Chapter 106 Heartbeat

"I think something is wrong with my eyes, they're getting dimmer." I slurred even more.

"I never knew that I could feel dizzy while dead, this is a first." My head lulled to the side.

"You love me?" Adrian repeated his question, looking like he was finding it difficult to accept, and needed my confirmation.

"Yeah. Was I not clear when I said it before? I love you, Adrian Camacho." 

My body swayed limply to the side, but he caught me in his arms and helped me lie back down. On the other hand, my eyes shut close, but I was still conscious.

"I love you too." He whispered in my ear, and the tip of his nose ran down my neck. His reciprocation of my feelings even though it was while we were dead, made me happy.

"Your breath tickles, do it again." I chuckled uncontrollably with my eyes closed. 

For a while, I just felt him stare, doing nothing, and I tried opening my eyes, but I couldn't.