Chapter 63 Valerie

"You are doing a really great job getting on my nerves." She gritted out, trying to compose her self.

"You're being petty, Sera." Ian came to a halt in front of her.

"Oh, now I'm being petty?" 

"Yes. I told you the simple truth and it doesn't seem to sit well with you, and your're being petty about it all." 

Seraphina had a look of disbelief on her face.


"Yes, really." 

She sighed, letting her glaring eyes stay trained on him. She then unstrapped her bag, letting it fall to the ground.

"I'm not going with you to the castle because I want to join in the fight, cooperate with my enemies or whatever, I'm going there with you so that I can free those prisons who were kept simply because of the powers they wield just like I was." She stated in a dead serious tone.

"Powers they abuse, you mean?" Ian cocked a brow up at her.

"However you choose to put it, I don't care."