Chapter 88 A Regime Where Dark Magic Will Rule

"Your armies are almost ready, your highness. They're spread far and wide, growing in all kingdoms on earth like a virus." 

A man with shaggy brown hair and a sinister smile on his face bowed to a figure clad in a white cloak and a hood shielding their face.

"The time is nigh."

The voice came from the figure clad in white cloak, and a series of choruses were heard. Choruses of agreement. 

"The time for my rule, the time where we will no longer have to hide. It'll be a new regime. A regime where dark magic will rule." The voice was as smooth as oil on a smooth surface, and as sweet as something that had never been heard. No one could tell if it was the voice of a man or a woman. No one could tell if the person was male or female. Black long and straight hair flowed from underneath the white hood.