Chapter 89 A Strange Man


I turned swiftly on my heels and the sight that I was met with had me surprised.

How was it possible?

I watched with wide eyes as the wide gash on Amra's neck closed completely, leaving a clear skin in it's place, and a few seconds later, her eyes shot open with a gasp.

Jacques stayed frozen beside her, while everyone stared in shock. 

How could she come back to life?

"What just happened?" Cinthia breathed.

"She came back to life, clearly." Tara squinted her eyes at Amra who struggled up to a sitting position. Jacques was too out of it to assist her. 

"Oh deities." Cinthia looked as white as a chalk.

I had never seen something like this before except once. Once a very long time ago. No, she couldn't be. I only knew one person who couldn't be killed just like that. Even if their heart was stabbed, they were going to come back alive, and she just couldn't be.