. The guts of him to behave so un-bothered, like her words meant nothing to him.

"Where are you going?" She asked, proceeding to push her body to the edge of the bed, letting her feet dangle down the side of it and above the floor.

Ian who had opened the door about to leave turned to stare at her.

"Why do you ask?" He cocked a brow up in askance.

Seraphina frowned, and looked away from him. Why did she ask? It wasn't because she cared, she was sure about that, because suddenly she didn't care about him anymore. Or maybe she was lying to herself.

"Just....make sure you close the door behind you." She puffed her cheeks out, staring down at her fingers, and nibbling on her lower lip with her teeth.