Chapter 64 Delusional

"But she called you that." 

"One of the reasons I almost killed her, what are you doing here, Valerie?" 

Valerie turned to glare at him.

"Call my name with some ounce of respect, will you?" 

Her glares turned even more intense.

Ian scoffed, taking slow steps towards her.

"Respect?" He scoffed once again.

"Yes, respect." She affirmed.

He came to a halt in front of her, towering over her short height.

"You were the one who attacked me just now and you talk of respect?" His pure black eyes glinted at the reflection of the sun in them.

"You were going to kill her." She countered.

"I wasn't. If I wanted to kill her, you would have met her dead already, Valerie. Your arrival would have been too late, just too late. Now tell me, did Ampular send you here?" 

"Of course not!" She exclaimed with a frown.

"Then why are you here?" 

"Can't I come to see my lover anymore?"